Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!uunet!!mips!!pacbell!mtdiablo!rob From: rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US (Rob Bernardo) Newsgroups: alt.sources Subject: DMM (Data entry and Menu screen Manager) - version 1.1 part 1/2 Message-ID: <1991Jun18.012151.10052@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US> Date: 18 Jun 91 01:21:51 GMT Organization: Mt. Diablo Software Solutions Lines: 2021 From the README file: DMM is a set of C library functions that provide a fairly object-oriented front end to curses for the management of data entry and menu screens. It requires the System V version of curses. The sources for these functions are in dmm.c and dmm.h. A make file is provided. The make file and sources compile as is under SUN 0S 4.03, 4.1 and 4.1.1. They may need minor modifications for compilation on other flavors of UNIX. A section 3 manual page is included; it details the use of the functions as well as the look and feel of the screens they produce. A demo program is included and can be compiled using the make file. Using DMM effectively can be complex and the demo program demonstrates various DMM facilities and points out highlights of the demo sources. #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22) # # This is part 1 of a multipart archive # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh # # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # Makefile # README # dmm.3 # dmm.c # dmm.h # dmmdemo.h # dmmdemo1.c # dmmdemo2.c # dmmdemo3.c # dmmdemo4.c # dmmdemo5.c # dmmdemo6.c # if test -r s2_seq_.tmp then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!" next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next" exit 1; fi echo "x - extracting Makefile (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > Makefile && X# @(#)Makefile 1.1 Copyright (c) 1991 Robert Bernardo, rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US, X# an employee of Pande, Inc. Permission to use granted only if this X# notice is not removed from this make file produced from it. X XCC = /usr/5bin/cc X X XDEMOOBJS = dmmdemo1.o dmmdemo2.o dmmdemo3.o dmmdemo4.o dmmdemo5.o dmmdemo6.o Xdmmdemo: $(DEMOOBJS) dmm.o X $(CC) $(DEMOOBJS) dmm.o -lcurses -o dmmdemo X Xdmm: dmm.o X Xclean: X rm -f *.o dmmdemo core X Xlint: X lint -I/usr/5include *.c SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 Makefile || echo "restore of Makefile fails" set `wc -c Makefile`;Sum=$1 if test "$Sum" != "462" then echo original size 462, current size $Sum;fi echo "x - extracting README (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > README && XThis is the 1.1 version of DMM. It is a beta version. Bugs, fixes, Xcomments and suggestions should be sent to Robert Bernardo, at Xrob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US. X XDMM is a set of C library functions that provide a fairly object-oriented Xfront end to curses for the management of data entry and menu screens. XIt requires the System V version of curses. X XThe sources for these functions are in dmm.c and dmm.h. A make file is Xprovided. The make file and sources compile as is under SUN 0S 4.03, 4.1 Xand 4.1.1. They may need minor modifications for compilation on other Xflavors of UNIX. X XA section 3 manual page is included; it details the use of the functions Xas well as the look and feel of the screens they produce. X XA demo program is included and can be compiled using the make file. XUsing DMM effectively can be complex and the demo program demonstrates Xvarious DMM facilities and points out highlights of the demo sources. X X@(#)README 1.1 Copyright (c) 1991 Robert Bernardo, Xrob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US, an employee of Pande, Inc. Permission to Xuse DMM granted only if the copyright notice is not removed from any of Xthe component files nor from any binaries produced from them. SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 README || echo "restore of README fails" set `wc -c README`;Sum=$1 if test "$Sum" != "1183" then echo original size 1183, current size $Sum;fi echo "x - extracting dmm.3 (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > dmm.3 && X.\ @(#)dmm.3 1.1 X.TH DMM 3 6/13/91 X.SH NAME XdmmRun, dmmReview, dmmInit, dmmClose, dmmPutMsgs, dmmPutMsgsTimer, dmmPutMsgsHit, dmmPutMsgsNext, dmmClear, dmmRmMsgs, dmmGetNumLines - manage data entry and menu screens X.SH SYNOPSIS X.B #include X.PP X.B extern DMMRETTYPE dmmRetType; X.PP X.B int dmmRun(startField, screen, menu, drawFlag, valFlag) X.B int startField; X.B DMMSCREEN screen; X.B DMMMENU menu; X.B DMMDRAWFLAG drawFlag; X.B DMMVALFLAG valFlag; X.PP X.B int dmmReview(screen) X.B DMMSCREEN screen; X.PP X.B void dmmInit() X.PP X.B void dmmClose() X.PP X.B void dmmPutMsgs(mesgblock) X.B DMMMESGBLK mesgblock; X.PP X.B void dmmPutMsgsTimer(mesgblock, duration) X.B DMMMESGBLK mesgblock; X.B unsigned duration; X.PP X.B void dmmPutMsgsHit(mesgblock) X.B DMMMESGBLK mesgblock; X.PP X.B void dmmPutMsgsNext(mesgblock) X.B DMMMESGBLK mesgblock; X.PP X.B void dmmClear() X.PP X.B void dmmRmMsgs(removetype) X.B DMMREMOVETYPE removetype; X.PP X.B int dmmGetNumLines() X.SH DESCRIPTION X.IR "Data entry and Menu Manager" ", " DMM , Xis a set of functions that Xprovide a fairly object-oriented interface to X.I curses Xand enforce a particular look and feel in managing data entry and Xmenu screens. XThe next two subsections describe this look and feel; subsequent subsections Xdescribe the use of the functions. X.SS Screen appearance X.PP XThe screen consists of three X.I curses Xwindows. X.PP XThe top line is an instruction window that displays a general user instruction Xthat varies with the state that the screen is in. X.PP XThe next two lines are used by the menu. XThe menu is presented as a ring menu. XA scrollable list of typically one-word menu items is Xdisplayed horizontally on the first of the two lines. XWhen the menu is active, one menu item is considered current and is highlighted. XThe second line of the menu window is used to display a longer description Xof the current menu item. XThrough input keystrokes, the user can make a particular menu item current, Xand then with a particular keystroke can confirm the Xcurrently selected menu item as the choice made. X.PP XThe rest of the screen is the data entry window. Visually, this window appears Xto consist of two sorts of items: editable fields and static, non-editable Xphrases (used for headings and for labels of the editable fields). XTypically the two are displayed with different attributes (e.g. editable Xfields displayed highlighted and the static fields displayed plain). XWhen the data entry window is active, one editable field is considered Xcurrent, and the cursor is placed inside it. XTypically the current editable field is displayed with a different Xhighlighting attribute from the other editable fields. XThe user can edit the current field, or move to another field, Xmaking it current. XWhen the user enters a keystroke to move to another field, the value of Xthe then-current field may be audited and, Xif found in error, an error message displayed and the cursor Xis moved to its first character position; Xotherwise the cursor is moved to first character position of that other field, Xwhich is made current. X.PP XWhile the screen is interactive, Xeither the menu or the data