Xref: utzoo sci.edu:1381 sci.med:24834 sci.bio:4945 sci.misc:5024 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!rpi!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!cs.uoregon.edu!ogicse!qiclab!percy!m2xenix!quagga!hippo!spel From: spel@hippo.ru.ac.za (Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse) Newsgroups: sci.edu,sci.med,sci.bio,sci.misc Subject: Re: Medical Schools in Spain Keywords: Medical Education Spain Message-ID: Date: 5 May 91 10:26:56 GMT References: Sender: usenet@quagga.ru.ac.za (Rhodes University NNTP server) Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Lines: 104 In guerra@spocom.UUCP (Robert Guerra) writes: >I'd like to know if anyone reading this might be able to give me a hand >. I would like to obtain information on the medical education which is >offered by the universities in Spain. I seem to be unable to find any >information here locally, and thus my message. > >I would like to know if anyone might be able to answer the following >questions: > > 1. Are there any spanish medical faculty which read messages on > this net What one can do is look into the maps/databases of internet (.SP ?) BITNET and UUCP to find if there are any Medical Schools listed. I know there were some on BITNET but that is now three years ago, since I left Germany. > 2. Of the numerous medical colleges in spain, which are rated >better than others. I am not impressed with them anyway. They are not any better/worse then the German ones (I studied in Germany). This doesn't really matter, anyway. (See below) > 3. What is the quality of spanish continuing medical education No idea. > 4. Will a spanish medical degree obtained after 92 allow one to >practice in any other of the european community member countries? This is obvious: All Medical Degrees obtained from a Medical School in the European Community are by law recognised in all member states. All Citizens of any member states are allowed to practise in any of the member states as if they were citizens of that particular state. Anyway the borders between the member states will fall in 1993 or so anyway. > I'm posting this message for a friend who has recently graduated >with an Honours Bsc physiology/Pharmacology degree and is looking into >studying in spain (has dual canadian/spanish nationality). I am quite sure no spanish (or german for that matter :-)-O) degree will be recognized in Canada without further examination. The quality of the medical schools do not really matter for the reason that if one wants to go back to the US/Canada one will have to take and pass the ECFMG or the Canadian equivalent. As one knows that, one can hit the books right from the beginning properly in order to pass thoses tests. With the pass it doesn't really matter how good one actually is in practical matters, but one is the considered aceptable as far as knowledge is concerned as a graduate from a US medical school. Personally I would strongly advise to obtain entry in a Canadian medical school. I think they all are much better then the ones in Europe with the exception of UK and Ireland. By no means do I want to belittle any medical schools in spain with this note. Please don't flame me. I know what I am talking about ! I have been working with colleagues from 30 different countries here in Namibia. The best Medical Schools are in my view (each line means same quality) Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, UK, Ireland USA, Canada, Hong Kong Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden (a year or two of heavy exposure jumps them/us up a line or two) Other European Community Countries, (Italy is the worst), Former East Germany Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, Singapore, are developing countries I have seen good people from. (Like EEC countries) The worst I have see come from the eastern European countries (rumania, Bulgaria, USSR), the Philippines and India. I have not seen anybody from SOuth America. > > Any help, and especially contacts in spain would be greatly >appreciated. > > Gracias, > Thanks, >Robert Guerra |Internet:robert.guerra%canrem.uucp@cs.toronto.edu > :guerra%spocom.uucp@cs.toronto.ca >Toronto, Canada|UUCP :lsuc!canrem!robert.guerra Again, please don't flame me, but send email, if you are unhappy with this personal opinion. regards, el -- Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse (spel@hippo.ru.ac.ZA) Katatura State Hospital (formerly extel@quagga.ru.ac.za) Private Bag 13215 (Real Soon Now ... el@lisse.NA) Windhoek, Namibia (no FTP yet. [This is Africa :-)-O])