Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!swrinde!!ames!!mimsy! From: (Mickey Boyd) Newsgroups: rec.guns Subject: Re: Dressing a .45 Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Jun 91 16:17:30 GMT Sender: Organization: Florida State University Computer Science Department Lines: 117 Approved: In article <>, megatek!avf@UCSD.EDU (Andy Funk) writes: # #I'm getting a Colt Combat Elite. After evaluating it's out-of- #the-box performance, handling, and looks, I may want to add some #goodies (read dollars) to it. I'm thinking along the lines of #grips, sights, trigger, mainspring housing, safety, slide stop, #magazines, and so forth. I just bought a SS Combat Commander. I am doing basically the same thing. So far, I have gotten an action job and new grips (new sights will complete the gun for me). # #Any and all comments will be appreciated. # #I. Grips # #I've always liked the Pachmayrs on my other guns, and I'm sure #I'd like them on a .45, but what about the rubber Hogues? If you think you may ever have to conceal your gun, don't put rubber grips on it (they hang on clothing). #I'm really leaning towards nice exotic wooden grips. I only know #of two makers: Kim Aherns and Aaron Hogue. Anyone seen these? Are #there other makers I haven't heard about? Where would one get a #set of horn or other exotic grips? I bought Kim Aherns (smooth Mordillo). The cost me about $40. The thing which distinguishes these grips is the thumb cutout to aid in operating the mag release. Since I have short thumbs, this was a necessity for me. I would highly recommend these grips! # #II. Sights # #I'll probably replace the stock three dot system with and #adjustable target-style system. Any recommendations regarding the #Pachmayr adjustible rear sight? Bo-Mar? Witchita? Others? Bo-Mar low mount, if you want the best. The slide must be milled in one of two ways. One is just straight across, creating a flat step one the rear of the slide. The other is the "protected Bo-Mar". The slide has a scoop milled out of it at the rear (leaving protective "ears" around the base of the sight). The price difference between the two is staggering, but if you want the best . . . . # #How do I replace the front sight? Knock it out with a punch and #restake a new one? How's Millet? Unless you are good with a torch, you should have this done by a gunsmith. On a .45, you should always have the front sight silver soldered in. Millet sights are well made, but are "ugly" in my opinion (a little too art deco for my guns :-). Your mileage may vary. # #III. Mainspring Housing # #I'd probably like a checkered flat housing in SS to match the SS #frame of the Colt. I've never seen any anywhere. In fact, the only #aftermarket housings I've seen were Pachmayr (not counting the #surplus beaters I've seen in SG News). Does Colt offer flat #housings at all? Anyone else? After market Mainspring Housings are a dime a dozen. I have seen nice ones made by King's, and Wilson's. I think both companies offer serreted or checkered, flat or curved. You should send off $3.75 and get a Brownell's catalog. It is a great one for "wishbooking", and it gives a good idea what is on the market (one thing it is not is cheap. Look at the pretty pictures and order from someone else!!). You can apply the cost of the catalog to your first order. # #IV. Slide Release and Safety # #These are quite ubiguitous, but has anyone seen any exemplary #examples? I actually prefer the stock ones to the extended ones #I'm using now (Fed Ord). The New Detonics factory has a nifty looking new design for the thumb safety. It looks to be a lot more comfortable and form fitting to the thumb. I think they sell them as an accessory. You may wish to take a look. # #V. Trigger # #I know there's a lot to this one. It may even be a religeous #issue. I want a long trigger, light in weight as I will be #working the trigger pull. Who makes primo triggers? Steel vs. #aluminum vs. nylon vs. carbon? Again, Brownell's. They must have about 10 different kinds of triggers for the .45 (each made by a different company, by the way). # #VI. Magazines # #Ok, most any mag will work, but who makes the best? Colt? Wilson? #Pachmayr? Does anyone have any experience with the 8 round mags? #How about the 11, 15, or 20 round guys? I bought two good magazines and 5 "ok" ones. The two good ones are 8 round Wilson's. The 5 "ok" ones are brand X from Shotgun News (but cost the same as just one of the Wilson's). I bought the Wilson's for carrying, the brand X ones for practice. So far I have not had a problem with any of the magazines. Not one failure to feed, period. Granted, I have only put about 500 rounds through the gun. I guess time will tell (although I am sure the brand X ones will fail first, since I eject them onto the ground all the time). I admit to being intrigued by the extra long 11 rounders, but I have not bought one yet. -- Mickey R. Boyd | "God is a comedian playing to an FSU Computer Science | audience too afraid to laugh." Technical Support Group | email: | - Voltaire