Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!caen!!!cayman!pgf From: pgf@cayman.COM (Paul Fox) Newsgroups: alt.sources Subject: Vile 14/17 - vi feel-alike (multi-window) Message-ID: <4533@cayman.COM> Date: 7 Jun 91 22:10:14 GMT Organization: Cayman Systems Inc., Cambridge Ma Lines: 1172 Submitted-by: Archive-name: Vile/part14 #!/bin/sh # this is vileshar.14 (part 14 of Vile) # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh # file tags continued # if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!' exit 1 fi (read Scheck if test "$Scheck" != 14; then echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next! exit 1 else exit 0 fi ) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1 echo 'x - continuing file tags' sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'tags' && BFINVS estruct.h /^#define BFINVS 0x01 \/* Internal invisable buffer *\/$/ BFSCRTCH estruct.h /^#define BFSCRTCH 0x04 \/* scratch -- gone on last close *\/$/ BIT estruct.h /^#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) \/* An integer with one / BITMAP estruct.h 917 BOL estruct.h /^#define BOL 5$/ BSD estruct.h /^#define BSD 1 \/* UNIX BSD 4.2 and ULTRIX *\/$/ BTBREAK estruct.h /^#define BTBREAK 2$/ BTWHILE estruct.h /^#define BTWHILE 1$/ BUFFER estruct.h /^typedef struct BUFFER {$/ BUFFER estruct.h 587 CCL estruct.h /^#define CCL 3$/ CFENCE estruct.h /^#define CFENCE 1 \/* do fench matching in CMODE *\/$/ CHCASE estruct.h /^#define CHCASE(c) ((c) ^ DIFCASE) \/* Toggle the ca/ CLOSURE estruct.h /^#define CLOSURE 256 \/* An or-able value.*\/$/ CLRMSG estruct.h /^#define CLRMSG 0 \/* space clears the message line with no insert *\/$/ CMDBUFLEN estruct.h /^#define CMDBUFLEN 256 \/* Length of our command buffer *\/$/ CMDFUNC estruct.h 752 COLOR estruct.h /^#define COLOR 0 \/* color commands and windows *\/$/ CPM estruct.h /^#define CPM 0 \/* CP\/M-86 *\/$/ CRYPT estruct.h /^#define CRYPT 0 \/* file encryption? (not crypt(1) compatible!) *\/$/ CTLA estruct.h /^#define CTLA 0x0100 \/* ^A flag, or'ed in *\/$/ CTLX estruct.h /^#define CTLX 0x0200 \/* ^X flag, or'ed in *\/$/ CTRLZ estruct.h /^#define CTRLZ 0 \/* add a ^Z at end of files under MSDOS only *\/$/ CURDOTO undo.c /^#define CURDOTO(bp) (bp->b_uddotos[bp->b_udstkindx/ CURDOTP undo.c /^#define CURDOTP(bp) (bp->b_uddotps[bp->b_udstkindx/ CURSTK undo.c /^#define CURSTK(bp) (&(bp->b_udstks[bp->b_udstkindx/ CVMVAS estruct.h /^#define CVMVAS 1 \/* arguments to forward\/back page and half page *\/$/ DBREAK estruct.h /^#define DBREAK 8$/ DEBUG estruct.h /^#define DEBUG 1 \/* allows core dump from keyboard under UNIX *\/$/ DEBUGM estruct.h /^#define DEBUGM 0 \/* $debug triggers macro debugging *\/$/ DELSE estruct.h /^#define DELSE 1$/ DENDIF estruct.h /^#define DENDIF 2$/ DENDM estruct.h /^#define DENDM 0$/ DENDM estruct.h /^#define DENDM 5$/ DENDWHILE estruct.h /^#define DENDWHILE 7$/ DFLALL estruct.h /^#define DFLALL (64<<16) \/* default file range is 1,$ *\/$/ DFLNONE estruct.h /^#define DFLNONE (128<<16) \/* no default file range *\/$/ DFORCE estruct.h /^#define DFORCE 9$/ DG10 estruct.h /^#define DG10 0 \/* Data General system\/10 *\/$/ DGOTO estruct.h /^#define DGOTO 3$/ DIF estruct.h /^#define DIF 0$/ DIFCASE estruct.h /^#define DIFCASE 0x20$/ DIFCNTRL estruct.h /^#define DIFCNTRL 0x40$/ DIREC csrch.c /^#define DIREC 1$/ DOSFILES estruct.h /^#define DOSFILES 1 \/* turn on code for DOS mode (lines that end in crlf) *\/$/ DRETURN estruct.h /^#define DRETURN 4$/ DWHILE estruct.h /^#define DWHILE 6$/ DYNAMIC evar.h /^#define DYNAMIC 2$/ EFN spawn.c /^#define EFN 0 \/* Event flag. *\/$/ EFN termio.c /^#define EFN 0 \/* Event flag *\/$/ ENVFUNC estruct.h /^#define ENVFUNC 0$/ ENVFUNC estruct.h /^#define ENVFUNC 1$/ EOL estruct.h /^#define EOL 6$/ ESC tcap.c /^#define ESC 0x1B$/ EVACOUNT evar.h /^#define EVACOUNT 14$/ EVASAVE evar.h /^#define EVASAVE 13$/ EVCBUFNAME evar.h /^#define EVCBUFNAME 7$/ EVCFNAME evar.h /^#define EVCFNAME 8$/ EVCMODE evar.h /^#define EVCMODE 29$/ EVCURCHAR evar.h /^#define EVCURCHAR 16$/ EVCURCOL evar.h /^#define EVCURCOL 2$/ EVCURLINE evar.h /^#define EVCURLINE 3$/ EVCURWIDTH evar.h /^#define EVCURWIDTH 6$/ EVCWLINE evar.h /^#define EVCWLINE 23$/ EVDEBUG evar.h /^#define EVDEBUG 10$/ EVDISCMD evar.h /^#define EVDISCMD 17$/ EVDISINP evar.h /^#define EVDISINP 21$/ EVFILLCOL evar.h /^#define EVFILLCOL 0$/ EVFLICKER evar.h /^#define EVFLICKER 5$/ EVGMODE evar.h /^#define EVGMODE 30$/ EVKILL evar.h /^#define EVKILL 28$/ EVLASTKEY evar.h /^#define EVLASTKEY 15$/ EVLINE evar.h /^#define EVLINE 34$/ EVLWIDTH evar.h /^#define EVLWIDTH 33$/ EVMATCH evar.h /^#define EVMATCH 27$/ EVPAGELEN evar.h /^#define EVPAGELEN 1$/ EVPALETTE evar.h /^#define EVPALETTE 12$/ EVPENDING evar.h /^#define EVPENDING 32$/ EVPROGNAME evar.h /^#define EVPROGNAME 19$/ EVRAM evar.h /^#define EVRAM 4$/ EVREPLACE evar.h /^#define EVREPLACE 26$/ EVSEARCH evar.h /^#define EVSEARCH 25$/ EVSEED evar.h /^#define EVSEED 20$/ EVSRES evar.h /^#define EVSRES 9$/ EVSTATUS evar.h /^#define EVSTATUS 11$/ EVTARGET evar.h /^#define EVTARGET 24$/ EVTPAUSE evar.h /^#define EVTPAUSE 31$/ EVVERSION evar.h /^#define EVVERSION 18$/ EVWLINE evar.h /^#define EVWLINE 22$/ EXPAND estruct.h /^#define EXPAND TRUE$/ EXRCOK estruct.h /^#define EXRCOK (512<<16) \/* can be in a .exrc file *\/$/ EXTRA estruct.h /^#define EXTRA (8<<16) \/* allow extra args after command name *\/$/ F csrch.c /^#define F 0$/ FAILED estruct.h /^#define FAILED 3 \/* not-quite fatal false return *\/$/ FALSE estruct.h /^#define FALSE 0 \/* False, no, bad, etc. *\/$/ FEWNAMES estruct.h /^#define FEWNAMES 0 \/* strip some names - will no longer be bindable *\/$/ FILE1 estruct.h /^#define FILE1 (FILES + NOSPC) \/* 1 file allowed, defaults to current file *\/$/ FILES estruct.h /^#define FILES (XFILE + EXTRA) \/* multiple extra files allowed *\/$/ FILOCK estruct.h /^#define FILOCK 0 \/* file locking under unix BSD 4.2 (uses scanf) *\/$/ FINDERR estruct.h /^#define FINDERR 1 \/* finderr support. uses scanf() *\/$/ FIOEOF estruct.h /^#define FIOEOF 2 \/* File I\/O, end of file. *\/$/ FIOERR estruct.h /^#define FIOERR 3 \/* File I\/O, error. *\/$/ FIOFNF estruct.h /^#define FIOFNF 1 \/* File I\/O, file not found. *\/$/ FIOFUN estruct.h /^#define FIOFUN 5 \/* File I\/O, eod of file\/bad line*\/$/ FIOMEM estruct.h /^#define FIOMEM 4 \/* File I\/O, out of memory *\/$/ FIOSUC estruct.h /^#define FIOSUC 0 \/* File I\/O, success. *\/$/ FL estruct.h /^#define FL 0x08 \/* if command causes motion, opers act on full lines *\/$/ FLABEL estruct.h /^#define FLABEL 0 \/* function key label code [HP150] *\/$/ FL_ANYWHERE estruct.h /^#define FL_ANYWHERE 3$/ FL_HERE estruct.h /^#define FL_HERE 1$/ FL_HERE_HOME estruct.h /^#define FL_HERE_HOME 2$/ FORW csrch.c /^#define FORW 1$/ FORWARD estruct.h /^#define FORWARD 0 \/* forward direction *\/$/ FROM estruct.h /^#define FROM (1<<16) \/* allow a linespec *\/$/ GLOBALS estruct.h /^#define GLOBALS 1 \/* "global" command support. *\/$/ GLOBOK estruct.h /^#define GLOBOK 0x40 \/* permitted after global command *\/$/ GOAL estruct.h /^#define GOAL 0x20 \/* column goal should be retained *\/$/ GOOD main.c /^#define GOOD (SS$_NORMAL)$/ GOOD main.c /^#define GOOD 0$/ HAVE_MKDIR estruct.h /^#define HAVE_MKDIR 1 \/* if your system has the mkdir() system call *\/$/ HIBYTE estruct.h /^#define HIBYTE HICHAR >> 3$/ HICHAR estruct.h /^#define HICHAR 256$/ HP110 estruct.h /^#define HP110 0 \/* HP110 screen driver *\/$/ HP150 estruct.h /^#define HP150 0 \/* HP150 screen driver *\/$/ HREG estruct.h /^struct HREG {$/ HREG estruct.h /^struct HREG {$/ HUGE estruct.h /^#define HUGE 60000 \/* Huge number *\/$/ IBMPC estruct.h /^#define IBMPC 0 \/* IBM-PC CGA\/MONO\/EGA driver *\/$/ INSERT estruct.h /^#define INSERT 1$/ INTWIDTH estruct.h /^#define INTWIDTH sizeof(int) * 3$/ ISIDENT wordmov.c /^#define ISIDENT 1$/ ISNL wordmov.c /^#define ISNL 3$/ ISOTHER wordmov.c /^#define ISOTHER 2$/ ISRCH estruct.h /^#define ISRCH 1 \/* Incremental searches like ITS EMACS *\/$/ ISSPACE wordmov.c /^#define ISSPACE 0$/ IS_FORWARD estruct.h /^#define IS_FORWARD tocntrl('F') \/* Search forward *\/$/ IS_REVERSE estruct.h /^#define IS_REVERSE tocntrl('R') \/* Search backward *\/$/ KAPPEND estruct.h /^#define KAPPEND 0x04 \/* Kill register should be appended *\/$/ KBIND estruct.h 782 KBLOCK estruct.h /^#define KBLOCK 256 \/* sizeof kill buffer chunks *\/$/ KILL estruct.h /^typedef struct KILL {$/ KILL estruct.h 831 KILLREG estruct.h /^typedef struct KILLREG {$/ KILLREG estruct.h 838 KLINES estruct.h /^#define KLINES 0x04 \/* Kill register contains full lines *\/$/ KNEEDCLEAN estruct.h /^#define KNEEDCLEAN 0x01 \/* Kill register needs cleaning *\/$/ KP vmalloc.c /^#define KP 0xaaaaaaaaL$/ KPW vmalloc.c /^#define KPW (2*sizeof(unsigned long))$/ KYANK estruct.h /^#define KYANK 0x02 \/* Kill register resulted from yank *\/$/ LATTICE estruct.h /^#define LATTICE 0 \/* Lattice 2.14 thruough 3.0 compilers *\/$/ LBRACE estruct.h /^#define LBRACE '{'$/ LCOPIED estruct.h /^#define LCOPIED 1 \/* original line is already on an undo stack *\/$/ LGMARK estruct.h /^#define LGMARK 2 \/* line matched a global scan *\/$/ LINE estruct.h /^typedef struct LINE {$/ LINE estruct.h 651 LINENOTREAL estruct.h /^#define LINENOTREAL ((int)(-1))$/ LINEUNDOPATCH estruct.h /^#define LINEUNDOPATCH ((int)(-2))$/ LISTED estruct.h /^#define LISTED 0x100 \/* internal use only -- used in describing bindings$/ LITCHAR estruct.h /^#define LITCHAR 1$/ LOAD_EXEC spawn.c /^#define LOAD_EXEC 0 \/* load and execute the program *\/$/ LOCKDIR dolock.c /^#define LOCKDIR ".xlk"$/ LOCKERR dolock.c /^#define LOCKERR(s) { strcat(lmsg,s); oldumask = um/ LOCKMSG dolock.c /^#define LOCKMSG "LOCK ERROR -- "$/ LOCKMSZ dolock.c /^#define LOCKMSZ sizeof(LOCKMSG)$/ MAC estruct.h /^#define MAC 0 \/* Macintosh *\/$/ MAGIC estruct.h /^#define MAGIC 1 \/* include regular expression matching? *\/$/ MARGIN tcap.c /^#define MARGIN 8$/ MARK estruct.h /^struct MARK {$/ MARKPATCH estruct.h /^#define MARKPATCH ((int)(-3))$/ MASKCL estruct.h /^#define MASKCL CLOSURE - 1$/ MAXMALLOCS vmalloc.c /^#define MAXMALLOCS 20000$/ MAXVARS evar.h /^#define MAXVARS 255$/ MC estruct.h 925 MCNIL estruct.h /^#define MCNIL 0 \/* Like the '\\0' for strings.*\/$/ MC_ANY estruct.h /^#define MC_ANY '.' \/* 'Any' character (except newline).*\/$/ MC_BOL estruct.h /^#define MC_BOL '^' \/* Beginning of line.*\/$/ MC_CCL estruct.h /^#define MC_CCL '[' \/* Character class.*\/$/ MC_CLOSURE estruct.h /^#define MC_CLOSURE '*' \/* Closure - does not extend past newline.*\/$/ MC_ECCL estruct.h /^#define MC_ECCL ']' \/* End of character class.*\/$/ MC_EOL estruct.h /^#define MC_EOL '$' \/* End of line.*\/$/ MC_ESC estruct.h /^#define MC_ESC '\\\\' \/* Escape - suppress meta-meaning.*\/$/ MC_NCCL estruct.h /^#define MC_NCCL '^' \/* Negate character class.*\/$/ MC_RCCL estruct.h /^#define MC_RCCL '-' \/* Range in character class.*\/$/ MDASAVE estruct.h /^#define MDASAVE 0x0080 \/* auto-save mode *\/$/ MDCMOD estruct.h /^#define MDCMOD 0x0002 \/* C indentation and fence match*\/$/ MDCRYPT estruct.h /^#define MDCRYPT 0x0040 \/* encrytion mode active *\/$/ MDDOS estruct.h /^#define MDDOS 0x0200 \/* "dos" mode -- lines end in crlf *\/$/ MDEXACT estruct.h /^#define MDEXACT 0x0008 \/* Exact matching for searches *\/$/ MDLIST estruct.h /^#define MDLIST 0x0100 \/* "list" mode -- show tabs and EOL *\/$/ MDMAGIC estruct.h /^#define MDMAGIC 0x0020 \/* regular expresions in search *\/$/ MDSWRAP estruct.h /^#define MDSWRAP 0x0004 \/* wrap-around search mode *\/$/ MDVIEW estruct.h /^#define MDVIEW 0x0010 \/* read-only buffer *\/$/ MDWRAP estruct.h /^#define MDWRAP 0x0001 \/* word wrap *\/$/ MEMMAP estruct.h /^#define MEMMAP 0$/ MEMMAP estruct.h /^#define MEMMAP 1$/ MONAMIC evar.h /^#define MONAMIC 1$/ MOTION estruct.h /^#define MOTION 0x04 \/* command causes motion, okay after operator cmds *\/$/ MSC estruct.h /^#define MSC 0 \/* MicroSoft C compile version 3 & 4 *\/$/ MSDOS estruct.h /^#define MSDOS 0 \/* MS-DOS *\/$/ MWC86 estruct.h /^#define MWC86 0 \/* marc williams compiler *\/$/ Mmain main.c /^main(argc, argv)$/ NAMEDF estruct.h /^#define NAMEDF (FILE1 + NODFL) \/* 1 file allowed, defaults to "" *\/$/ NAMEDFS estruct.h /^#define NAMEDFS (FILES + NODFL) \/* multiple files allowed, default is "" *\/$/ NBINDS estruct.h /^#define NBINDS 100 \/* max # of bound prefixed keys *\/$/ NBLOCK estruct.h /^#define NBLOCK 16 \/* line block chunk size *\/$/ NBUFN estruct.h /^#define NBUFN 20 \/* # of bytes, buffer name *\/$/ NCCL estruct.h /^#define NCCL 4$/ NCOLORS estruct.h /^#define NCOLORS 8 \/* number of supported colors *\/$/ NEVARS evar.h /^#define NEVARS sizeof(envars) \/ sizeof(char *)$/ NEW spawn.c /^#define NEW 1006L$/ NEW termio.c /^#define NEW 1006L$/ NEWSBUFSIZ display.c /^#define NEWSBUFSIZ 256$/ NFILEN estruct.h /^#define NFILEN 80 \/* # of bytes, file name *\/$/ NFUNCS evar.h /^#define NFUNCS sizeof(funcs) \/ sizeof(UFUNC)$/ NIBUF termio.c /^#define NIBUF 128 \/* Input buffer size *\/$/ NILNAMIC evar.h /^#define NILNAMIC 0$/ NKBDM estruct.h /^#define NKBDM 256 \/* # of strokes, keyboard macro *\/$/ NKREGS estruct.h /^#define NKREGS 36 \/* number of kill buffers *\/$/ NL estruct.h /^#define NL (1024<<16) \/* if !exmode, then write a newline first *\/$/ NLINE estruct.h /^#define NLINE 256 \/* # of bytes, input line *\/$/ NLOCKS estruct.h /^#define NLOCKS 100 \/* max # of file locks active *\/$/ NOBUF termio.c /^#define NOBUF 1024 \/* MM says bug buffers win! *\/$/ NODFL estruct.h /^#define NODFL (256<<16) \/* do not default to the current file name *\/$/ NONE estruct.h /^#define NONE 0$/ NOSPC estruct.h /^#define NOSPC (32<<16) \/* no spaces allowed in the extra part *\/$/ NO_CREAT estruct.h /^#define NO_CREAT FALSE$/ NO_EXPAND estruct.h /^#define NO_EXPAND FALSE$/ NPAT estruct.h /^#define NPAT 128 \/* # of bytes, pattern *\/$/ NPAUSE tcap.c /^#define NPAUSE 10 \/* # times thru update to pause *\/$/ NPNAMES epath.h /^#define NPNAMES (sizeof(pathname)\/sizeof(char *))$/ NSTRING estruct.h /^#define NSTRING 128 \/* # of bytes, string buffers *\/$/ NTAB estruct.h 766 NULL finderr.c /^#define NULL 0$/ NULL opers.c /^#define NULL 0$/ NULL tags.c /^#define NULL 0$/ NULL undo.c /^#define NULL 0$/ NUMDIRS estruct.h /^#define NUMDIRS 1$/ NUMDIRS estruct.h /^#define NUMDIRS 10$/ NUMMODES estruct.h /^#define NUMMODES 10 \/* # of defined modes *\/$/ NUMOTHERMODES estruct.h /^#define NUMOTHERMODES 2 \/* # of defined modes *\/$/ NUMVALUEMODES estruct.h /^#define NUMVALUEMODES 2 \/* # of defined modes *\/$/ NVSIZE estruct.h /^#define NVSIZE 10 \/* max #chars in a var name *\/$/ N_chars estruct.h /^#define N_chars 128$/ NeWS estruct.h /^#define NeWS 0 \/* distributed *\/$/ ODT estruct.h /^#define ODT 0 \/* UNIX OPEN DESK TOP *\/$/ OK_CREAT estruct.h /^#define OK_CREAT TRUE$/ OPDEL estruct.h /^#define OPDEL 1$/ OPER estruct.h /^#define OPER 0x80 \/* function is an operator, affects a region *\/$/ OPOTHER estruct.h /^#define OPOTHER 2$/ OS estruct.h /^#define OS (UNIX | AMIGA | ST520 | MSDOS | CPM | VMS)$/ OTH_LAZY estruct.h /^#define OTH_LAZY 0x01$/ OTH_VERS estruct.h /^#define OTH_VERS 0x02$/ OVERWRITE estruct.h /^#define OVERWRITE 2$/ PATHCHR estruct.h /^#define PATHCHR ':'$/ PATHCHR estruct.h /^#define PATHCHR ';'$/ PATHLOOK estruct.h /^#define PATHLOOK 1 \/* look along $PATH for startup and help files *\/$/ PLAY estruct.h /^#define PLAY 1 \/* " " playing *\/$/ PLIST oneliner.c /^#define PLIST 0x01$/ PLUS estruct.h /^#define PLUS (2048<<16) \/* allow a line number, as in ":e +32 foo" *\/$/ POSIX estruct.h /^#define POSIX 0$/ PRETTIER_SCROLL estruct.h /^#define PRETTIER_SCROLL 1 \/* can improve the appearance of a scrolling screen *\/$/ PROC estruct.h /^#define PROC 1 \/* named procedures *\/$/ PTBEG estruct.h /^#define PTBEG 0 \/* Leave the point at the beginning on search *\/$/ PTEND estruct.h /^#define PTEND 1 \/* Leave the point at the end on search *\/$/ R npopen.c /^#define R 0$/ RAINBOW estruct.h /^#define RAINBOW 0 \/* Use Rainbow fast video. *\/$/ RAMSHOW estruct.h /^#define RAMSHOW 0 \/* auto dynamic RAM reporting *\/$/ RAMSIZE estruct.h /^#define RAMSIZE 0 \/* dynamic RAM memory usage tracking *\/$/ RANGE estruct.h /^#define RANGE (FROM + TO) \/* range of linespecs allowed *\/$/ RBRACE estruct.h /^#define RBRACE '}'$/ REBIND estruct.h /^#define REBIND 1 \/* permit rebinding of keys at run-time *\/$/ RECORD estruct.h /^#define RECORD 2 \/* " " recording *\/$/ REDO estruct.h /^#define REDO 0x02 \/* command is redo-able, record it for dotcmd *\/$/ REGION estruct.h 627 REGS estruct.h /^union REGS {$/ REGS estruct.h /^union REGS {$/ REVERSE estruct.h /^#define REVERSE 1 \/* backwards direction *\/$/ REVSTA estruct.h /^#define REVSTA 1 \/* Status line appears in reverse video *\/$/ SCROLLCODE estruct.h /^#define SCROLLCODE 1 \/* code in display.c for scrolling the screen.$/ SCRSIZ tcap.c /^#define SCRSIZ 64$/ SHORTNAMES estruct.h /^#define SHORTNAMES 0 \/* if your compiler insists on 7 char names *\/$/ SMALLER estruct.h /^#define SMALLER 0 \/* strip out a bunch of uemacs fluff *\/$/ SORTOFTRUE estruct.h /^#define SORTOFTRUE 4 \/* really! *\/$/ SPEC estruct.h /^#define SPEC 0x0080 \/* special key (function keys) *\/$/ ST520 estruct.h /^#define ST520 0 \/* ST520, TOS *\/$/ STOP estruct.h /^#define STOP 0 \/* keyboard macro not in use *\/$/ STUTTER_SEC_CMD estruct.h /^#define STUTTER_SEC_CMD 0 \/* must the next\/prev section commands (i.e.$/ SWITCHSTKS undo.c /^#define SWITCHSTKS(bp) (bp->b_udstkindx = 1 ^ bp->/ T csrch.c /^#define T 2$/ TABMASK estruct.h /^#define TABMASK tabmask$/ TABVAL estruct.h /^#define TABVAL tabval$/ TAGS estruct.h /^#define TAGS 1 \/* tags support. requires MAGIC *\/$/ TBUFSIZ termio.c /^#define TBUFSIZ 128$/ TCAPSLEN tcap.c /^#define TCAPSLEN 315$/ TERM estruct.h 718 TERMCAP estruct.h /^#define TERMCAP 1 \/* Use TERMCAP *\/$/ TIMING estruct.h /^#define TIMING 0 \/* shows user time spent on each user command *\/$/ TIPC estruct.h /^#define TIPC 0 \/* TI Profesional PC driver *\/$/ TKARG estruct.h /^#define TKARG 1 \/* interactive argument *\/$/ TKBUF estruct.h /^#define TKBUF 2 \/* buffer argument *\/$/ TKCMD estruct.h /^#define TKCMD 10 \/* command name *\/$/ TKDIR estruct.h /^#define TKDIR 6 \/* directive *\/$/ TKENV estruct.h /^#define TKENV 4 \/* environment variables *\/$/ TKFUN estruct.h /^#define TKFUN 5 \/* function.... *\/$/ TKLBL estruct.h /^#define TKLBL 7 \/* line label *\/$/ TKLIT estruct.h /^#define TKLIT 8 \/* numeric literal *\/$/ TKNUL estruct.h /^#define TKNUL 0 \/* end-of-string *\/$/ TKSTR estruct.h /^#define TKSTR 9 \/* quoted string literal *\/$/ TKVAR estruct.h /^#define TKVAR 3 \/* user variables *\/$/ TMPSTOP estruct.h /^#define TMPSTOP 3 \/* temporary stop, record can resume *\/$/ TO estruct.h /^#define TO (2<<16) \/* allow a second linespec *\/$/ TRINAMIC evar.h /^#define TRINAMIC 3$/ TRUE estruct.h /^#define TRUE 1 \/* True, yes, good, etc. *\/$/ TTbacg estruct.h /^#define TTbacg (*term.t_setback)$/ TTbeep estruct.h /^#define TTbeep (*term.t_beep)$/ TTclose estruct.h /^#define TTclose (*term.t_close)$/ TTeeol estruct.h /^#define TTeeol (*term.t_eeol)$/ TTeeop estruct.h /^#define TTeeop (*term.t_eeop)$/ TTflush display.c /^#define TTflush() bufputc((char)0)$/ TTflush estruct.h /^#define TTflush (*term.t_flush)$/ TTforg estruct.h /^#define TTforg (*term.t_setfor)$/ TTgetc estruct.h /^#define TTgetc (*term.t_getchar)$/ TTkclose estruct.h /^#define TTkclose (*term.t_kclose)$/ TTkopen estruct.h /^#define TTkopen (*term.t_kopen)$/ TTmove estruct.h /^#define TTmove (*term.t_move)$/ TTopen estruct.h /^#define TTopen (*term.t_open)$/ TTputc display.c /^#define TTputc(c) bufputc(c)$/ TTputc estruct.h /^#define TTputc (*term.t_putchar)$/ TTrev estruct.h /^#define TTrev (*term.t_rev)$/ TTrez estruct.h /^#define TTrez (*term.t_rez)$/ TURBO estruct.h /^#define TURBO 0 \/* Turbo C\/MSDOS *\/$/ TYPE csrch.c /^#define TYPE 2$/ TYPEAH estruct.h /^#define TYPEAH 1 \/* type ahead causes screen refresh to be delayed *\/$/ UFABS evar.h /^#define UFABS 28$/ UFADD evar.h /^#define UFADD 0$/ UFAND evar.h /^#define UFAND 18$/ UFASCII evar.h /^#define UFASCII 24$/ UFBIND evar.h /^#define UFBIND 31$/ UFCAT evar.h /^#define UFCAT 6$/ UFCHR evar.h /^#define UFCHR 25$/ UFDIV evar.h /^#define UFDIV 3$/ UFENV evar.h /^#define UFENV 30$/ UFEQUAL evar.h /^#define UFEQUAL 11$/ UFGREATER evar.h /^#define UFGREATER 13$/ UFGTKEY evar.h /^#define UFGTKEY 26$/ UFIND evar.h /^#define UFIND 17$/ UFLEFT evar.h /^#define UFLEFT 7$/ UFLENGTH evar.h /^#define UFLENGTH 20$/ UFLESS evar.h /^#define UFLESS 12$/ UFLOWER evar.h /^#define UFLOWER 22$/ UFMID evar.h /^#define UFMID 9$/ UFMOD evar.h /^#define UFMOD 4$/ UFNEG evar.h /^#define UFNEG 5$/ UFNOT evar.h /^#define UFNOT 10$/ UFOR evar.h /^#define UFOR 19$/ UFRIGHT evar.h /^#define UFRIGHT 8$/ UFRND evar.h /^#define UFRND 27$/ UFSEQUAL evar.h /^#define UFSEQUAL 14$/ UFSGREAT evar.h /^#define UFSGREAT 16$/ UFSINDEX evar.h /^#define UFSINDEX 29$/ UFSLESS evar.h /^#define UFSLESS 15$/ UFSUB evar.h /^#define UFSUB 1$/ UFTIMES evar.h /^#define UFTIMES 2$/ UFTRUTH evar.h /^#define UFTRUTH 23$/ UFUNC evar.h /^typedef struct UFUNC {$/ UFUNC evar.h 107 UFUPPER evar.h /^#define UFUPPER 21$/ ULTRIX estruct.h /^#define ULTRIX 0 \/* UNIX ULTRIX *\/$/ UNDO estruct.h /^#define UNDO 0x01 \/* command is undo-able, so clean up undo lists *\/$/ UNIX estruct.h /^#define UNIX (V7 | BSD | USG) \/* any unix *\/$/ USG estruct.h /^#define USG 0 \/* UNIX system V *\/$/ UVAR evar.h /^typedef struct UVAR {$/ UVAR evar.h 14 V7 estruct.h /^#define V7 0 \/* V7 UNIX or Coherent or BSD4.2*\/$/ VAL_FILL estruct.h /^#define VAL_FILL 1$/ VAL_TAB estruct.h /^#define VAL_TAB 0$/ VDESC estruct.h /^typedef struct VDESC {$/ VDESC estruct.h 849 VFCHG display.c /^#define VFCHG 0x0001 \/* Changed flag *\/$/ VFCOL display.c /^#define VFCOL 0x0010 \/* color change requested *\/$/ VFEXT display.c /^#define VFEXT 0x0002 \/* extended (beyond column 80) *\/$/ VFRE vmalloc.c /^#define VFRE 2$/ VFREQ display.c /^#define VFREQ 0x0008 \/* reverse video request *\/$/ VFREV display.c /^#define VFREV 0x0004 \/* reverse video status *\/$/ VIDEO display.c /^typedef struct VIDEO {$/ VIDEO display.c 35 VISMAC estruct.h /^#define VISMAC 0 \/* update display during keyboard macros *\/$/ VMAL vmalloc.c /^#define VMAL 1$/ VMALLOC estruct.h /^#define VMALLOC 0 \/* verify malloc operation (slow!) *\/$/ VMS estruct.h /^#define VMS 0 \/* VAX\/VMS *\/$/ VMSVT estruct.h /^#define VMSVT 0 \/* various VMS terminal entries *\/$/ VREA vmalloc.c /^#define VREA 4$/ VT52 estruct.h /^#define VT52 0 \/* VT52 terminal (Zenith). *\/$/ W npopen.c /^#define W 1$/ WANGPC estruct.h /^#define WANGPC 0 \/* WangPC - mostly escape sequences *\/$/ WASIDENT wordmov.c /^#define WASIDENT 1$/ WASNL wordmov.c /^#define WASNL 3$/ WASOTHER wordmov.c /^#define WASOTHER 2$/ WASSPACE wordmov.c /^#define WASSPACE 0$/ WFCOLR estruct.h /^#define WFCOLR 0x20 \/* Needs a color change *\/$/ WFEDIT estruct.h /^#define WFEDIT 0x04 \/* Editing within a line *\/$/ WFFORCE estruct.h /^#define WFFORCE 0x01 \/* Window needs forced reframe *\/$/ WFHARD estruct.h /^#define WFHARD 0x08 \/* Better do a full display *\/$/ WFINS estruct.h /^#define WFINS 0x80 \/* something was inserted *\/$/ WFKILLS estruct.h /^#define WFKILLS 0x40 \/* something was deleted *\/$/ WFMODE estruct.h /^#define WFMODE 0x10 \/* Update mode line. *\/$/ WFMOVE estruct.h /^#define WFMOVE 0x02 \/* Movement from line to line *\/$/ WHBLOCK estruct.h /^typedef struct WHBLOCK {$/ WHBLOCK estruct.h 862 WINDOW estruct.h /^typedef struct WINDOW {$/ WINDOW estruct.h 536 WORD1 estruct.h /^#define WORD1 (EXTRA + NOSPC) \/* one extra word allowed *\/$/ WORDPRO estruct.h /^#define WORDPRO 1 \/* "Advanced" word processing features *\/$/ XXFILE estruct.h /^#define XFILE (16<<16) \/* expand wildcards in extra part *\/$/ XXREG estruct.h /^struct XREG {$/ XXREG estruct.h /^struct XREG {$/ Z309 estruct.h /^#define Z309 0 \/* Zenith 100 PC family driver *\/$/ ZERO estruct.h /^#define ZERO (4096<<16) \/* allow 0 to be given as a line number *\/$/ _bspace estruct.h /^#define _bspace 16 \/* backspace character (^H, DEL, and user's) *\/$/ _cntrl estruct.h /^#define _cntrl 32 \/* control characterts, including DEL *\/$/ _digit estruct.h /^#define _digit 4 \/* digits *\/$/ _ident estruct.h /^#define _ident 256 \/* is typically legal in "normal" identifier *\/$/ _linespec estruct.h /^#define _linespec 4096 \/* ex-style line range: 1,$ or 13,15 or % etc.*\/$/ _lower estruct.h /^#define _lower 2 \/* lower case *\/$/ _path estruct.h /^#define _path 512 \/* is typically legal in a file's pathname *\/$/ _print estruct.h /^#define _print 64 \/* printable *\/$/ _punct estruct.h /^#define _punct 128 \/* punctuation *\/$/ _space estruct.h /^#define _space 8 \/* whitespace *\/$/ _to_caseflip region.c /^_to_caseflip(c)$/ _to_lower region.c /^_to_lower(c)$/ _to_upper region.c /^_to_upper(c)$/ _upper estruct.h /^#define _upper 1 \/* upper case *\/$/ _wild estruct.h /^#define _wild 2048 \/* is typically a shell wildcard char *\/$/ a1getc fileio.c /^int a1getc(fp)$/ abs estruct.h /^#define abs xabs$/ abs eval.c /^int abs(x) \/* take the absolute value of an intege/ addline buffer.c /^addline(bp,text,len)$/ adjustmode random.c /^adjustmode(kind, global) \/* change the editor mode/ allocate main.c /^char *allocate(nbytes) \/* allocate nbytes and trac/ altbuff buffer.c /^altbuff(f,n)$/ amg_flush termio.c /^amg_flush()$/ anycb buffer.c /^anycb()$/ append random.c /^append(f, n)$/ appendeol random.c /^appendeol(f, n)$/ apro bind.c /^apro(f, n) \/* Apropos (List functions that match a/ ask buffer.c /^ask: if (mlreply(prompt, bufn, NBUFN) != TRUE)$/ atmark basic.c /^atmark()$/ atoi estruct.h /^#define atoi xatoi$/ atoi eval.c /^atoi(st)$/ backbline basic.c /^backbline(f,n)$/ backchar basic.c /^backchar(f, n)$/ backdelchar random.c /^backdelchar(f, n)$/ backhpage basic.c /^backhpage(f, n)$/ backhunt search.c /^backhunt(f, n)$/ backline basic.c /^backline(f, n)$/ backlinebeg basic.c /^backlinebeg(f, n, s1, s2)$/ backpage basic.c /^backpage(f, n)$/ backsearch search.c /^backsearch(f, n)$/ backspace random.c /^backspace()$/ backviword word.c /^backviword(f, n)$/ backword word.c /^backword(f, n)$/ basic.c basic.c 1 bclear buffer.c /^bclear(bp)$/ bcsrch csrch.c /^bcsrch(f,n)$/ bcsrch_to csrch.c /^bcsrch_to(f,n)$/ bfind buffer.c /^bfind(bname, cflag, bflag)$/ bind.c bind.c 1 bindkey bind.c /^bindkey(f, n)$/ biteq search.c /^biteq(bc, cclmap)$/ bktoshell spawn.c /^bktoshell() \/* suspend MicroEMACS and wait to wak/ boundry search.c /^boundry(curline, curoff)$/ bscan csrch.c /^bscan(f,n,c)$/ bsearch search.c /^bsearch(f, n, dummy, fromscreen)$/ buffer.c buffer.c 1 bufputc display.c /^bufputc(c)$/ buildlist bind.c /^buildlist(mstring, bp)$/ calloc estruct.h /^# define calloc(x,y) vcalloc(x,y,__FILE__,__LINE__/ catchintr main.c /^catchintr()$/ cbuf exec.c /^cbuf(f, n, bufnum)$/ cbuf1 exec.c /^cbuf1(f, n)$/ cbuf10 exec.c /^cbuf10(f, n)$/ cbuf11 exec.c /^cbuf11(f, n)$/ cbuf12 exec.c /^cbuf12(f, n)$/ cbuf13 exec.c /^cbuf13(f, n)$/ cbuf14 exec.c /^cbuf14(f, n)$/ cbuf15 exec.c /^cbuf15(f, n)$/ cbuf16 exec.c /^cbuf16(f, n)$/ cbuf17 exec.c /^cbuf17(f, n)$/ cbuf18 exec.c /^cbuf18(f, n)$/ cbuf19 exec.c /^cbuf19(f, n)$/ cbuf2 exec.c /^cbuf2(f, n)$/ cbuf20 exec.c /^cbuf20(f, n)$/ cbuf21 exec.c /^cbuf21(f, n)$/ cbuf22 exec.c /^cbuf22(f, n)$/ cbuf23 exec.c /^cbuf23(f, n)$/ cbuf24 exec.c /^cbuf24(f, n)$/ cbuf25 exec.c /^cbuf25(f, n)$/ cbuf26 exec.c /^cbuf26(f, n)$/ cbuf27 exec.c /^cbuf27(f, n)$/ cbuf28 exec.c /^cbuf28(f, n)$/ cbuf29 exec.c /^cbuf29(f, n)$/ cbuf3 exec.c /^cbuf3(f, n)$/ cbuf30 exec.c /^cbuf30(f, n)$/ cbuf31 exec.c /^cbuf31(f, n)$/ cbuf32 exec.c /^cbuf32(f, n)$/ cbuf33 exec.c /^cbuf33(f, n)$/ cbuf34 exec.c /^cbuf34(f, n)$/ cbuf35 exec.c /^cbuf35(f, n)$/ cbuf36 exec.c /^cbuf36(f, n)$/ cbuf37 exec.c /^cbuf37(f, n)$/ cbuf38 exec.c /^cbuf38(f, n)$/ cbuf39 exec.c /^cbuf39(f, n)$/ cbuf4 exec.c /^cbuf4(f, n)$/ cbuf40 exec.c /^cbuf40(f, n)$/ cbuf5 exec.c /^cbuf5(f, n)$/ cbuf6 exec.c /^cbuf6(f, n)$/ cbuf7 exec.c /^cbuf7(f, n)$/ cbuf8 exec.c /^cbuf8(f, n)$/ cbuf9 exec.c /^cbuf9(f, n)$/ cclmake search.c /^cclmake(ppatptr, mcptr)$/ charinit main.c /^charinit()$/ charprocreg region.c /^charprocreg(f, n, func)$/ cheap_scan tags.c /^cheap_scan(bp,name)$/ checknext isearch.c /^int checknext (chr, patrn, dir) \/* Check next char/ chgchar random.c /^chgchar(f, n)$/ chgline random.c /^chgline(f, n)$/ chgreg opers.c /^chgreg(f,n)$/ chgtoeol random.c /^chgtoeol(f, n)$/ clearbits search.c /^clearbits()$/ clrmes random.c /^clrmes(f, n)$/ cnewline random.c /^cnewline()$/ cntl_af main.c /^cntl_af() \/* dummy function for binding to control/ cntl_xf main.c /^cntl_xf() \/* dummy function for binding to control/ colortest display.c /^colortest(row) \/* TRUE on color match *\/$/ colorupdate display.c /^colorupdate()$/ consearch search.c /^consearch(f,n)$/ copy_for_undo undo.c /^copy_for_undo(lp)$/ copyline undo.c /^copyline(lp)$/ crypt crypt.c /^crypt(bptr, len)$/ crypt.c crypt.c 1 csrch.c csrch.c 1 ctlxe main.c /^ctlxe(f, n)$/ ctlxlp main.c /^ctlxlp(f, n)$/ ctlxrp main.c /^ctlxrp(f, n)$/ dbgwrite display.c /^dbgwrite(s,x,y,z)$/ deblank random.c /^deblank(f, n)$/ decl_init edef.h /^# define decl_init(thing,value) thing = value$/ decl_uninit edef.h /^# define decl_uninit(thing) thing$/ delgmode random.c /^delgmode(f, n) \/* prompt and delete a global edito/ delins oneliner.c /^delins(dlength, instr)$/ delins search.c /^delins(dlength, instr)$/ delmode random.c /^delmode(f, n) \/* prompt and delete an editor mode / deltoeol random.c /^deltoeol(f, n)$/ delwind window.c /^delwind(f,n)$/ delwp window.c /^delwp(thewp)$/ desbind bind.c /^desbind(f, n)$/ deskey bind.c /^deskey(f, n) \/* describe the command for a certain/ detab random.c /^detab(f, n) \/* change tabs to spaces *\/$/ display.c display.c 1 do_num_proc main.c /^do_num_proc(cp,fp,np)$/ do_rept_arg_proc main.c /^do_rept_arg_proc(cp,fp,np)$/ dobuf exec.c /^dobuf(bp)$/ docmd exec.c /^docmd(cline,newcle,f,n)$/ dofile exec.c /^dofile(fname)$/ doindent random.c /^doindent(ind)$/ dolhello dolock.c /^dolhello()$/ dolock dolock.c /^char *dolock(){return(NULL);}$/ dolock.c dolock.c 1 doput line.c /^doput(f,n,after,putlines)$/ dotcmdbegin main.c /^dotcmdbegin()$/ dotcmdfinish main.c /^dotcmdfinish()$/ dotcmdplay main.c /^dotcmdplay(f, n)$/ dotcmdstop main.c /^dotcmdstop()$/ dspram main.c /^dspram() \/* display the amount of RAM currently ma/ dumpbuf vmalloc.c /^dumpbuf(x)$/ echochar isearch.c /^int echochar(c,col)$/ edef.h edef.h 1 eexec exec.c /^eexec: \/* exit the current function *\/$/ endofline display.c /^endofline(s,n) $/ engl2fnc bind.c /^engl2fnc(fname)$/ enlargewind window.c /^enlargewind(f, n)$/ entab random.c /^entab(f, n) \/* change spaces to tabs where posibl/ epath.h epath.h 1 eq search.c /^eq(bc, pc)$/ ernd eval.c /^int ernd() \/* returns a random integer *\/$/ errout vmalloc.c /^errout()$/ esc main.c /^esc(f, n)$/ estruct.h estruct.h 1 eval.c eval.c 1 evar.h evar.h 1 ex main.c /^ex() { return unimpl(); }$/ exec.c exec.c 1 execbuf exec.c /^execbuf(f, n)$/ execcmd exec.c /^execcmd(f, n)$/ execfile exec.c /^execfile(f, n) \/* execute a series of commands in / execproc exec.c /^execproc(f, n)$/ execute main.c /^execute(execfunc, f, n)$/ expandp search.c /^expandp(srcstr, deststr, maxlength)$/ failexit exec.c /^failexit: freewhile(scanner);$/ fastupdate display.c /^fastupdate() \/* redo the entire screen fast *\/$/ fcsrch csrch.c /^fcsrch(f,n)$/ fcsrch_to csrch.c /^fcsrch_to(f,n)$/ ffclose fileio.c /^ffclose()$/ ffgetline fileio.c /^ffgetline(lenp)$/ ffhasdata fileio.c /^ffhasdata()$/ ffputc fileio.c /^ffputc(c)$/ ffputline fileio.c /^ffputline(buf, nbuf)$/ ffronly fileio.c /^ffronly(fn)$/ ffropen fileio.c /^ffropen(fn)$/ ffwopen fileio.c /^ffwopen(fn)$/ fgetc estruct.h /^#define fgetc a1getc$/ fgetc estruct.h /^#define fgetc agetc$/ file.c file.c 1 filefind file.c /^filefind(f, n)$/ fileio.c fileio.c 1 filename file.c /^filename(f, n)$/ fileread file.c /^fileread(f, n)$/ filesave file.c /^filesave(f, n)$/ filewrite file.c /^filewrite(f, n)$/ filter spawn.c /^filter(f, n)$/ filterregion spawn.c /^filterregion(f,n)$/ finderr finderr.c /^finderr(f,n)$/ finderr.c finderr.c 1 finderrhello finderr.c /^finderrhello() { }$/ findvar eval.c /^findvar(var, vd) \/* find a variables type and name/ firstnonwhite basic.c /^firstnonwhite(f,n)$/ fisearch isearch.c /^int fisearch(f, n)$/ flipchar random.c /^flipchar(f, n)$/ flipregion region.c /^flipregion(f, n)$/ flook bind.c /^flook(fname, hflag)$/ fmatch random.c /^fmatch(ch)$/ fmatchindent random.c /^fmatchindent()$/ fnc2engl bind.c /^fnc2engl(cfp)$/ fnc2flags bind.c /^fnc2flags(func)$/ fnclabel tcap.c /^fnclabel(f, n) \/* label a function key *\/$/ formatregion word.c /^formatregion(f,n)$/ forwbline basic.c /^forwbline(f,n)$/ forwchar basic.c /^forwchar(f, n)$/ forwdelchar random.c /^forwdelchar(f, n)$/ forwendw word.c /^forwendw(f, n)$/ forwhpage basic.c /^forwhpage(f, n)$/ forwhunt search.c /^forwhunt(f, n)$/ forwline basic.c /^forwline(f, n)$/ forwlinebeg basic.c /^forwlinebeg(f, n, s1, s2)$/ forwpage basic.c /^forwpage(f, n)$/ forwsearch search.c /^forwsearch(f, n)$/ forwviendw word.c /^forwviendw(f, n)$/ forwviword word.c /^forwviword(f, n)$/ forwword word.c /^forwword(f, n)$/ fputc estruct.h /^#define fputc aputc$/ free estruct.h /^# define free(x) vfree(x,__FILE__,__LINE__)$/ free estruct.h /^#define free release$/ freeundostacks undo.c /^freeundostacks(bp)$/ freewhile exec.c /^freewhile(wp) \/* free a list of while block pointe/ fscan csrch.c /^fscan(f,n,c)$/ fsearch search.c /^fsearch(f, n, marking, fromscreen)$/ fvar eval.c /^fvar: vtype = -1;$/ get_char isearch.c /^int get_char ()$/ getccol random.c /^getccol(bflg)$/ getchartype wordmov.c /^getchartype()$/ getcline random.c /^getcline() \/* get the current line number *\/$/ getctext line.c /^char *getctext()$/ getdot finderr.c /^getdot(bp)$/ getfence random.c /^getfence(f, n, ch)$/ getfile file.c /^getfile(fname, lockfl)$/ getgoal basic.c /^getgoal(dlp)$/ getkill eval.c /^char *getkill() \/* return some of the contents of/ getname estruct.h /^#define getname xgetname$/ getpath dolock.c /^char *getpath(filespec)$/ getregion region.c /^getregion(rp)$/ getscreensize display.c /^getscreensize (widthp, heightp)$/ gettagsfile tags.c /^gettagsfile()$/ getwpos window.c /^int getwpos() \/* get screen offset of current line/ glob file.c /^glob(buf)$/ globalhello globals.c /^globalhello() { }$/ globals globals.c /^globals(f,n)$/ globals.c globals.c 1 globber globals.c /^globber(f, n, g_or_v)$/ godotplus basic.c /^godotplus(f,n)$/ goexactnmmark basic.c /^goexactnmmark(f,n)$/ golinenmmark basic.c /^golinenmmark(f,n)$/ gomark basic.c /^gomark(f,n)$/ gonmmark basic.c /^gonmmark(c)$/ gotobob basic.c /^gotobob(f, n)$/ gotobol basic.c /^gotobol(f, n)$/ gotobop basic.c /^gotobop(f,n)$/ gotobos basic.c /^gotobos(f,n)$/ gotobosec basic.c /^gotobosec(f,n)$/ gotocol random.c /^gotocol(f,n)$/ gotoeob basic.c /^gotoeob(f, n)$/ gotoeol basic.c /^gotoeol(f, n)$/ gotoeop basic.c /^gotoeop(f,n)$/ gotoeos basic.c /^gotoeos(f,n)$/ gotoeosec basic.c /^gotoeosec(f,n)$/ gotoline basic.c /^gotoline(f, n) \/* move to a particular line.