entry window will be active. XThrough a particular keystroke, the user can switch between these two states. XTypically, a screen consists of both a menu and a data entry window (though Xonly one of the two are required) and starts with the data entry window Xactive and a program-specified field current. XThe user may enter data in the editable fields and then go to the menu Xto select an action to happen, such as to go forward with the data as entered, Xor perhaps to ignore the data and just pop back up to a higher menu. X.PP XIn either menu or data entry state, the user can enter a keystroke that Xdisplays help information. X.SS User input X.PP XThe following user input keystrokes have similar effects Xin both menu and data entry states: X.PD 0 X.TP 20 Xcontrol-g XToggles between the menu and data entry states. X.TP 20 Xcontrol-h XDisplays a screen giving this keystroke-effect information. X.TP 20 Xcontrol-r XRedraws the entire screen. X.TP 20 Xtab, control-n XMakes the next editable field or menu item current. X.TP 20 Xcontrol-p XMakes the preceding editable field or menu item current. X.PD X.PP XThe following user input keystrokes are particular to the menu state: X.PD 0 X.TP 20 Xcarriage return XChoses the current menu item. X.TP 20 Xalpha character XMakes current the single menu item that begins with the alpha character. XIf there is not exactly one such menu item, the screen is flashed. X.PD X.PP XThe following user input keystrokes are particular to the data entry state: X.PD 0 X.TP 20 Xcontrol-c XClears current editable field from current position to end of field and makes Xthe next editable field current. X.TP 20 Xcarriage return XMakes the the next editable field current. X.TP 20 Xarrow key XMoves the cursor in the indicated direction within the current editable field Xif possible. X.TP 20 Xdelete XErases the character to the left of the cursor, i.e. Xreplaces it with a blank and moves the cursor left, Xif not in the first character position in the current editable field. XIf it is in the last character position, and the last character is not blank, Xit erases the character under the cursor and leaves the cursor there. X.TP 20 Xprinting character XInserts the character in the current editable field at the cursor position X(and advances the cursor within the field Xif not at the last character position of the field) X.PD X.PP XAny other keystroke will flash the screen. X.SS Screen specification X.PP XAn invocation of the function X.B dmmRun Xmanages the display and operation of a screen Xand engages the user in interaction with the screen. X.PP XThe layout of the data entry window is specified by X.IR screen , Xa null terminated array of pointers to DMMFIELD structures, defined in X.IR dmm.h . X.PP XEach DMMFIELD describes one data entry field. Its elements describe Xtwo parts of the data entry field. The label elements describe the Xconstant part of the field, which may be used for display of headings, Xdata or a label for the editable part. The input elements describe the editable Xpart, a field on the screen where the user can move the cursor and input data. XThe editable part of a field is realized as a (nearly) rectangular area within Xthe window. X.TP 20 XlabelValue XA non-editable string to be displayed. XA NULL value indicates no string to display. X.TP 20 X.PD 0 XlabelCol, X.TP 20 X.PD XlabelLine XThe coordinates in the data entry window where the first character of X.I labelValue Xis displayed. XA negative line number represents lines from the bottom Xof the window, the bottom line represented with -1. X.TP 20 XlabelAttrib XThe attributes with which the label is displayed, given as the logical X.IR or -ing Xof the attribute constants given in , or 0L for no attributes. X.TP 20 XinputLength XThe number of data characters to accept from the user for editable part of Xthe field. XThis governs the total size of the rectangular input area. XIf 0, Xthe field is considered to have no editable part; Xthis is useful for the presentation of display-only data on the screen, Xe.g. headings. X.TP 20 XinputEditValue XA buffer of length X.I inputLength X+ 1 (for the terminating null) used to store the data as entered or Xedited by the user. X.TP XinputInitValue XA string with an initial value to be copied to inputEditValue before user Xinteraction. X(This is dependent on the value of X.I valFlag X- see below.) XThe string must no be longer than X.I inputLength. XA NULL value is treated the same as a zero-length string. X.TP 20 X.PD 0 XinputCol, X.TP 20 X.PD XinputLine XThe coordinates in the data entry window where the upper left corner Xof the input area is displayed. XA negative column value designates a column position that Xis that many intervening columns to the right of the last character of X.IR labelValue . XA negative line number represents lines from the bottom Xof the window, the bottom line represented with -1. X.TP 20 XinputMaxCols XThe width of the rectangular input area. If smaller than X.I inputLength Xthe rectangular area will be more than one line in height. XIf 0, Xthe width is taken from X.IR inputLength , Xi.e. the rectangular area will be exactly one line. X.TP X.PD 0 XinputFullLines, X.TP 20 X.PD XinputShortCols XTo be left unset by the calling function and calculated by X.BR dmmRun . XThey represent the number of lines of full width in the rectangular area Xand the number of columns in the last ``remainder'' line of the rectangular Xarea, respectively. XActually, because of the ``remainder'' line, the rectangular area is not Xalways an exact rectangle. X.TP 20 XinputAttrib XThe attributes with which the rectangular area is displayed when Xthe field is not current. XSee X.I labelAttrib Xfor a description of possible values. X.TP 20 XinputEditAttrib XThe attributes with which the rectangular area is displayed when the field Xis current. XSee X.I labelAttrib Xfor a description of possible values. XThe value A_INVIS can be used for such things as password fields. XDespite the warning in that this value is not supported, Xit is safe to use because its realization within X.I DMM Xis independent of that of X.IR curses . X.TP 20 XinputInstructVec XA null terminated array of string pointers which should contain detailed Xinstructions to the user on how to edit the field. XThey are displayed, when the field is current, Xat the bottom of the screen, one string per line. XA NULL value indicates no instructions to display. X.TP XinputNumInstructs XTo be left unset by the calling function and calculated by X.B dmmRun Xas the number of strings in X.IR inputInstructVec . X.TP 20 XinputAudit XA pointer to a function that returns an X.IR int . XIt is invoked with X.I inputEditValue Xas its single argument Xwhen the user enters a keystroke that would make the field non-current. XThis function is useful for auditing the value of X.I inputEditValue Xand displaying audit error messages to the user (using the message display Xfunctions described below). XIf NULL, it is not invoked. XThe function must accept a single X.I char * Xargument and must return one of the following DMMAUDITRETURN values, defined in X.IR dmm.h : X.RS 20 X.TP 20 XdmmAuditOkay XWhen returned the cursor is advanced to the appropriate editable field. XUseful when the value of X.I inputEditValue Xis okay. X.TP 20 XdmmAuditBad XWhen returned the cursor is moved to the