Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!!!apple!bionet!NIC.FUNET.FI!harper From: harper@NIC.FUNET.FI (Robert Harper) Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: Listserv lists on Usenet, and NETNEWS software. Message-ID: <> Date: 21 May 91 10:05:05 GMT Article-I.D.: nic.91May21.130515eet_dst.80881 Sender: Lines: 61 Here is a note from INFO-GCG, that might be of interest to Bionews readers. ******************* CLIP ********************* In article <>, "Frank J. Manion" says: >Could someone elaborate on the availability of the > on news. We just started receiving news as a >campus yesterday, and does not appear. Further, we >checked several other campuses and they don't seem to have it either. >(I beleive they all have full feeds). Rob Harper seems to indicate the >group has been in operation for about a year. INFO-CGC is gateway'ed into the Usenet feed to a group called The gatewaying is done here at There are about 150 listserv groups gateway'ed into Usenet. In order to get them, your site must get the bit.* hierarchy. If you have any questions about the LISTSERV/NETNEWS (UseNet) gateway functions, please drop me a line. For questions about NETNEWS (reading Usenet under VM/CMS), including instructions on how to obtain the package free of charge, send the command GET NETNEWS PACKAGE from LISTSERV@PSUVM. NETNEWS was written by Linda Littleton at Penn State. On Thu, 16 May 91 22:14:00 O "Robert Harper (CSC) Finland" said: >If I run a header in NN I see that the feed most likely into >USENET is at so make inquries from the >postmaster there. I remember at one time all the bit.listserv >newsgroups were unidirectional in that the messages came off the >Listserv and went into Usenet and it was not possible to post >back from Usenet to Listserv, which is why I still use the "old" >method of posting directly to listserv. Still if you want >just to conveniently read what is going on on INFO-GCG then >a USENET feed is perhaps the best way to do it. All LISTSERV/NETNEWS gateways are now bi-directional. You can both read and post in NETNEWS. Any postings will be distributed to Usenet sites getting the bit.* hierarchy, as well as to the LISTSERV list. On Wed, 15 May 91 15:04:00 O "Robert Harper (CSC) Finland" said: >I suspect it is a LISTSERV problem, and you are not alone it >has been happening on BIONEWS, on RED-UG, and a few other >lists. I would also like to point out that if INFO-GCG is read >on USENET in the newsgroup then there >are no duplicates which may explain why some people get them >and others don't. I should say that it is asscociated with >mailboxes rather than newsreaders. There are no duplicates in because NETNEWS receives postings from the LISTSERV with the FULLHDR option set on. This causes LISTSERV to generate a message-id for each post. Since the duplicate message problem INFO-GCG is seeing appears to be a LISTSERV/LISTEARN problem, the message-ids are retained. NETNEWS see the same message-id and rejects the duplicate posting. --- Jim McIntosh ( The American University Washington DC 20016-8019 USA ****************** END ***************** Rob "a man is only as big as the thing that makes him angry" Harper