$/ gotomos basic.c /^gotomos(f,n)$/ gototag tags.c /^gototag(f,n)$/ gtenv eval.c /^char *gtenv(vname)$/ gtfun eval.c /^char *gtfun(fname) \/* evaluate a function *\/$/ gtlbl eval.c /^gtlbl(tokn) \/* find the line number of the given l/ gtname dolock.c /^char *gtname(filespec) \/* get name component of u/ gtusr eval.c /^char *gtusr(vname) \/* look up a user var's value */ hello tcap.c /^hello()$/ help bind.c /^help(f, n)$/ hist_lookup buffer.c /^hist_lookup(c)$/ hist_show buffer.c /^hist_show()$/ histbuff buffer.c /^histbuff(f,n)$/ if fileio.c /^ if (c == EOF) {$/ ifile file.c /^ifile(fname,belowthisline,haveffp)$/ imdying file.c /^imdying(signo)$/ incr_dot_kregnum input.c /^incr_dot_kregnum()$/ indentlen random.c /^indentlen(lp)$/ inout_popen npopen.c /^inout_popen(fr, fw, cmd)$/ inp estruct.h /^#define inp in$/ inp estruct.h /^#define inp inportb$/ input.c input.c 1 ins random.c /^ins(f,n)$/ insbrace random.c /^insbrace(n, c) \/* insert a brace into the text her/ insert random.c /^insert(f, n)$/ insertbol random.c /^insertbol(f, n)$/ insfile file.c /^insfile(f, n)$/ insfiletop file.c /^insfiletop(f, n)$/ inspound random.c /^inspound() \/* insert a # into the text here...we a/ insspace line.c /^insspace(f, n) \/* insert spaces forward into text / int86 estruct.h /^#define int86 sysint$/ int86 estruct.h /^#define int86(a, b, c) intcall(b, c, a)$/ intdos estruct.h /^#define intdos(a, b) sysint(33, a, b)$/ inword word.c /^inword()$/ isANYTHING wordmov.c /^isANYTHING()$/ isalnum estruct.h /^#define isalnum(c) istype(_lower|_upper|_digit, c)/ isalpha estruct.h /^#define isalpha(c) istype(_lower|_upper, c)$/ isbackspace estruct.h /^#define isbackspace(c) istype(_bspace, c)$/ iscntrl estruct.h /^#define iscntrl(c) istype(_cntrl, c)$/ isdigit estruct.h /^#define isdigit(c) istype(_digit, c)$/ isearch isearch.c /^isearch(f, n)$/ isearch.c isearch.c 1 isendviwordb wordmov.c /^isendviwordb()$/ isendviwordf wordmov.c /^isendviwordf()$/ isendwordb wordmov.c /^isendwordb()$/ isendwordf wordmov.c /^isendwordf()$/ isident estruct.h /^#define isident(c) istype(_ident, c)$/ islinespecchar estruct.h /^#define islinespecchar(c) istype(_linespec, c)$/ islower estruct.h /^#define islower(c) istype(_lower, c)$/ isnewviwordb wordmov.c /^isnewviwordb()$/ isnewviwordf wordmov.c /^isnewviwordf()$/ isnewwordb wordmov.c /^isnewwordb()$/ isnewwordf wordmov.c /^isnewwordf()$/ ispath estruct.h /^#define ispath(c) istype(_path, c)$/ isprint estruct.h /^#define isprint(c) istype(_print, c)$/ ispunct estruct.h /^#define ispunct(c) istype(_punct, c)$/ isready_c fileio.c /^#define isready_c(p) ((p)->_cnt>0? TRUE:FALSE)$/ issecbeg basic.c /^issecbeg(s1,s2)$/ isspace estruct.h /^#define isspace(c) istype(_space, c)$/ istring random.c /^istring(f, n) \/* ask for and insert a string into / istype estruct.h /^#define istype(sometype,c) (_chartypes_[(c)&(N_cha/ isupper estruct.h /^#define isupper(c) istype(_upper, c)$/ iswild estruct.h /^#define iswild(c) istype(_wild, c)$/ itoa eval.c /^char *itoa(i)$/ join word.c /^join(f,n)$/ kbd_engl bind.c /^kbd_engl()$/ kbd_engl_stat bind.c /^kbd_engl_stat(bufp)$/ kbd_key input.c /^kbd_key()$/ kbd_seq input.c /^kbd_seq()$/ kbd_string input.c /^kbd_string(prompt, buf, bufn, eolchar, expand)$/ kcod2fnc bind.c /^kcod2fnc(c)$/ kcod2key estruct.h /^#define kcod2key(c) (c & 0x7f) \/* strip off the a/ kcod2key input.c /^kcod2key(c)$/ kcod2prc bind.c /^kcod2prc(c, seq)$/ kdelete line.c /^kdelete()$/ kifile file.c /^kifile(fname)$/ killbuffer buffer.c /^killbuffer(f, n)$/ killregion region.c /^killregion(f, n)$/ kills display.c /^int kills() \/* returns true if it does something / kinsert line.c /^kinsert(c)$/ kregcirculate line.c /^kregcirculate(killing)$/ kwrite file.c /^kwrite(fn,msgf)$/ l_nxtundo estruct.h /^#define l_nxtundo l.l_stklnk$/ l_to_vline display.c /^l_to_vline(wp,lp,sline)$/ lalloc line.c /^lalloc(used)$/ lastnonwhite basic.c /^lastnonwhite(f,n)$/ lback estruct.h /^#define lback(lp) ((lp)->l_bp)$/ lchange line.c /^lchange(flag)$/ lckerror lock.c /^lckerror(errstr) \/* report a lock error *\/$/ lckhello lock.c /^lckhello() \/* dummy function *\/$/ ldelete line.c /^ldelete(n, kflag)$/ ldelnewline line.c /^ldelnewline()$/ lforw estruct.h /^#define lforw(lp) ((lp)->l_fp)$/ lfree line.c /^lfree(lp)$/ lgetc estruct.h /^#define lgetc(lp, n) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]&0xFF)$/ line.c line.c 1 lineputafter line.c /^lineputafter(f,n)$/ lineputbefore line.c /^lineputbefore(f,n)$/ linespec exec.c /^linespec(s, markptr)$/ lineundo undo.c /^lineundo(f,n)$/ linsert line.c /^linsert(n, c)$/ liscopied estruct.h /^#define liscopied(lp) (lp->l.l_flag & LCOPIED)$/ lislinepatch estruct.h /^#define lislinepatch(lp) ((lp)->l_used == LINE/ lismarked estruct.h /^#define lismarked(lp) (lp->l.l_flag & LGMARK)$/ lismarkpatch estruct.h /^#define lismarkpatch(lp) ((lp)->l_used == MARK/ lisnotreal estruct.h /^#define lisnotreal(lp) ((lp)->l_used == LINENOT/ lispatch estruct.h /^#define lispatch(lp) (lislinepatch(lp) || lismark/ lisreal estruct.h /^#define lisreal(lp) ((lp)->l_used >= 0)$/ listbuffers buffer.c /^listbuffers(f, n)$/ litcase search.c /^litcase: mcptr->mc_type = LITCHAR;$/ litmatch search.c /^litmatch(patptr, direct, pcwline, pcwoff)$/ llength estruct.h /^#define llength(lp) ((lp)->l_used)$/ llineregion oneliner.c /^llineregion(f,n)$/ lneedscopying estruct.h /^#define lneedscopying(lp) ((lp)->l_copied != T/ lnewline line.c /^lnewline()$/ lock lock.c /^lock(fname)$/ lock.c lock.c 1 lockchk lock.c /^lockchk(fname)$/ lockrel lock.c /^lockrel()$/ long vmalloc.c 28 loop main.c /^loop()$/ lowerregion region.c /^lowerregion(f, n)$/ lputc estruct.h /^#define lputc(lp, n, c) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]=(c))$/ lremove line.c /^lremove(bp,lp)$/ lsetclear estruct.h /^#define lsetclear(lp) (lp->l.l_flag = 0)$/ lsetcopied estruct.h /^#define lsetcopied(lp) (lp->l.l_flag |= LCOPIED)$/ lsetmarked estruct.h /^#define lsetmarked(lp) (lp->l.l_flag |= LGMARK)$/ lsetnotcopied estruct.h /^#define lsetnotcopied(lp) (lp->l.l_flag &= ~LCOPIE/ lsetnotmarked estruct.h /^#define lsetnotmarked(lp) (lp->l.l_flag &= ~LGMARK/ ltoa buffer.c /^ltoa(buf, width, num)$/ ltos eval.c /^char *ltos(val) \/* numeric logical to string logi/ macarg exec.c /^macarg(tok) \/* get a macro line argument *\/$/ main.c main.c 1 maindef main.c /^#define maindef$/ make_current buffer.c /^make_current(nbp)$/ make_undo_patch undo.c /^make_undo_patch(olp,nlp,type)$/ makeflist tags.c /^makeflist()$/ makelist buffer.c /^makelist(iflag,blistp)$/ makelock dolock.c /^makelock: if (tellall) printf("creating %s\\n",lockname);$/ makename file.c /^makename(bname, fname)$/ malloc estruct.h /^# define malloc(x) vmalloc(x,__FILE__,__LINE__)$/ malloc estruct.h /^#define malloc allocate$/ map main.c /^map() { return unimpl(); }$/ markWFMODE file.c /^markWFMODE(bp)$/ match_pat isearch.c /^int match_pat (patrn) \/* See if the pattern string/ mayneedundo undo.c /^mayneedundo()$/ mcclear search.c /^mcclear()$/ mceq search.c /^mceq(bc, mt)$/ mcmatch search.c /^mcmatch(mcptr, direct, pcwline, pcwoff)$/ mcstr search.c /^mcstr()$/ mkblist bind.c /^mkblist(mstring)$/ mklower eval.c /^char *mklower(str) \/* make a string lower case *\/$/ mkupper eval.c /^char *mkupper(str) \/* make a string upper case *\/$/ mlerase display.c /^mlerase()$/ mlforce display.c /^mlforce(s)$/ mlputc display.c /^mlputc(c)$/ mlputf display.c /^mlputf(s)$/ mlputi display.c /^mlputi(i, r)$/ mlputli display.c /^mlputli(l, r)$/ mlputs display.c /^mlputs(s)$/ mlputsn display.c /^mlputsn(s,n)$/ mlreply input.c /^mlreply(prompt, buf, bufn)$/ mlreply_no_exp input.c /^mlreply_no_exp(prompt, buf, bufn)$/ mlwrite display.c /^mlwrite(fmt, va_alist)$/ mlyesno input.c /^mlyesno(prompt)$/ mod95 crypt.c /^static int mod95(val)$/ modeline display.c /^modeline(wp)$/ movecursor display.c /^movecursor(row, col)$/ movmem estruct.h /^#define movmem(a, b, c) memcpy(b, a, c)$/ movmem main.c /^movmem(source, dest, size)$/ mtype vmalloc.c /^struct mtype {$/ mvdnnxtwind window.c /^mvdnnxtwind(f, n)$/ mvdnwind window.c /^mvdnwind(f, n)$/ mvleftwind window.c /^mvleftwind(f,n)$/ mvrightwind window.c /^mvrightwind(f,n)$/ mvupnxtwind window.c /^mvupnxtwind(f, n)$/ mvupwind window.c /^mvupwind(f, n)$/ my_exec npopen.c /^my_exec (cmd)$/ namebuffer buffer.c /^namebuffer(f,n) \/* Rename the current buffer *\/$/ namedcmd exec.c /^namedcmd(f, n)$/ newlength window.c /^newlength(f,n) \/* resize the screen, re-writing th/ newline random.c /^newline(f, n)$/ newsadjustmode random.c /^newsadjustmode() \/* change the editor mode status / newscreensize display.c /^newscreensize (h, w)$/ newsupd display.c /^newsupd(force) \/* update the physical screen from / newwidth window.c /^newwidth(f,n) \/* resize the screen, re-writing the/ nextab estruct.h /^#define nextab(a) ((a & ~TABMASK) + TABVAL)$/ nextarg exec.c /^nextarg(buffer)$/ nextbuffer buffer.c /^nextbuffer(f, n) \/* switch to the next buffer in t/ nextch search.c /^nextch(pcurline, pcuroff, dir, wrapok)$/ nextwind window.c /^nextwind(f, n)$/ nocrypt crypt.c /^nocrypt()$/ noram exec.c /^noram: mlwrite("%%Out of memory during while scan");$/ npclose npopen.c /^npclose (fp)$/ npopen npopen.c /^npopen (cmd, type)$/ npopen.c npopen.c 1 npopenhello npopen.c /^npopenhello() {}$/ nprompt search.c /^nprompt:$/ nullproc main.c /^nullproc() \/* user function that does (almost) NOT/ nxtscan exec.c /^nxtscan: \/* on to the next line *\/$/ onamedcmd exec.c /^onamedcmd(f, n)$/ oneliner.c oneliner.c 1 onlywind window.c /^onlywind(f, n)$/ onward bind.c /^onward:;$/ onward exec.c /^onward: \/* on to the next line *\/$/ opendown random.c /^opendown(f,n)$/ openup random.c /^openup(f,n)$/ operator opers.c /^operator(f,n,fn,str)$/ operchg opers.c /^operchg(f,n)$/ opercopy main.c /^opercopy() { return unimpl(); }$/ operdel opers.c /^operdel(f,n)$/ operfilter opers.c /^operfilter(f,n)$/ operflip opers.c /^operflip(f,n)$/ operformat opers.c /^operformat(f,n)$/ operglobals main.c /^operglobals() { return unimpl(); }$/ operlinechg opers.c /^operlinechg(f,n)$/ operlinedel opers.c /^operlinedel(f,n)$/ operlineyank opers.c /^operlineyank(f,n)$/ operlist opers.c /^operlist(f,n)$/ operlower opers.c /^operlower(f,n)$/ operlshift opers.c /^operlshift(f,n)$/ opermove main.c /^opermove() { return unimpl(); }$/ operprint opers.c /^operprint(f,n)$/ operrshift opers.c /^operrshift(f,n)$/ opers.c opers.c 1 opersubst opers.c /^opersubst(f,n)$/ opertransf main.c /^opertransf() { return unimpl(); }$/ operupper opers.c /^operupper(f,n)$/ opervglobals main.c /^opervglobals() { return unimpl(); }$/ operwrite opers.c /^operwrite(f,n)$/ operyank opers.c /^operyank(f,n)$/ ostring input.c /^ostring(s) \/* output a string of output characters/ out file.c /^out:$/ out file.c /^out:$/ out file.c /^out:$/ outp estruct.h /^#define outp outportb$/ outstring input.c /^outstring(s) \/* output a string of input character/ overwrite random.c /^overwrite(f, n)$/ patchstk undo.c /^patchstk(newlp,oldlp)$/ peek estruct.h /^#define peek(a,b,c,d) movedata(a,b,FP_SEG(/ pipecmd spawn.c /^pipecmd(f, n)$/ plineregion oneliner.c /^plineregion(f,n)$/ poke estruct.h /^#define poke(a,b,c,d) movedata(FP_SEG(c),F/ popline undo.c /^popline(stk)$/ popuntag tags.c /^popuntag(fname,linenop)$/ popupbuff buffer.c /^popupbuff(bp)$/ poswind window.c /^poswind(f,n)$/ pprompt search.c /^pprompt: mlwrite(&tpat[0], &pat[0], &rpat[0]);$/ prc2engl bind.c /^prc2engl(skey) \/* string key name to binding name./ prc2kcod bind.c /^prc2kcod(k)$/ pregion oneliner.c /^pregion(f, n, flag)$/ pressreturn spawn.c /^pressreturn()$/ preundocleanup undo.c /^preundocleanup()$/ previndent random.c /^previndent(bracefp)$/ prevwind window.c /^prevwind(f, n)$/ promptpattern isearch.c /^int promptpattern(prompt)$/ pushline undo.c /^pushline(lp,stk)$/ pushuntag tags.c /^pushuntag(fname,lineno)$/ put line.c /^put(n,aslines)$/ putafter line.c /^putafter(f,n)$/ putbefore line.c /^putbefore(f,n)$/ putctext line.c /^putctext(iline)$/ putdotback finderr.c /^putdotback(bp,dotp)$/ putline display.c /^putline(row, col, buf)$/ putnpad tcap.c /^putnpad(str, n)$/ putpad tcap.c /^putpad(str)$/ qprompt search.c /^qprompt:$/ qreplace search.c /^qreplace(f, n)$/ quickexit main.c /^quickexit(f, n)$/ quit main.c /^quit(f, n)$/ quithard main.c /^quithard(f,n)$/ quote random.c /^quote(f, n)$/ random.c random.c 1 rangespec exec.c /^rangespec(specp,fromlinep,tolinep,isdefaultp,zerop/ rdonly main.c /^rdonly()$/ readin file.c /^readin(fname, lockfl, bp, mflg)$/ readlinesmsg file.c /^readlinesmsg(n,s,f,rdonly)$/ readpattern search.c /^readpattern(prompt, apat, srch, c, fromscreen)$/ realloc estruct.h /^# define realloc(x,y) vrealloc(x,y,__FILE__,__LINE/ reeat isearch.c /^int reeat(c)$/ reframe display.c /^reframe(wp)$/ refresh window.c /^refresh(f, n)$/ region.c region.c 1 register bind.c /^#define register $/ register bind.c /^#define register $/ release main.c /^release(mp) \/* release malloced memory and track */ rep_csrch csrch.c /^rep_csrch(f,n)$/ replacechar random.c /^replacechar(f, n)$/ replaces search.c /^replaces(kind, f, n)$/ repointstuff undo.c /^repointstuff(nlp,olp)$/ reposition window.c /^reposition(f, n)$/ resetkey file.c /^resetkey(bp) \/* reset the encryption key if needed/ resize window.c /^resize(f, n)$/ respawn spawn.c /^respawn(f,n) {$/ restwnd window.c /^restwnd(f, n) \/* restore the saved screen *\/$/ rev_csrch csrch.c /^rev_csrch(f,n)$/ revsearch search.c /^revsearch(f,n)$/ risearch isearch.c /^int risearch(f, n)$/ roundup line.c /^#define roundup(n) ((n+NBLOCK-1) & ~(NBLOCK-1))$/ rtfrmshell spawn.c /^rtfrmshell()$/ rvstrcpy search.c /^rvstrcpy(rvstr, str)$/ rvstrncpy search.c /^rvstrncpy(rvstr, str, n)$/ rvverify