first position of the current input Xfield. XUseful when the value of X.I inputEditValue Xis needs correction by the user. X.TP 20 X.PD 0 XdmmAuditReturnOkay, X.TP 20 X.PD XdmmAuditReturnBad XUseful when an inter-field audit needs to be performed. XThese two values cause X.B dmmRun Xto return with X.B dmmRetType Xset to X.I dmmOkayField Xor X.IR dmmBadField , Xrespectively, and the return value of X.B dmmRun Xset to the number of the current editable field. XThe calling function can then do its inter-field audit, such as might be Xnecessary when the two fields are month-of-year and day-of-month, where Xlegal values are interdependent and then reinvoke X.BR dmmRun . XSee the discussion of X.I startField Xbelow for further details on reinvocations of X.B dmmRun Xafter an inter-field audit. X.RE X.TP 20 X.PD 0 XnextInField, X.TP 20 X.PD XprevInField XTo be left unset by the calling function and calculated by X.BR dmmRun . X.PP XSome user keystrokes cause the next or preceding editable field to Xbecome current. XThe order of editable fields is taken from the order of the DMMFIELD Xstructures in X.IR screen ; Xthis list is considered circular, Xe.g. the editable field that comes next after the Xlast editable field is the first editable field in the X.I screen Xarray. X.PP XIf there are no fields to display, i.e. if this is a menu-only screen, X.I screen Xshould be NULL. X.PP XThe menu window is specified by X.IR menu , Xa null terminated array of pointers to DMMENUITEM structures, defined in X.IR dmm.h . X.PP XEach DMMMENUITEM describes one menu item, the elements of which are as follows: X.TP 20 Xlabel XA short string to be displayed in the menu item list. X.TP 20 Xdescript XA longer, more explanatory string that is displayed on the Xsecond line of the menu window when Xthe menu item is current. X.TP 20 X.PD 0 Xcol, X.TP 20 X.PD Xpage XTo be left unset by the calling function and calculated by X.BR dmmRun . X.PP XIf there is to be no menu for the screen, X.I menu Xshould be NULL. X.PP XThe value of X.I drawFlag Xdetermines whether internal window drawing and calculations need to Xtake place. XPermissible values are: X.TP 20 XdmmNew XUsed when a screen is displayed for the first time Xor when a screen is redisplayed after intervening call to X.B dmmRun Xhas displayed another screen. X.TP 20 XdmmOld XUsed when X.B dmmRun Xis to display the same screen as when it was last called. XNothing about the X.I screen Xor X.I menu Xstructures nor the values that they point to may have been changed Xsince the last call because the screen in this case is repainted Xby a simple X.I wrefresh Xwith no internal window redrawing or recalculations. X.PP XThe value of X.I valFlag Xdetermines the initial values of the editable fields. XPermissible values are: X.TP 20 XdmmInitVal Xcauses the value of X.I inputInitValue Xto be copied to X.I inputEditValue Xbefore the screen is displayed and user interaction begun. XThis is useful when a certain screen is to be displayed more than oncer Xper execution of the program and some of those times it should Xstart off with certain default values instead of with the edited values. XThe default value of each field should be placed in the X.I inputInitVal Xparameter for the field. X.TP 20 XdmmEdVal Xcauses no such copying. XThe values displayed are those that are already in the X.I inputEditValue Xparameters for each field. X.PP XThe value of X.I startField Xdetermines which field is made current when user interaction is begun; Xit must be the index in X.I screen Xof a DMMFIELD that is editable, i.e. one that has a non-zero X.IR inputLength . XThe special value of -1 has a significance according to the value of X.IR drawFlag . XIf X.I drawFlag Xis X.IR dmmNew , Xthe starting editable field will be the Xfirst editable field (not necessarily the first field) in X.IR screen . XIf X.I drawFlag is X.IR dmmOld , Xthe starting editable field depends upon the state of affairs when Xlast invocation of X.B dmmRun Xreturned. XIf it returned due to a menu selection Xthe starting editable field will be the last current field. XIf it returned because an X.I inputAudit Xfunction returned X.I dmmAuditReturnOkay Xor X.IR dmmAuditReturnBad , Xthe starting editable field will be either the next or preceding editable Xfield (depending upon whether the user keystroke that invoked the audit Xwas for moving to the next or preceding field). XAs described above, this is useful after an inter-field edit has taken place Xfor a seamless appearance to the separate invocations of X.BR dmmRun . XIf the inter-field audit showed valid editable field values, it is useful Xto reinvoke X.B dmmRun Xwith an X.I drawFlag Xvalue of X.I dmmOld Xand a X.I startField Xvalue of -1. XIf the inter-field audit indicates that an editable field value needs Xcorrection by the user, Xan error message should be displayed and X.B dmmRun Xshould be reinvoked with an X.I drawFlag Xvalue of X.I dmmOld Xand X.I startField Xset to the index of the offending field. X.PP X.B dmmRun Xreturns typically when a user choses a menu item (i.e. enters a carriage Xreturn while in the menu state), but also when an X.I inputAudit Xfunction returns X.I dmmAuditReturnOKay Xor X.IR dmmAuditReturnBad . XIn the former case, X.B dmmRun Xreturns the index of the menu item chosen, and sets X.B dmmRetType Xto X.IR dmmMenu . XIn the latter cases, it returns the index of the associated editable field; X.B dmmRetType Xis set to X.I dmmOkayField Xor X.I dmmBadField Xdepending upon whether the audit function returned X.I dmmAuditReturnOKay Xor X.IR dmmAuditReturnBad , Xrespectively. XA menuless screen must therefore have an X.I inputAudit Xfunction that unconditionally returns either X.I dmmAuditReturnOkay Xor X.IR dmmAuditReturnBad ; Xotherwise there will be nothing the user can input that will cause X.B dmmRun Xto return! X.SS Terminal initialization and cleanup X.PP XThe function X.B dmmRun Xprovides normal X.I curses Xinitialization (e.g. puts the terminal in raw mode) and creates the various Xwindows needed for its work. XWhen all X.I curses Xinteraction is finished in the program, whether through X.I DMM Xfunctions Xor though other functions, the program should invoke X.B dmmClose Xto clean up and return the terminal to its previous state. XThe function X.B dmmInit Xprovides the same initialization functionality as X.B dmmRun Xwithout the presentation of a screen. XThis is useful when the program needs to do X.I curses Xwork (such as display of data on the screen using any of the message Xdisplay function described below) prior to the first call of X.BR dmmRun . XIf initialization has already been done, X.B dmmRun Xwill not do it again (unless, of course, there has been an intervening Xinvocation of X.BR dmmClose ). X.SS Non-interactive display of data X.PP XData, such as error messages, may be displayed in the data entry window Xwithout the user-interaction of a screen. XThis is useful not only between invocations of X.B dmmRun X(or X.B dmmInit Xand X.BR dmmRun ), Xbut also within the X.I inputAudit Xfunctions to display messages to the user when the user needs to correct Xan editable field. X.B dmmPutMsgs Xis the simplest of the message display functions; it adds a block of Xmessages to the existing data entry window and leaves them there. X.I mesgblock Xis a null-terminated array of DMMMESSAGE