Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!yale!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26!Jack.O'keeffe From: Jack.O' (Jack O'keeffe) Newsgroups: misc.handicap Subject: Re: STUPIDITY Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Apr 91 22:10:03 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Jack.O' Organization: FidoNet node 1:129/26 - SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA Lines: 67 Approved: Index Number: 14983 V> Did you ever notice that just as your in one of those phases Hi Vix! Last Thursday I had been invited to speak to a group of seniors in Ohio about coping with hearing loss. At the end, one asked me if deaf people are allowed to drive cars. For real! I was quite proud of myself for keeping my cool, since there was no malice intended. It was a serious question - off the wall, but serious. I just explained that most places they simply endorse our license to require side mirrors. Interestingly, the proposed ATBCB "guidelines" for the ADA does address the subject of ATM access for blind people. Comment on the guidelines closes tomorrow. I sure hope everyone got their licks in on time, I know I did. V> where life seems okay and people nice, despite handicaps and V> health problems, then out of the clear blue will come some V> stupid abled person to throw the monkey wrench in the machinery? V> V> . Today, I go to Bank of America where I am a "long" time V> customer with both personal and business accounts, attended by V> room mate who will be endorsing a check over to me which I will V> then deposit into my business account. V> Everything is going smoothly, when this new teller decides, for V> whatever reason, that my signature made before her on the V> deposit slip is a little different looking than it is on the V> back of my automatic teller card. For those of you who don't V> know, "I am blind for crying out loud!!" My signature probably V> looks somewhat different every time I sign it! V> So, as if that isn't enough, she leans into my microphone and V> says, "Well, how you can use teller machine?" (She spoke with an V> Asian accent.) In effect, she was suggesting that because I am V> blind I would not be able to use an Automatic teller machine and V> therefore there was a good chance that the Aurtomatic teller V> card was not mine! V> Now, some of you who know that I can be quite emotional at V> times, might be surprised to know that I "Generally" have no V> problems with peoples misconceptions and perceptions concerning V> my disabilities and will even go out of my way to educate V> others. BUT!!!!! This is the kind of stupidity that just drives V> me right up the wall! Can you imagine, a bank teller suggesting V> that you may be using someone elses bank card because you are V> blind and therefore could'nt possibly use an Automatic Teller V> machine!!!! As I write this, I am still smoldering and highly V> tempted to file a complaint with the Operations Manager at the V> Branch! Still, she was a new teller and I generally like people, V> and hopefully venting it here will get it out of my system! V> V> Where in the heck do some people come up with this stuff???? V> Grrrrrrrrrr!!!! V> Keepin' the faith! V> V> V> . Vixen V> V> V> --- TBBS v2.1/NM V> * Origin: Broken Rose - Like Hell I Can't (203/11) ... Xpress Yourself! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26!Jack.O'keeffe Internet: Jack.O'