vmalloc.c /^rvverify(id,f,l)$/ savematch search.c /^savematch()$/ savewnd window.c /^savewnd(f, n) \/* save ptr to current window *\/$/ scanmore isearch.c /^int scanmore(patrn, dir) \/* search forward or back/ scrbacksearch search.c /^scrbacksearch(f,n)$/ screen_string input.c /^screen_string(buf,bufn,inclchartype)$/ scrforwsearch search.c /^scrforwsearch(f,n)$/ scrnextdw window.c /^scrnextdw(f, n) \/* scroll the next window down (f/ scrnextup window.c /^scrnextup(f, n) \/* scroll the next window up (bac/ scrolls display.c /^scrolls(inserts) \/* returns true if it does someth/ scrscroll display.c /^scrscroll(from, to, count)$/ scrsearchpat search.c /^scrsearchpat(f,n)$/ search.c search.c 1 setbit search.c /^setbit(bc, cclmap)$/ setboundry search.c /^setboundry(wrapok,lp,off,dir)$/ setchartype wordmov.c /^setchartype()$/ setcursor basic.c /^setcursor()$/ setfillcol random.c /^setfillcol(f, n)$/ setgmode random.c /^setgmode(f, n) \/* prompt and set a global editor m/ setkey crypt.c /^setkey(f, n) \/* reset encryption key of current bu/ setmark basic.c /^setmark()$/ setmode random.c /^setmode(f, n) \/* prompt and set an editor mode *\/$/ setnmmark basic.c /^setnmmark(f,n)$/ settab random.c /^settab(f, n)$/ setvar eval.c /^int setvar(f, n) \/* set a variable *\/$/ setvmalloc vmalloc.c /^setvmalloc(f,n)$/ shiftlregion region.c /^shiftlregion(f, n)$/ shiftrregion region.c /^shiftrregion(f, n)$/ showcpos random.c /^showcpos(f, n)$/ showgmodes random.c /^showgmodes(f,n)$/ showlength random.c /^showlength(f,n)$/ showm random.c /^showm(g)$/ showmodes random.c /^showmodes(f,n)$/ showversion main.c /^showversion(f,n)$/ shrinkwind window.c /^shrinkwind(f, n)$/ sindex eval.c /^int sindex(source, pattern) \/* find pattern within/ sizesignal display.c /^sizesignal ()$/ sortsearch tags.c /^sortsearch(text, len, bp, insert, lpp)$/ source main.c /^source() { return unimpl(); }$/ spal tcap.c /^spal(dummy) \/* change palette string *\/$/ spawn spawn.c /^spawn(f, n, rerun)$/ spawn.c spawn.c 1 spawncli spawn.c /^spawncli(f, n)$/ splitwind window.c /^splitwind(f, n)$/ sreplace search.c /^sreplace(f, n)$/ start_over isearch.c /^start_over:$/ startup bind.c /^startup(sfname)$/ stol eval.c /^int stol(val) \/* convert a string to a numeric log/ storemac exec.c /^storemac(f, n)$/ storeproc exec.c /^storeproc(f, n)$/ strchr estruct.h /^#define strchr index$/ strinc bind.c /^strinc(source, sub) \/* does source include sub? *\// strncpy main.c /^char *strncpy(dst, src, maxlen)$/ strrchr estruct.h /^#define strrchr rindex$/ strrchr npopen.c /^#define strrchr rindex$/ subst_again main.c /^subst_again() { return unimpl(); }$/ substregion oneliner.c /^substregion(f,n)$/ success search.c /^success:$/ svar eval.c /^int svar(var, value) \/* set a variable *\/$/ swapmark basic.c /^swapmark()$/ swbuffer buffer.c /^swbuffer(bp) \/* make buffer BP current *\/$/ sys spawn.c /^sys(cmd)$/ system spawn.c /^system(cmd)$/ tab random.c /^tab(f, n)$/ tag_for_undo undo.c /^tag_for_undo(lp)$/ taghello tags.c /^taghello() { }$/ tags tags.c /^tags(tag)$/ tags.c tags.c 1 tcap.c tcap.c 1 tcapbcol tcap.c /^tcapbcol() \/* no colors here, ignore this *\/$/ tcapbeep tcap.c /^tcapbeep()$/ tcapcres tcap.c /^tcapcres() \/* change screen resolution *\/$/ tcapeeol tcap.c /^tcapeeol()$/ tcapeeop tcap.c /^tcapeeop()$/ tcapfcol tcap.c /^tcapfcol() \/* no colors here, ignore this *\/$/ tcapkclose tcap.c /^tcapkclose()$/ tcapkopen tcap.c /^tcapkopen()$/ tcapmove tcap.c /^tcapmove(row, col)$/ tcapopen tcap.c /^tcapopen()$/ tcaprev tcap.c /^tcaprev(state) \/* change reverse video status *\/$/ tcapscroll_delins tcap.c /^tcapscroll_delins(from,to,howmany)$/ tcapscroll_reg tcap.c /^tcapscroll_reg(from,to,howmany)$/ tcapscrollregion tcap.c /^tcapscrollregion(top,bot)$/ termdef tcap.c /^#define termdef 1 \/* don't define "term" external *\/$/ termio.c termio.c 1 termio.c:struct ltchars nltchars = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; /* a lot of nothing */termio.c:struct ltchars nltchars = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; \/* a lot of nothing *\/$/ termio.c:struct tchars ntchars; /* = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; */termio.c:struct tchars ntchars; \/* = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; *\/$/ texttest display.c /^texttest(vrow,prow) \/* return TRUE on text match / tgetc input.c /^tgetc()$/ thescanner search.c /^thescanner(patrn, direct, beg_or_end, wrapok)$/ toalpha estruct.h /^#define toalpha(c) ((c)^DIFCNTRL)$/ tocntrl estruct.h /^#define tocntrl(c) ((c)^DIFCNTRL)$/ togglelistbuffers buffer.c /^togglelistbuffers(f, n)$/ token exec.c /^token(src, tok)$/ toktyp eval.c /^int toktyp(tokn) \/* find the type of a passed toke/ tokval eval.c /^tokval(tokn) \/* find the value of a token *\/$/ tolower estruct.h /^#define tolower(c) ((c)^DIFCASE)$/ toss_to_undo undo.c /^toss_to_undo(lp)$/ tossuntag tags.c /^tossuntag()$/ toupper estruct.h /^#define toupper(c) ((c)^DIFCASE)$/ tpeekc input.c /^tpeekc()$/ trace vmalloc.c /^trace(s)$/ trimline random.c /^trimline(f,n)$/ ttclean termio.c /^ttclean(f)$/ ttclose termio.c /^ttclose()$/ ttflush termio.c /^ttflush()$/ ttgetc termio.c /^ttgetc()$/ ttopen termio.c /^ttopen()$/ ttputc termio.c /^ttputc(c)$/ ttunclean termio.c /^ttunclean()$/ tungetc input.c /^tungetc(c)$/ twiddle random.c /^twiddle(f, n)$/ typahead termio.c /^typahead()$/ ulong vmalloc.c 28 unarg main.c /^unarg() \/* dummy function for binding to universal/ unbindchar bind.c /^unbindchar(c)$/ unbindkey bind.c /^unbindkey(f, n)$/ undispbuff buffer.c /^undispbuff(bp,wp)$/ undo undo.c /^undo(f,n)$/ undo.c undo.c 1 undolock dolock.c /^char *undolock(){return(NULL);}$/ uneat isearch.c /^int uneat()$/ unimpl main.c /^unimpl()$/ unlink estruct.h /^#define unlink(a) delete(a)$/ unlock lock.c /^unlock(fname)$/ unmap main.c /^unmap() { return unimpl(); }$/ unmark buffer.c /^unmark(f, n) \/* unmark the current buffers change / unqname file.c /^unqname(name,ok_to_ask) \/* make sure a buffer name/ unsigned estruct.h /^#define unsigned$/ untag tags.c /^struct untag {$/ untagpop tags.c /^untagpop(f,n)$/ updall display.c /^updall(wp)$/ update display.c /^update(force)$/ updateline display.c /^updateline(row)$/ upddex display.c /^upddex()$/ updext_before display.c /^updext_before()$/ updext_past display.c /^updext_past()$/ updgar display.c /^updgar()$/ updone display.c /^updone(wp)$/ updpos display.c /^updpos()$/ updupd display.c /^updupd(force)$/ upmode display.c /^upmode() \/* update all the mode lines *\/$/ upperregion region.c /^upperregion(f, n)$/ upscreen display.c /^upscreen(f, n)$/ usebuffer buffer.c /^usebuffer(f, n)$/ usekreg line.c /^usekreg(f,n)$/ va_dcl display.c /^#define va_dcl int va_alist;$/ va_end display.c /^#define va_end(list)$/ SHAR_EOF true || echo 'restore of tags failed' echo 'End of Vile part 14' echo 'File tags is continued in part 15' echo 15 > _shar_seq_.tmp exit 0 -- paul fox,, (617)494-1999 Cayman Systems, 26 Landsdowne St., Cambridge, MA 02139