structures, defined in X.IR dmm.h . XEach DMMMESSAGE describes one message string, Xthe elements of which are as follows: X.TP 20 Xvalue XThe string to be displayed. X.TP 20 X.PD 0 Xcol, X.TP 20 X.PD Xline XThe coordinates in the data entry window where the first character of X.I value Xis displayed. XA negative value for X.I line Xrepresents lines from the bottom Xof the window, the bottom line represented with -1. X.TP 20 Xattrib XThe attributes with which X.I value Xis displayed. XSee X.IR labelAttrib , Xabove, for a description of possible values. X.PP XMessages are cleared from the window with the next invocation of X.B dmmRun Xor with an invocation of X.BR dmmRmMsgs . XIf X.I removetype Xis X.IR dmmRemoveAll , Xall message displayed since the last invocation of X.B dmmRun Xor X.B dmmInit Xare removed from the window. XIf X.I removetype Xis X.IR dmmRemoveLast Xonly the messages displayed with the last invocation of X.B dmmPutMsgs Xare removed. X.PP X.B dmmPutMsgsTimer Xdisplays the messages described by X.IR mesgblock , Xsleeps for X.I duration Xseconds, removes them and returns. X.PP X.B dmmPutMsgsHit Xdisplays the messages described by X.IR mesgblock , Xdisplays an instruction in the instruction window for the user to press Xany key to continue, and when the user enters a keystroke, the messages Xare removed and the function returns. X.PP X.B dmmPutMsgsNext Xdisplays the messages described by X.I mesgblock Xand removes them upon the next user keystroke entered under an invocation of X.B dmmRun X(unless removed first by a call to X.IR dmmRmMsgs ). XThe keystroke is interpreted by X.B dmmRun Xas it would normally rather than discard it as it is under an invocation of X.BR dmmPutMsgsHit . X.PP X.B dmmClear Xclears everything from the data entry window, Xall messages and any display from the last call of X.BR dmmRun . XThis is useful prior to using X.RI non- DMM Xfunctions for screen manipulation and after a call to X.B dmmRun Xwhen you don't want the data entry portion of the screen displayed any longer. X.PP X.B dmmGetNumLines Xreturns the number of lines in the data entry window. XThis is useful, for example, when displaying tabular data as a set of messages, Xand one needs to know how many lines of the table can be displayed in a single Xscreenful. X.SS Non-interactive auditing of editable field values XAs mentioned above, a field's input value is audited under X.B dmmRun Xonly when the user input a keystroke that would change the field from current Xto non-current. XConsequently, fields that the user doesn't traverse go unaudited under X.BR dmmRun , Xa problem with fields whose initial input value (see discussion Xof X.I valFlag Xabove) is not a valid value; X(this is often the case, Xe.g. when there is no default value to give for a field's X.I initVal Xbut a value for the field is required nontheless.) XThe solution is to call X.BR dmmReview , Xwhich invokes the X.I inputAudit Xfunction of each editable field and Xreturning the index of the first editable field whose X.I inputAudit Xreturns either X.I dmmAuditBad Xor X.I dmmAuditReturnBad Xand by setting X.B dmmRetType Xto X.IR dmmBadField . XIf no editable fields have invalid values, it returns -1 and sets X.B dmmRetType Xto X.IR dmmOkayField . XTherefore, if a screen has initial editable field values that are not valid, Xit is recommended that the call to X.B dmmRun Xthat presents the screen be followed by a call to X.B dmmReview X(given an appropriate return value of X.BR dmmRun ). X.SS Data structures as function arguments X.I dmm.h X.I typedefs Xa number of data structures for use with these functions: X.PD 0 X.PP X typedef struct dmmField DMMFIELD, *DMMSCREEN[], **DMMSCREEN2; X typedef struct dmmMenuItem DMMMENUITEM, *DMMMENU[], **DMMMENU2; X typedef struct dmmMessage DMMMESSAGE, *DMMMESGBLK[], **DMMMESGBLK2; X.PP XThe first of each triplet are the basic structures used, and the second Xare the array-of-pointers data types used above as arguments to the X.I DMM Xfunctions. XHowever, sometimes it is useful (and syntactically equivalent in some contextss) Xto use a pointer pointer instead of an array of pointers for the argument of Xthe called function, as are the third of each triplet. XAn example of a situation in which the pointer pointers are Xuseful is as follows: X.PD X.PP X int startField = -1; X DMMDRAWFLAG drawFlag = dmmNew; X DMMVALFLAG valFlag = dmmInitVal; X /* initialization of the DMMSCREENs and DMMMENUs X * omitted in this example for brevity X */ X DMMSCREEN normal_screen, root_screen; X DMMSCREEN2 screen_to_use; X DMMMENU normal_menu, root_menu; X DMMMENU2 menu_to_use; X ... X if(getuid() == 0) { X ... X screen_to_use = root_screen; X menu_to_use = root_menu; X ... X } else { X ... X screen_to_use = normal_screen; X menu_to_use = normal_menu; X ... X } X ... X dmmRun(startField, screen_to_use, menu_to_use, drawFlag, valFlag); X.SH EXAMPLE X.PP XThe sources for a demo program that illustrates good use of X.I DMM Xare included with the X.I DMM Xsources. XNotice how the declaration of the various X.I DMM Xdata structures as static variables enables easy initialization. X.SH DIAGNOSTICS X.PP X.B dmmRun Xreturns -1 if the screen is faulty, X(e.g. a label or input portion of a field or a menu item Xdoes not fit on the screen, Xeach menu item label does not begin with a unique alphabetic character, X.I startField Xis not the index of an editable field, Xthere is no menu and the data entry portion has no editable fields, Xetc.), and Xa diagnostic message is displayed on the screen. XNon-error return values for X.B dmmRun Xand X.B dmmReview Xare described above. X.SH SEE ALSO X.PP X.IR curses (3V) X.SH AUTHOR X.PP XCopyright \(co 1991, Robert Bernardo, rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US, Xan employee of Pande, Inc. XPermission to use granted only if this Xnotice is not removed from this manual page. SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 dmm.3 || echo "restore of dmm.3 fails" set `wc -c dmm.3`;Sum=$1 if test "$Sum" != "23153" then echo original size 23153, current size $Sum;fi echo "x - extracting dmm.c (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > dmm.c && X#ifndef LINT Xstatic char dmm_c_id[] = {"@(#)dmm.c 1.1 \ XCopyright (c) 1991 Robert Bernardo, rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US, \ Xan employee of Pande, Inc. \ XPermission to use granted only if this notice is not removed from \ Xthis source file nor from any binaries produced from it."