Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!mintaka!ogicse!milton!hlab From: (Robert Jacobson) Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds Subject: Bibliography: Corrections Message-ID: <> Date: 5 May 91 18:50:02 GMT Article-I.D.: milton.1991May5.190511.12140 Sender: (Human Int. Technology Lab) Organization: Human Interface Technology Lab, Univ. of Wash., Seattle Lines: 642 Approved: Date: Thu, 10 Jan 91 23:41:01 EST From: [David Sturman] [MODERATOR'S NOTE: Gracious thanks to David Sturman of the MIT Media Lab for noting and offering corrections to the following errors in the posted bibliography. We are making changes now, but you may want to modify any copies in your own possession. -- Bob Jacobson] To all, Thanks for helping to compile the VR reference database. In looking through the references I noticed many errors. The most serious of which (to my mind) is the incorrect ordering and or spelling of author's names. Other errors include typos and missing information (like page numbers, etc.) I am submitting in this message, corrections and additional information to the references from papers of my group, and for papers that I have in my own file. At the end I have attached some new references to add to the database. I have submitted my references in the refer(1) format, a standard UNIX bibliographic format. I recommend that the database use this, or some other machine-parsable format to make things easier in the long run. There are utilities to manipulate (sort, search, etc.) records in the refer format and it is easy to write programs to massage the database (like pick out duplicates, etc.) In addition, EndNote, a popular Macintosh bibliographic database and formatter utility, reads and writes refer format databases. For each entry that I have a correction or addition to, I have put the entry as it currently appears in the database first, followed by my corrected refer(1) version of the reference. (Also, I think that the file "bibliography_original_10-90" has a lot of garbage characters at the beginning and end. Someone should check it out.) Thanks for taking care of this. Regards, -David Sturman Computer Graphics and Animation Group MIT Media Lab -------------------------------------------------- CORRECTIONS TO THE DATABASE FROM CG&A GROUP, MIT MEDIA LAB Correcting typos, misspellings, incorrect author order, missing information. Zeltzer, D., McKenna, M., Pieper, S., "Control of a Virtual Actor: The Roach," Proc. 1990 Symp. on Interactive Computer Graphics, Mar., 1990. %A M. McKenna %A S. Pieper %A D. Zeltzer %T Control of a Virtual Actor: The Roach %J Proc. 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics %O Snowbird, UT. %D March 25-28, 1990 %P 165-174 Sturman, D.J., Zeltzer, D., Pieper, S., "An Integrated Graphical Simulation Platform," Proc. of Graphics Interface 1989 %T An Integrated Graphical Simulation Platform %A David Zeltzer %A Steven Pieper %A David Sturman %J Proc. Graphics Interface '89 %C London, Ontario %D June 1989 %P 266-274 Pieper, S., Struman, D.J., Zeltzer, D., "Hands-on Interaction with Virtual Environments," Proc. 1989 Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology, Nov., 1989. %T Hands-On Interaction with Virtual Environments %A David Sturman %A David Zeltzer %A Steven Pieper %J Proc. UIST '89: ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGCHI Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology %C Williamsburg, VA %D Nov 13-15, 1989 %P 19-24 Pieper, S., Struman, D., Zeltzer, D., "The Use of Constraints in the bolio System," Course Notes: Implementing and Interacting with Realtime Microworlds, ACM SIGGRAPH '89, Aug., 1989. %T The Use of Constraints in the bolio System %A David Sturman %A David Zeltzer %A Steven Pieper %J Course Notes, Implementing and Interacting with Realtime Microworlds %O ACM SIGGRAPH 89. %C Boston, MA %D July 31, 1989 Zeltzer, D., Brett, C., Pieper, S., "Putting It All Together: An Integrated Package for Viewing and Editing 3-D Microworlds," Proc. 4th Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop, Oct. 8-9, 1987. %T Putting It All Together: An Integrated Package for Viewing and Editing 3D Mic roworlds %A Cliff Brett %A Steven Pieper %A David Zeltzer %J Proc. 4th Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, MA %D October 8-9, 1987 Zeltzer, D., Schroder, P., "Pathplanning