Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!swrinde!!!aplcen!!!mimsy! From: (Henry E. Schaffer) Newsgroups: rec.guns Subject: Rifle Chamber Measurements (Part 1) Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Jun 91 14:27:48 GMT Sender: Organization: NCSU Computing Center Lines: 89 Approved: I decided to make some measurements on my .308 Win. rifle chamber to better understand safety and accuracy, particularly regarding reloading. However I didn't want to take the rifle apart, or even to make a chamber cast, so I bought a couple of gadgets to help me. The first gadget is the small Sinclair Chamber Length Gage Insert. This is a small flat-topped mushroom shaped piece of leaded steel. The top is just the diameter of the cartridge case neck, and the stem is just barely big enough to fit inside the cartridge case neck and be held firmly. (Sinclair says that the leaded steel is to make sure that the insert can't damage the chamber - but my friend in the materials department says it might rather be to make the steel more easily machinable - or perhaps both.) You take a cartridge case, full length resize it, drill out the primer hole (I'll tell you why later) and trim back the neck .1". Then put the gage insert into the neck so that it is longer than a normal cartridge case. This is the working gadget. It is then put into the rifle chamber and the bolt is closed, and then opened slowly and carefully. The head of the insert will have contacted the chamber end, forcing the insert back into the case. Then measure the length from the base of this gadget to the top, and you'll have the chamber length. SAAMI specs say that the case trim length must be at least .024" less than the chamber length. (Then to reset the insert it is necessary to *push* it back out of the case neck so as to be longer than the chamber length. Now you see why the primer pocket was drilled out! A pin punch can be inserted, pressed against the bottom of the insert and tapped with a mallet. The instructions say to "push the case insert", but actually I had to hit the pin punch kind of hard with a light hammer!) In my Remington 700, the chamber measured 2.0465", and so this means that my cases must always be 2.0225" or less. The SAAMI spec for case length of the .308 Win is 2.015" (I assume that this is the maximum length), and my Lee trimmer trims back to 2.010". Note that this is clearly in the acceptable area, but also notice how little difference there is. (The danger is that if the case neck is long enough to jam into the end of the chamber, it will put pressure on the bullet and hold it in after ignition. This will cause an increase in pressure within the chamber, and can lead to such undesirable results as blowing up the gun!) New cases are often in the 2.002" - 2.012" length, and gain perhaps .005" after firing. The necks should elongate after reloading and firing again, with supposedly less elongation when using neck sizing then when full length resizing. The amount of elongation should be less for milder loads, and greater for hotter loads. (I think that the amount of neck elongation due to full length resizing is also increased if there is greater headspace.) Sinclair does not recommend going beyond the SAAMI case length spec, regardless of the chamber measurement. They say "Excessive case length will cause DANGEROUS chamber pressures resulting in personal injury. We do not recommend increasing case length beyond published SAAMI specifications. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK!" Since a new case which is at the SAAMI maximum spec (2.015) will get uncomfortably close to the maximum allowable length after only one firing - this indicates to me that measuring case length is a very important safety step. I generally measure case lengths by putting them in my trimmer and seeing if it takes off any brass. If it does, then I gently chamfer both the inside and outside edges of the case neck. (After trimming, I don't bother to measure again every reloading, but do so sometimes.) I've heard that rifle chambers are generally made to be fairly generous in length, it could be that this will not often be a problem. (I have reason to believe that my rifle's chamber is close to minimum specs in size - I'll discuss this further below.) However, this is something hard to tell without actually measuring the chamber. So now I have much better knowledge of my chamber length. This measurement tells me that I don't have very much leeway in case length, and that I need to take case trimming quite seriously. Sinclair makes this gage insert in several calibers - note that only the diameter is important, so the .308 insert can also be used in the .30-06, .300 Win, .300 Wby, .308 Norma, etc. When you buy this, you get this little gage insert, and a small page of instructions - but that was all it took. After this, I got to work with my new RCBS Precision Mic set, which is a very neat gadget (really a small gadget set) - I'll cover that adventure in the next installment. --henry schaffer n c state univ [MODERATOR: A nice summary from Henry, as always, thanks. Could you pass along where you got the insert and how much it, err, set you back? ]