}; X#endif X X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include "dmm.h" X X/* see man page for description */ XDMMRETTYPE dmmRetType; X X/* enum for type of cursor change */ Xenum change { X previous, stayput, movecursor, next X}; X X/* error message data structures */ Xstatic char errorMsgBuf[BUFSIZ]; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE errorMsg = {errorMsgBuf, 0, 0, A_REVERSE}; Xstatic DMMMESGBLK errorMsgBlk = {&errorMsg, 0}; X X#define CNVRT_LN_NUM(lnnum) (lnnum < 0 ? LFLINE+lnnum+1 : lnnum) X#define DISP_ERROR_0(mesg) {strcpy(errorMsg.value,mesg); \ X dmmPutMsgsHit(errorMsgBlk);} X#define DISP_ERROR_1(fmt,arg) {sprintf(errorMsg.value,fmt,arg); \ X dmmPutMsgsHit(errorMsgBlk);} X#define DISP_ERROR_2(fmt,a,b) {sprintf(errorMsg.value,fmt,a,b); \ X dmmPutMsgsHit(errorMsgBlk);} X#define DISP_ERROR_3(fmt,a,b,c) {sprintf(errorMsg.value,fmt,a,b,c); \ X dmmPutMsgsHit(errorMsgBlk);} X X/* special command input character symbols */ X#define TAB '\t' X#define RETURN '\r' X#define DELETE CERASE X X/* menu scroll symbols */ X#define LEFT_SCROLL_SYMBOL "<<" X#define RIGHT_SCROLL_SYMBOL ">>" X X/* parameters of the windows */ X/* - number of lines in each window */ X#define MLINES 2 /* menu window */ X#define ILINES 1 /* instruct window */ X#define FLINES (LINES - MLINES - ILINES) /* field window */ X X/* - menu line functions */ X#define MENU_LABEL_LINE 0 X#define MENU_DESCRIPT_LINE 1 X X/* - line number of first line of windows */ X X#define FILINE 0 /* instruct window */ X#define FMLINE (FILINE + ILINES) /* menu window */ X#define FFLINE (FMLINE + MLINES) /* field window */ X X/* - line number of last line of windows in window (not in screen) */ X#define LFLINE (FLINES - 1) /* field window */ X X#define MENUI_SPACING 2 /* number of spaces between */ X X/* string constants */ X/* - general instruction messages */ X#define MENU_INSTRUCT "Cursor to desired item and enter RETURN. Press control-h for help." X#define GOTO_MENU_INSTRUCT "Press control-g to enter menu. Press control-h for help." X#define NULL_MENU_INSTRUCT "Press control-h for help." X#define ANY_KEY_INSTRUCT "Press any key to continue." X X/* - diagnostic error messages */ X#define BAD_FIELDNUM "Program error! Target field %d beyond max %d.\n" X#define NO_INPUT_MSG "Program error! No input fields nor menu items.\n" X#define NOT_IFIELD "Program error! Target field %d not an input field.\n" X#define WIDE_LABEL "Program error! Menu label %d too wide for screen.\n" X#define NON_ALPHA "Program error! Menu item %d doesn't begin with an alphabetic character." X#define LABEL_NO_FIT "Program error! Label for field %d won't fit on screen.\n" X#define IP_NO_FIT "Program error! Input part of field %d won't fit on screen.\n" X X#define DMMWATTRSET(win, attrib) wattrset(win, attrib&~A_INVIS) X#define DMMWATTRON(win, attrib) wattron(win, attrib&~A_INVIS) X#define DMMWATTROFF(win, attrib) wattroff(win, attrib&~A_INVIS) X X X/* global variables */ X/* general information discoverd about a screen */ Xstatic int numFields, /* number of fields */ X numInputParts, /* number of fields with input parts */ X numMenuItems, /* number of menu items */ X numMenuPages, /* number of menu pages */ X curMenuItem, /* current menu item */ X firstInputFld; /* first field with input part */ X/* flags needed to manage the removal of messages displayed with X * dmmPutMsgsNext() when not called under a call to dmmRun(), e.g. not X * under an inputAudit function. X */ Xstatic int interactive, /* set when dmm is interactive */ X wantNextClear, /* set when next keystroke should clear X * messages from screen */ X needAddMsgs; /* set when need to add messages from a X * dmmPutMsgsNext() called when dmm was not X * interactive */ XPMNmsgsWereLast; /* set when the last messages added were X * added by dmmPutMsgsNext(). This is needed X * because if dmmRmMsgs() is called to remove X * just the last messages, the need to clear X * the dmmPutMsgsNext() is removed and need X * not be done on the next user keystroke X * under dmmRun(). */ X X/* global variables for parameters so they don't have to be passed all over */ Xstatic DMMSCREEN2 dupeScreen; /* field vector */ Xstatic DMMMENU2 dupeMenu; /* menu vector */ X/* windows */ Xstatic WINDOW *fieldWin, /* field window */ X *fieldWinCopy, /* saved window between dmmRun() calls */ X *fieldWinPreMsg, /* saved window before messages */ X *mesgWin, /* overlay window of messages */ X *instructWin, /* general instruction window */ X *instructWinCopy,/* copy of instruction window */ X *menuWin, /* menu window */ X *menuWinCopy; /* copy menu window */ X/* miscellaneous */ Xstatic int isOpen; /* 0 if dmmInit needs to be performed */ X Xstatic int menuIndex[(int) ('z' - 'a' + 1)]; /* index by letter into X * menu by initial X * letters of menu X * labels. */ X/* structures for help screens */ X#define KEY_COLUMN 5 X#define EFFECT_COLUMN 22 X#define INTRO_LINE 0 X#define HELP_LINE (INTRO_LINE + 2) X#define REDRAW_LINE (HELP_LINE + 1) X#define NEXT_LINE (REDRAW_LINE + 1) X#define PREV_LINE (NEXT_LINE + 1) X#define RETURNS_LINE (PREV_LINE + 1) X#define RETURNM_LINE (RETURNS_LINE + 1) X#define DELETE_LINE (RETURNM_LINE + 1) X#define ARROW_LINE (DELETE_LINE + 1) X#define CLEAR_LINE (ARROW_LINE + 1) X#define GOTO_LINE (CLEAR_LINE + 1) X#define NORMALS_LINE (GOTO_LINE + 1) X#define NORMALM_LINE (NORMALS_LINE + 1) X Xstatic DMMMESSAGE introHelpKey = X{"Key", KEY_COLUMN, INTRO_LINE, A_REVERSE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE helpHelpKey = X{"control-h", KEY_COLUMN, HELP_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE redrawHelpKey = X{"control-r", KEY_COLUMN, REDRAW_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE nextHelpKey = X{"control-n/tab", KEY_COLUMN, NEXT_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE prevHelpKey = {"control-p", KEY_COLUMN, PREV_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE returnHelpKey = {"return", KEY_COLUMN, RETURNS_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE deleteHelpKey = {"delete", KEY_COLUMN, DELETE_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE arrowHelpKey = {"arrow key", KEY_COLUMN, ARROW_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE clearHelpKey = {"control-c", KEY_COLUMN, CLEAR_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE gotoHelpKey = {"control-g", KEY_COLUMN, GOTO_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE normalHelpKey = X{"`normal' keys", KEY_COLUMN, NORMALS_LINE}; X Xstatic DMMMESSAGE introEffectKey = X{"Effect", EFFECT_COLUMN, INTRO_LINE, A_REVERSE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE helpEffectKey = X{"display help (this screen)", EFFECT_COLUMN, HELP_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE redrawEffectKey = X{"redraw screen", EFFECT_COLUMN, REDRAW_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE nextEffectKey = X{"go to next data field or menu item", EFFECT_COLUMN, NEXT_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE prevEffectKey = X{"go to previous data field or menu item", EFFECT_COLUMN, PREV_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE returnScreenEffectKey = X{"if in data entry, go to next data field or,", EFFECT_COLUMN, RETURNS_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE returnMenuEffectKey = X{"if in menu, accept menu choice", EFFECT_COLUMN, RETURNM_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE deleteEffectKey = X{"erase preceding character in current data field", EFFECT_COLUMN, DELETE_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE arrowEffectKey = X{"move within current data field", EFFECT_COLUMN, ARROW_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE clearEffectKey = X{"clear to end of current data field and go to next", XEFFECT_COLUMN, CLEAR_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE gotoEffectKey = X{"move from data entry to menu or vice versa", EFFECT_COLUMN, GOTO_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE normalScreenEffectKey = X{"if in data entry, input letter into data field or,", XEFFECT_COLUMN, NORMALS_LINE}; Xstatic DMMMESSAGE normalMenuEffectKey = X{"if in menu, highlight menu item with same first letter", XEFFECT_COLUMN, NORMALM_LINE}; X Xstatic DMMMESGBLK helpMsgVec = X{&introHelpKey, &helpHelpKey, &redrawHelpKey, &nextHelpKey, X &prevHelpKey, &returnHelpKey, &deleteHelpKey, &arrowHelpKey, &clearHelpKey, X &gotoHelpKey, &normalHelpKey, &introEffectKey, X &helpEffectKey, &redrawEffectKey, &nextEffectKey, &prevEffectKey, X &returnScreenEffectKey, &deleteEffectKey, &returnMenuEffectKey, X &arrowEffectKey, &clearEffectKey, &gotoEffectKey, &normalScreenEffectKey, X&normalMenuEffectKey, 0}; X/* dmmInit() put the terminal in the right mode and set up curses with X * the right windows. X */ Xvoid XdmmInit () X{ X initscr (); X raw (); X nonl (); X noecho (); X X /* get terminal in right mode */ X putp (init_1string); X putp (init_2string); X putp (init_3string); X putp (cursor_visible); /* blinking cursor */ X X /* create windows */ X fieldWin = newwin (FLINES, COLS, FFLINE, 0); X fieldWinCopy = newwin (FLINES, COLS, FFLINE, 0); X fieldWinPreMsg = newwin (FLINES, COLS, FFLINE, 0); X mesgWin = newwin (FLINES, COLS, FFLINE, 0); X instructWin = newwin (ILINES, COLS, FILINE, 0); X instructWinCopy = newwin (ILINES, COLS, FILINE, 0); X menuWin = newwin (MLINES, COLS, FMLINE, 0); X menuWinCopy = newwin (MLINES, COLS, FMLINE, 0); X X /* leave cursor where code says to */ X leaveok (instructWin, FALSE); X leaveok (fieldWin, FALSE); X leaveok (menuWin, FALSE); X X /* treat escape sequences as single characters */ X keypad (fieldWin, TRUE); X keypad (menuWin, TRUE); X X /* set attributes of windows fixed at a single attribute */ X DMMWATTRSET (instructWin, A_REVERSE); X X isOpen = 1; X X return; X} X X X/* redraw() unconditionally redraw the entirety of each window. X */ Xstatic void Xredraw () X{ X clearok (fieldWin, TRUE); X clearok (instructWin, TRUE); X clearok (menuWin, TRUE); X wnoutrefresh (fieldWin); X wnoutrefresh (instructWin); X wnoutrefresh (menuWin); X doupdate (); X return; X} X X X/* dmmClose() cleanup dmm and close down curses */ Xvoid XdmmClose () X{ X delwin (fieldWin); X delwin (fieldWinCopy); X delwin (fieldWinPreMsg); X delwin (mesgWin); X delwin (instructWin); X delwin (instructWinCopy); X delwin (menuWin); X delwin (menuWinCopy); X isOpen = 0; X clear (); X refresh (); X endwin (); X putp (cursor_normal); X return; X} X X X/* dmmGetNumLines return the number of lines in fieldWin */ Xint XdmmGetNumLines () X{ X return FLINES; X} X X/* outOfTheWay put the cursor in a place where it's not distracting */ Xvoid XoutOfTheWay() X{ X wmove (instructWin, 0, COLS - 1); X wnoutrefresh (instructWin); X return; X} X X X/* dmmRmMsgs() remove messages displayed */ Xvoid XdmmRmMsgs (removeType) XDMMREMOVETYPE removeType; X{ X /* X * remove residue of dmmPutMsgsNext type of messages as appropriate to X * whether they were last or wether we are clearing all messages not just X * the last messages X */ X if ((removeType == dmmRemoveAll) || (PMNmsgsWereLast)) { X wclear (mesgWin); X needAddMsgs = 0; X wantNextClear = 0; X } X /* remove proper "layer" of messages */ X overwrite ((removeType == dmmRemoveAll ? fieldWinCopy : fieldWinPreMsg), X fieldWin); X wnoutrefresh (fieldWin); X outOfTheWay(); X doupdate(); X return; X} X X X/* wGetCh() like wgetch(), but clears any messages displayed by X * dmmPutMesgsNext() X */ Xstatic int XwGetCh (win) XWINDOW *win; X{ X int keystroke; X /* get keystroke */ X keystroke = wgetch (win); X X /* if need to clear messages, do so */ X if (wantNextClear) { X dmmRmMsgs (dmmRemoveLast); X wantNextClear = 0; X } X /* if mesgWin was used, clear it so stale messages don't get reused */ X if (needAddMsgs) { X werase (mesgWin); X needAddMsgs = 0; X } X return keystroke; X} X X X/* addMsgs() add messages to the indicated window */ Xstatic void XaddMsgs (win, mesgBlock) XWINDOW *win; XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; X{ X /* display each item in the message array */ X while (*mesgBlock) { X DMMWATTRON (win, (*mesgBlock)->attrib); X mvwaddstr (win, CNVRT_LN_NUM ((*mesgBlock)->line), X (*mesgBlock)->col, (*mesgBlock)->value); X DMMWATTROFF (win, (*mesgBlock)->attrib); X mesgBlock++; X } X wnoutrefresh (win); X return; X} X X X/* doPutMsgs() see comments for dmmPutMsgs, if save is set, write X * messages as well to mesgWin X */ Xstatic void XdoPutMsgs (mesgBlock, save) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; Xint save; X{ X X /* save copy of window as it currently is */ X overwrite (fieldWin, fieldWinPreMsg); X X /* display messages on fieldWin, and on mesgWin as needed */ X addMsgs (fieldWin, mesgBlock); X if (save) X addMsgs (mesgWin, mesgBlock); X PMNmsgsWereLast = 0; /* may be set by outer call to X * dmmPutMsgsNext() */ X outOfTheWay(); X doupdate (); X} X X X/* dmmPutMsgsNext() remove messages displayed until a key is input X * under dmmRun or until explicitly removed X */ Xvoid XdmmPutMsgsNext (mesgBlock) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; X{ X wantNextClear = mesgBlock ? 1 : 0; X if (!interactive) X needAddMsgs = 1; X doPutMsgs (mesgBlock, needAddMsgs); X PMNmsgsWereLast = 1; X return; X} X X X/* dmmPutMsgs() display messages */ Xvoid XdmmPutMsgs (mesgBlock) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; X{ X doPutMsgs (mesgBlock, 0); X return; X} X X/* dmmClear() clear everything irretrievably from fieldWin */ Xvoid XdmmClear() X{ X wclear(mesgWin); X wnoutrefresh(mesgWin); X wclear(fieldWin); X wnoutrefresh(fieldWin); X wclear(fieldWinCopy); X wnoutrefresh(fieldWinCopy); X outOfTheWay(); X doupdate(); X return; X} X X X/* dmmPutMsgsTimer() display messages for a certain number of secs */ Xvoid XdmmPutMsgsTimer (mesgBlock, duration) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; Xunsigned duration; X{ X /* display messages */ X dmmPutMsgs (mesgBlock); X X /* sleep and then redisplay the original window without the messages */ X (void) sleep (duration); X dmmRmMsgs (dmmRemoveLast); X X return; X} X X X/* dispInstruct() display a message in the general instruction window */ Xstatic void XdispInstruct (msg) Xchar *msg; X{ X mvwaddstr (instructWin, 0, 0, msg); X wclrtoeol (instructWin); X wnoutrefresh (instructWin); X return; X} X X X/* doPutMsgsHit() display the messages indicated by mesgBlock X * until the user enters a keystroke X */ Xvoid static XdoPutMsgsHit (mesgBlock, restoreThem) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; Xint restoreThem; X{ X register int x; X overwrite (instructWin, instructWinCopy); X if (restoreThem) { X overwrite (fieldWin, fieldWinCopy); X overwrite (menuWin, menuWinCopy); X wclear (fieldWin); X wclear (menuWin); X wnoutrefresh (menuWin); X } X dispInstruct (ANY_KEY_INSTRUCT); X flushinp (); X dmmPutMsgs (mesgBlock); X wgetch (fieldWin); X flushinp (); X if (restoreThem) { X overwrite (fieldWinCopy, fieldWin); X overwrite (menuWinCopy, menuWin); X wnoutrefresh (fieldWin); X wnoutrefresh (menuWin); X } else X dmmRmMsgs (dmmRemoveLast); X overwrite (instructWinCopy, instructWin); X X /* That last overwrite makes the whole window inverse video including X * trailing blanks, not just the message part, so we have to clear X * the trailing spaces while in normal attributes. X */ X DMMWATTROFF (instructWin, A_REVERSE); X x = instructWin->_maxx; X while(x--) { X if((mvwinch(instructWin, 0, x) & A_CHARTEXT) != ' ') { X x++; X break; X } X } X wmove(instructWin, 0, x); X wclrtoeol(instructWin); X DMMWATTRON (instructWin, A_REVERSE); X wnoutrefresh (instructWin); X doupdate (); X return; X} X X X/* dmmPutMsgsHit() display a message until the user presses any key */ Xvoid XdmmPutMsgsHit (mesgBlock) XDMMMESGBLK mesgBlock; X{ X doPutMsgsHit (mesgBlock, 0); X return; X} X X X/* dispInField() display the input part of the specified field X * with the specified attributes. X */ Xstatic void XdispInField (fldPtr, attrib) Xregister DMMFIELD *fldPtr; Xlong attrib; X{ X register int charNum; /* counter of characters output */ X int doNulls, /* set if characters run out */ X len; /* length of field */ X if (fldPtr->inputLength) { X DMMWATTRON (fieldWin, attrib); X charNum = 0; X doNulls = (attrib & A_INVIS) ? 