Newsgroups: sci.electronics Path: utzoo!henry From: (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: Programming ROM/EPROM/PLA/etc Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1991 16:37:49 GMT References: <> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology In article <> (STEPHEN POLKOWSKI) writes: > I would like to develop my own eprom programmer using a 68000 family pro >cessor. My question is: where does one find the specs for programming memory c >hips? Do the manufactures publish specs on how to program their chips? ... For EPROMs, unlike PALs, the datasheets include programming specs, so you want to get some EPROM datasheets. EPROM programming is pretty easy. -- And the bean-counter replied, | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology "beans are more important". | utzoo!henry