inside BOLIO," Course Notes, Synthetic Actors, ACM SIGGRAPH, Aug., 1988. %T Path Planning in BOLIO %A Peter Schroeder %A David Zeltzer %J Course Notes, Synthetic Actors: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Animation %D August 2, 1988 %O ACM SIGGRAPH 88. %C Atlanta, GA Zeltzer, D., Sims, K., "A Figure Editor and Gait Controller for Task Level Animation," Course Notes: Synthetic Actors: The Impact of AI and Robotics on Animation, ACM SIGGRAPH '88, Aug., 1988. %T A Figure Editor and Gait Controller for Task Level Animation %A K. Sims %A D. Zeltzer %J Course Notes, Synthetic Actors: The Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on Computer Animation %O ACM SIGGRAPH 88. %C Atlanta, GA %D August 2, 1988 Zeltzer, D., Schroder, P., "The Virtual Erector Set: Dynamic Simulation with Linear Recursive Constraint Propagation," Proc. 1990 Symp. on Interactive Computer Graphics, Mar, 1990. %T The Virtual Erector Set: Dynamic Simulation with Linear Recursive Constraint Propagation %A Peter Schroeder %A David Zeltzer %J Computer Graphics %V 24 %N 2 %O Proc. 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Snowbird, UT. %D March 25-28, 1990 %P 23-31 Zeltzer, D., Johnson, M., "Motor Planning: Specifying and Controlling the Behavior of Autonomous Animated Agents," in preparation. %A Zeltzer, D. %A Johnson, M.B. %T Motor Planning: An Architecture for Specifying and Controlling the Behavior o f Virtual Actors %J The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation %V 2 %N 2 %I John Wiley & Sons Ltd. %O to appear Zeltzer, D., Knowledge-based Animation, 1983. %T Knowledge-based Animation %A D. Zeltzer %J Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGART Workshop on Motion %O Toronto, Canada. %D April 1983 %P 187-192 Zeltzer, D., "Motor Problem Solving for Three Dimensional Computer Animation," Proc. L'Imanginaire Numerique, May, 1987. %T Motor Problem Solving for Three Dimensional Computer Animation %A D. Zeltzer %J Proc. L'Imaginaire Numerique %O Saint-Etienne, France. %D May 14-16 1987 Zeltzer, D., "Towards an integrated view of 3-D computer animation," The Visual Computer, pp. 249-259, Dec., 1985. %T Towards an Integrated View of 3-D Computer Animation %A D. Zeltzer %J The Visual Computer %V 1 %N 4 %D December 1985 %P 249-259 %X Reprinted with revisions from Proc. Graphics Interface 85. Badler, N.I., Webber, B.L., "Animation from Instructions," pp. 51-93 in Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control and Animation of Articulated Figures, ed. N. Badler, B. Barsky and D. Zeltzer, MOragan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA (1991). %A Badler, N.I. %A Webber, B.L. %A Kalita, J. %A Esakov, J. %T Animation from Instructions %D 1991 %B Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control and Animation of Articulated Figures %E Badler, N. %E Barsky, B. %E Zeltzer, D. %I Morgan Kaufmann %C San Mateo, CA %P 51-93 Zeltzer, D., "Task Level Graphical Simulation: Abstraction, Representatin and Control," in Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control and Animation of Articulated Figures, ed. N. Badler, B. Barsky and D. Zeltzer, pp. 3-33, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA 1991. %A Zeltzer, D. %T Task Level Graphical Simulation: Abstraction, Representation and Control %D 1991 %B Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control and Animation of Articulated Figures %E Badler, N. %E Barsky, B. %E Zeltzer, D. %I Morgan Kaufmann %C San Mateo, CA %P 3-33 -------------------------------------------------- OTHER REFERENCES THAT I HAVE MORE INFORMATION ON OR HAVE CORRECTIONS TO: Fisher, S.S., McGreevy, M., Humphries, J., Robinett, W., "Virtual Environment Display System"; ACM Workshop on Interactive 3-D Graphics 1986, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC. %T Virtual Environment Display System %A S. S. Fisher %A M. McGreevy %A J. Humphries %A W. Robinett %J Proc. 1986 ACM Workshop on Interactive Graphics %C Chapel Hill, NC %D October 23-24, 1986 %P 77-87 Ginsberg, C.M., Maxwell, D., "Graphical Marionette, Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGART Interdisciplinary Workshop, April 1983, pp. 172-179. %A Carol M. Ginsberg %A Delle Maxwell %T Graphical Marionette %J Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGART Workshop on Motion %C Toronto, Canada %D April 1983 %P 172-179 Leifer, L., Kramer, J., The "Talking Glove": A Speaking Aid For Nonvocal Deaf and Deaf-Blind Individuals, 1990. %A James Kramer %A Larry Leifer %T The ``Talking Glove'': A Speaking Aid for Nonvocal, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind Indi viduals %D 1989 %R Department of Electrical Engineering %I Stanford University %K ASL Ling, D., Research Report: Beyond Visualization- Virtual Worlds for Data Understanding, P. 5, Feb. 9, 1990. %A Daniel T. Ling %T Beyond Visualization - Virtual Worlds for Data Understanding %D February 9, 1990 %R Research Report RC 15479 (#68850) %I IBM Research Division %C Yorktown Heights %K dataglove, leep optics, head-mounted display Marcus, B., Churchill, P., "Sensing Human Hand Motions for Controlling Dexterous Robots," 2nd Annual Space Operations Automation and Robotics Workshop, July, 1990. %A Beth A. Marcus %A Philip J. Curchill %T Sensing Human Hand Motions for Controlling Dexterous Robots %D July 20-23, 1988 %J The Second Annual Space Operations Automation and Robotics Workshop, held at Wright State University %O Sponsored by NASA and the USAF Minsky, M., Ouh-yourn, M., Steele, O., Brooks, F.P. Jr., Behensky, M., "Feeling and Seeing: Issues in Force Display"; to appear, Symposium on 3-D Interactive Graphics, Snowbird Utah, March 1990. %A Margaret Minsky %A Ming Ouh-young %A Oliver Steele %A Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. %A Max Behensky %T Feeling and Seeing: Issues in Force Display %D March 1990 %J Computer Graphics %V 24 %N 2 %P 235-243 %O Proc. 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Snowbird, UT %K force-feedback -------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONS TO THE DATABASE: %A David Baraff %A Norman I. Badler %T Handwaving in Computer Graphics: Efficient Methods for Interactive Input Usin g a Six-Axis Digitizer %R Department of Computer and Information Science, Univ. of Penn. %C Philadelphia, PA %D 1986 %A Richard A. Bolt %T ``Put-That-There'': Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface %J Computer Graphics %V 14 %N 3 %O Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH '80 %D July 1980 %P 262-270 %A Stewart Brand %T Sticking Your Head in Cyberspace %D Summer 1989 %J Whole Earth Review %P 84-87 %K dataglove, virtual reality %A Martin Brooks %T The DataGlove as a Man-Machine Interface for Robotics %D September 5-7, 1989 %J The Second IARP Workshop on Medical and Healthcare Robotics %C Newcastle upon Tyne, UK %P 213-225 %K neural net, kohonen net %A Robert P. Burton %A Ivan E. Sutherland %T Twinkle Box: A Three-Dimensional Computer Input Device %J Proc. of the National Computer Conference %D 1974 %P 513-520 %A Bill Buxton %T Smoke and Mirrors %D July 1990 %J Byte %P 205-210 %K user interface %A J. M. Carroll %A R. L. Campbell %T Artifacts as Psychological Theories: The Case of Human-Computer Interaction %D 1988 %R RC 13454 (#60225) %I IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center %C Yorktown Heights, NY %K user interface %A John M. Carroll %T Evaluation, Description and Invention: Paradigms for Human-Computer Interacti on %D August 1988 %R RC 13926 (#62583) %I User Interface Institute, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center %C Yorktown Heights, NY %K user interface %A David L. Chandler %T Robot Stand-ins Reach Out and Touch %D Dec. 13, 1990 %J The Boston Globe %P 35-36 %K telepresence, telemanipulation, undersea robots %A K. P. Chin %A T. B. Sheridan %T The Effect of Force Feedback on Teleoperation %D 1989 %B Work with Computers: Organizational, Management, Stress and Health Aspects %E M. J. Smith %E G. Salvendy %I Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. %C Amsterdam %P 505-511 %O Proceedings of HCI '89, Boston %A Einya Cohen %A Lila Namir %A I. M. Schlesinger %T A New Dictionary of Sign Language %I Mouton %C The Hague %D 1977 %A Bennett Daviss %T Grand Illusions %D June 1990 %J Discover %P 37-41 %K virtual reality, dataglove %A David Delp %A Scott Delp %T Understanding Human Movement with Computer Graphics %D 1989 %J SOMA Engineering for the Human Body %V 3 %N 3 %P 17-25 %K surgical simulation, kinematics, tendons %A S. Delp %A P. Loan %A M. Hoy %A F. Zajac %A S. Fisher %A J. Rosen %T An Interactive Graphics-Based Model of the Lower Extemity to Study Orthopaedi c Surgical Procedures %J IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering %O Special issue on interaction with and visualization of biomedical data %D August, 1990 %V 37 %N 8 %A Howard Eglowstein %T Reach Out and Touch Your Data %D July 1990 %J Byte %P 283-290 %K dataglove, dhm, powerglove, whole-hand input %A Scott S. Fisher %T Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation & Telepresence %D July 31, 1979 %B Implementing and Interacting with Realtime Microworlds %I ACM SIGGRAPH '89 Course Notes #29 %K NASA %A Scott S. Fisher %A Jane Morrill Tazelaar %T Living in a Virtual World %D July 1990 %J Byte %P 215-221 %K virtual reality, heads-up displays, stereo %A P. M. Fitts %D 1954 %T The Information Capacity of the Human Motor System in Controlling Amplitude o f Movement %J Journal of Experimental Psychology %V 47 %N 6 %P 381-391 %T Interfaces for Advanced Computing %A James D. Foley %J Scientific American %V 257 %N 4 %P 126-135 %D October 1987 %A W. Gaver %D 1986 %T Auditory Icons: Using Sound in Computer Interfaces %J Human Computer Interactions %V 2 %P 167-177 %A Gary J. Grimes %T Digital Data Entry Glove Interface Device %D November 8, 1983 %R United States Patent 4414537 %I Bell Telephone Laboratories %C Murray Hill, NJ %K human interface, finger spelling %A Heinlein,~Robert~A.~(writing~as~Anson~McDonald) %T Waldo %D August 1942 %J Astounding Science-Fiction %V 29 %N 6 %P 9-53 %O Currently available in Waldo and Magic, Inc. by Robert A. Heinlein, Del Ray ( Ballantine), 1986 %K teleoperation %A Hiroo Iwata %T Artificial Reality with Force-feedback: Development of Desktop Virtual Space with Compact Master Manipulator %D August 1990 %J Computer Graphics %V 24 %N 4 %P 165-170 %O Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH '90 %A Paul Jerome Kilpatrick %T The Use of Kinesthetic Supplement in an Interactive System %D 1976 %R Ph.D. dissertation %I Computer Science Department %C University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill %K force feedback, force reflection %A James Kramer %A Larry Leifer %T The Talking Glove: An Expressive and Receptive ``Verbal'' Communication Aid f or the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Nonvocal %D 1989 %R Department of Electrical Engineering %I Stanford University %K ASL %A Myron W. Krueger %T Artificial Reality %D 1983 %I Addison-Wesley %C Reading, MA %O Out of print %A Brenda K. Laurel %T Interface as Mimesis %B User Centered System Design %E D. A. Norman %E S. W. Draper %I Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. %C Hillside, NJ %D 1986 %P 67-85 %K human-computer interface user %A Michael McKenna %A David Zeltzer %T Dynamic Simulation of Autonomous Legged Locomotion %D August 1990 %J Computer Graphics %V 24 %N 4 %P 29-38 %O Proceedings ACM SIGGRAPH '90 %A Marvin Minsky %T Telepresence %D June 1980 %J Omni %P 45-50 %K telemanipulation %A Ming Ouh-young %T Force Display in Molecular Docking %D February 1990 %R PhD Thesis (TR90-004) %I Department of Computer Science %C University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill %K force feedback %A Ivars Peterson %T Artificial Reality %D June 22, 1985 %J Science News %V 127 %P 396-397 %K myron krueger, videoplace %X short article about Krueger's Videoplace %A Ivars Peterson %T Computer at Your Fingertips %D May 28, 1988 %J Science News %V 133 %N 22 %P 351 %K myron krueger, videodesk %X short article about Krueger's Videodesk %A Thomas B. Sheridan %T Merging Mind and Machine %D October 1989 %J Technology Review %P 33-40 %K teleoperation, telerobots %A Colin Ware %T Using the Hand Position for Virtual Object Placement %D 1990 %J The Visual Computer %V 6 %P 245-253 %K bat, polhemus, user interface, input device, virtual environments, 3d interac tion %A Colin Ware %A Steven Osborne %T Exploration and Virtual Camera Control in Virtual Three Dimensional Environme nts %D March 1990 %J Computer Graphics %V 24 %N 2 %P 175-183 %O Proceedings 1990 Symposium on Interactive Graphics %A A. K. Bejczy %A J. K. Salisbury, Jr. %T Controlling Remote Manipulators Through Kinesthetic Coupling %D July 1983 %J Computers in Mechanical Engineering %P 48-60 %K force feedback %A Lewis H. Lapham %T The Feely is here %D April 18, 1964 %J The Saturday Evening Post %P 28-29 %K mort heilig, sensorama, virtual reality -------------------------------------------------- --