1 : 0; X for (charNum = 0, len = fldPtr->inputLength; charNum < len; charNum++) { X if (fldPtr->inputEditValue[charNum] == '\0') X doNulls = 1; /* we got to end of string, from here to end X * output blanks */ X mvwaddch (fieldWin, X fldPtr->inputLine + (charNum / fldPtr->inputMaxCols), X fldPtr->inputCol + (charNum % fldPtr->inputMaxCols), X doNulls ? ' ' : fldPtr->inputEditValue[charNum]); X } X DMMWATTROFF (fieldWin, attrib); X } X return; X} X X X/* calcDflts() calculate line and column numbers for the label X * and input part of data fields; a negative line X * number represents lines from the window bottom, X * with -1 being the bottom; a negative column for X * the input part of the field indicates the number X * of columns separating it and the end of the label part; X * calculate the number of full length lines and X * the length of the last line (if not full length) X * of the input part. X */ Xstatic void XcalcDflts (fldPtr) Xregister DMMFIELD *fldPtr; X{ X X /* calculate line numbers */ X fldPtr->labelLine = CNVRT_LN_NUM (fldPtr->labelLine); X fldPtr->inputLine = CNVRT_LN_NUM (fldPtr->inputLine); X X /* calculate input part column number */ X if (fldPtr->inputCol < 0) X fldPtr->inputCol = fldPtr->labelCol X + strlen (fldPtr->labelValue) - fldPtr->inputCol - 1; X X /* calculate dimensions of lines of input part from length; if X * inputMaxCols is 0, field will be one line of inputLength chars X */ X if (fldPtr->inputMaxCols) { X fldPtr->inputFullLines = fldPtr->inputLength / fldPtr->inputMaxCols; X fldPtr->inputShortCols = fldPtr->inputLength % fldPtr->inputMaxCols; X } else { X fldPtr->inputMaxCols = fldPtr->inputLength; X fldPtr->inputFullLines = 1; X fldPtr->inputShortCols = 0; X } X X return; X} X X X/* calcMenu() calculate page and column for each menu item X * and create index for menu; return -1 if X * more than one item label begin with the same X * letter, else 0. X */ Xstatic int XcalcMenu () X{ X int letter, X thisPage, X nextCol, X scrollSymSize = strlen (LEFT_SCROLL_SYMBOL), X numScrollSymbols, X itemLen, X itemNum = 0; X /* initialize menu index */ X for (letter = 0; letter < (int) ('z' - 'a' + 1); letter++) X menuIndex[letter] = -1; X X /* get count of menu items */ X while (dupeMenu[itemNum++]); X numMenuItems = itemNum - 1; X X /* start on first column of first page */ X thisPage = 0; X nextCol = 0; X itemNum = 0; X while (dupeMenu[itemNum]) { X X /* register item in index */ X letter = (int) *(dupeMenu[itemNum]->label); X if (!(isascii (letter) && isalpha (letter))) { X DISP_ERROR_1 (NON_ALPHA, itemNum); X return -1; X } X if (isupper (letter)) X letter = tolower (letter); X letter -= (int) 'a'; /* start from 0, not 'a' */ X if (menuIndex[letter] == -1) X menuIndex[letter] = itemNum; X else X menuIndex[letter] = -2;; X X itemLen = strlen (dupeMenu[itemNum]->label); X X /* check to see that label isn't wider than the window itself if this X * menu has only one item, then we don't need to worry about fitting X * in any scroll symbols; if we are already beyond the first page and X * there are no more items, we need to worry about only one scroll X * symbol also fitting; if we are already beyond the first page and X * there are more items, we need to worry about two scroll symbols X * also fitting. X */ X if (numMenuItems == 1) X numScrollSymbols = 0; X else if ((thisPage > 0) && ((itemNum + 1) == numMenuItems)) X numScrollSymbols = 1; X else X numScrollSymbols = 2; X if ((itemLen + X (numScrollSymbols * (scrollSymSize + MENUI_SPACING))) > COLS) { X DISP_ERROR_1 (WIDE_LABEL, itemNum); X return -1; X } X X /* check to see if it will fit on this page; if not the last item we X * need to make sure on scrolling symbol will fit as well. X */ X numScrollSymbols = ((itemNum + 1) == numMenuItems) ? 0 : 1; X if ((itemLen + nextCol + X (numScrollSymbols * (scrollSymSize + MENUI_SPACING))) > COLS) { X X /* won't fit on this page, start new page */ X thisPage++; X nextCol = scrollSymSize + MENUI_SPACING; X } X X /* assign its col and page */ X dupeMenu[itemNum]->col = nextCol; X dupeMenu[itemNum]->page = thisPage; X nextCol += (itemLen + MENUI_SPACING); X X itemNum++; X } X X /* Set global menu variables; hmm ... numMenuItems already set above */ X numMenuPages = thisPage + 1; X return 0; X} X X X/* dispMenuItem() display menu item highlighted or not X * and display description field if highlighted X */ Xstatic void XdispMenuItem (mitemPtr, highlight) XDMMMENUITEM *mitemPtr; Xint highlight; X{ X if (mitemPtr) { X if (highlight) X DMMWATTRON (menuWin, A_REVERSE); X mvwaddstr (menuWin, MENU_LABEL_LINE, mitemPtr->col, X mitemPtr->label); X if (highlight) { X DMMWATTROFF (menuWin, A_REVERSE); X mvwaddstr (menuWin, MENU_DESCRIPT_LINE, 0, mitemPtr->descript); X wclrtoeol (menuWin); X } X } X return; X} X X X/* dispMenuPage() display page of menu items containing the X * item indicated; if highlight is TRUE X * highlight the menu item; if force is TRUE, X * redisplay from scratch. X */ Xstatic void XdispMenuPage (itemNum, highlight, dmmRenew) Xint itemNum, X highlight, X dmmRenew; X{ X static int lastPageDisplayed = -1, X lastItemHighlighted = -1; X int itemIndex, X pageNum; X X /* if page is current only redisplay old item unhighlighted and new item X * highlighted, else display whole page from scratch adding right and X * left scrolling symbols as needed X */ X X if (!dmmRenew && (dupeMenu[itemNum]->page == lastPageDisplayed)) { X X if (itemNum != lastItemHighlighted) X if (lastItemHighlighted != -1) X dispMenuItem (dupeMenu[lastItemHighlighted], 0); X dispMenuItem (dupeMenu[itemNum], highlight); X X } else { X X werase (menuWin); X pageNum = dupeMenu[itemNum]->page; X for (itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < numMenuItems; itemIndex++) X if (dupeMenu[itemIndex]->page == pageNum) X dispMenuItem (dupeMenu[itemIndex], X ((itemIndex == itemNum) && highlight)); X X if (pageNum) X mvwaddstr (menuWin, MENU_LABEL_LINE, 0, LEFT_SCROLL_SYMBOL); X if (pageNum + 1 < numMenuPages) X mvwaddstr (menuWin, MENU_LABEL_LINE, X COLS - sizeof (RIGHT_SCROLL_SYMBOL), RIGHT_SCROLL_SYMBOL); X X lastPageDisplayed = pageNum; X } X lastItemHighlighted = itemNum; X wnoutrefresh (menuWin); X return; X} X X X/* layout() do layout and calculations for the first display */ Xstatic int Xlayout () X{ X register int fldNum = 0; /* number of current field */ X register DMMFIELD *fieldPtr; X int inputPartCnt = 0, /* number of input fields so far */ X lastInFieldNum = -1, X firstInFieldNum; X X /* indicate first input field not yet discovered */ X firstInputFld = -1; X X /* erase previous contents of windows */ X werase (fieldWin); X werase (instructWin); X werase (menuWin); X X /* draw field window */ X if (dupeScreen) { X while (dupeScreen[fldNum]) { X fieldPtr = dupeScreen[fldNum]; X X /* check that label fits on screen */ X if (fieldPtr->labelValue && X ((fieldPtr->labelCol + strlen (fieldPtr->labelValue) > COLS)) || X ((fieldPtr->labelLine + 1> FLINES))) { X DISP_ERROR_1 (LABEL_NO_FIT, fldNum); X return -1; X } X X /* display label, if any */ X if (fieldPtr->labelValue && *fieldPtr->labelValue) { X DMMWATTRON (fieldWin, fieldPtr->labelAttrib); X mvwaddstr (fieldWin, fieldPtr->labelLine, X fieldPtr->labelCol, fieldPtr->labelValue); X DMMWATTROFF (fieldWin, fieldPtr->labelAttrib); X } X X /* if there is an input part, display it */ X if (fieldPtr->inputLength) { X X /* calculate number of instruction lines */ X fieldPtr->inputNumInstructs = X cntInstructs (fieldPtr); X X /* set the first input field if not yet found */ X if (firstInputFld == -1) X firstInputFld = fldNum; X X /* calculate defaults */ X calcDflts (fieldPtr); X X /* check that input part of field fits on screen */ X if ((fieldPtr->inputCol + fieldPtr->inputMaxCols > COLS) || X (fieldPtr->inputLine + fieldPtr->inputFullLines + X (fieldPtr->inputShortCols ? 1 : 0) > FLINES)) { X DISP_ERROR_1 (IP_NO_FIT, fldNum); X return -1; X } X X /* display edited value */ X dispInField (fieldPtr, fieldPtr->inputAttrib); X X /* set last input field's next pointer to this field and this X * field's prev pointer to last input field X */ X if (lastInFieldNum != -1) { X dupeScreen[lastInFieldNum]->nextInField = fldNum; X fieldPtr->prevInField = lastInFieldNum; X } else X firstInFieldNum = fldNum; X X lastInFieldNum = fldNum; X inputPartCnt++; X } X fldNum++; X } X if ((firstInFieldNum != -1) && (lastInFieldNum != -1)) { X dupeScreen[firstInFieldNum]->prevInField = lastInFieldNum; X fieldPtr->nextInField = firstInFieldNum; X } X } X X /* set globals to values of local register variables */ X numFields = fldNum; X numInputParts = inputPartCnt; X X /* display menu items and determine menu instruction */ X if (dupeMenu) { X X /* do menu calculations */ X if (calcMenu ()) X return -1; X X /* display menu page that contains first item; no item highlighted */ X dispMenuPage (curMenuItem = 0, 0, 1); X } X return 0; X} X X X/* copyInFields() copy all initial values to edited values of X * input parts of fields and display; a null X * initial value is equivalent to a zero-length X * string. X */ Xstatic void XcopyInFields () X{ X int fldNum; /* counter of field */ X DMMFIELD *fldPtr; X for (fldNum = 0; fldNum < numFields; fldNum++) { X fldPtr = dupeScreen[fldNum]; X if (fldPtr->inputLength) { X strncpy (fldPtr->inputEditValue, X fldPtr->inputInitValue ? fldPtr->inputInitValue : "", X fldPtr->inputLength); X fldPtr->inputEditValue[fldPtr->inputLength] = '\0'; X dispInField (fldPtr, fldPtr->inputAttrib); X } X } X return; X} X X X/* insane() check the sanity of things, where fldNum is the number X * of the selected starting input field, X * returning 0 if okay, else writing a diagnostic message X * to stderr and returning non-zero. X */ Xstatic int Xinsane (fldNum) Xint fldNum; X{ X /* is the starting field within the proper range? */ X if (fldNum > numFields - 1) { X DISP_ERROR_2 (BAD_FIELDNUM, fldNum + 1, numFields); X return 1; X } X X /* does the starting field have an input part */ X if (numInputParts) { X if (dupeScreen[fldNum]->inputLength < 1) { X DISP_ERROR_1 (NOT_IFIELD, fldNum + 1); X return 1; X } X } X X /* is there at least one field with an input part or one menu item */ X if (!(numInputParts || numMenuItems)) { X DISP_ERROR_0 (NO_INPUT_MSG); X return 1; X } X X return 0; X} X X X/* dmmReview() audit all input fields */ Xint XdmmReview (screen) XDMMSCREEN screen; X{ X register int fldNum; /* field index */ X register DMMFIELD *fldPtr; X DMMAUDITRETURN auditReturnVal; /* return value of the audit function */ X X for (fldNum = 0; screen[fldNum]; fldNum++) { X fldPtr = screen[fldNum]; X if (fldPtr->inputLength) { X auditReturnVal = fldPtr->inputAudit (fldPtr->inputEditValue); X if ((auditReturnVal == dmmAuditBad) X || (auditReturnVal == dmmAuditReturnBad)) { X dmmRetType = dmmBadField; X return fldNum; X } X } X } X dmmRetType = dmmOkayField; X return -1; X} X X X/* cntInstructs(fldPtr) return the number of instruction lines for X * the specified field number X */ Xstatic int XcntInstructs (fldPtr) XDMMFIELD *fldPtr; X{ X register int numInstruct = 0, /* number of instruction lines */ X instructNum = 0; /* index in inputInstructVec */ X X if (fldPtr->inputInstructVec) { X while (fldPtr->inputInstructVec[instructNum++]) { X numInstruct++; X } X } X return numInstruct; X} X X X/* arriveInField() display the input field of the specified X * number with the edit attributes and display the X * instructions for that input field X */ Xstatic void XarriveInField (fldPtr) XDMMFIELD *fldPtr; X{ X register int numInstructs, /* number of instructions left to X * display */ X instructLine; /* line number for displaying next X * instr */ X X /* display field in appropriate attributes */ X dispInField (fldPtr, fldPtr->inputEditAttrib); X X /* display instruction lines in reverse order, bottom up */ X numInstructs = fldPtr->inputNumInstructs; X instructLine = LFLINE; X while (numInstructs--) X mvwaddstr (fieldWin, X instructLine--, 0, fldPtr->inputInstructVec[numInstructs]); X return; X} X X X/* leaveInField() display the input field of the specified X * number with the normal attributes and erase X * the instructions for that input field X */ Xstatic void XleaveInField (fldPtr) XDMMFIELD *fldPtr; X{ X register int numInstructs, /* number of instructions left to X * display */ X instructLine; /* line number for displaying next X * instr */ X /* display field in appropriate attributes */ X dispInField (fldPtr, fldPtr->inputAttrib); X X /* erase instruction lines starting with the bottom */ X numInstructs = fldPtr->inputNumInstructs; X instructLine = LFLINE; X while (numInstructs--) { X wmove (fieldWin, instructLine--, 0); X wclrtoeol (fieldWin); X } X return; X} X X X/* chgInField() change to the first position of a (perhaps X * input field; old is the last input field, X * and delta specifies what the change is to the X * new input field; return the number of the new X * input field. X */ Xstatic int XchgInField (old, delta) Xint old; Xenum change delta; X{ X int new; /* number of the new input field */ X X X /* determine new field */ X new = ((delta != stayput) ? X (delta == next ? X dupeScreen[old]->nextInField : dupeScreen[old]->prevInField) X : old); X X /* if field actually changed, leave old field and arrive at new field */ X if (new != old) X leaveInField (dupeScreen[old]); X arriveInField (dupeScreen[new]); X X /* move cursor to first position in new field */ X wmove (fieldWin, dupeScreen[new]->inputLine, dupeScreen[new]->inputCol); X X return new; X} X X X/* adjustFld() convert trailing blanks of an edited X * field value to nulls and intermediate nulls to blanks. X */ Xstatic void XadjustFld (fldPtr) Xregister DMMFIELD *fldPtr; X{ X register int charCnt = fldPtr->inputLength; /* counter for X * characters output */ X enum location { X internal, external X }; /* whether before or after the terminating X * null of inputEditValue */ X register enum location state; X X state = external; X while (charCnt--) { X switch (state) { X case external: X X switch (fldPtr->inputEditValue[charCnt]) { X case '\0': X break; X case ' ': X fldPtr->inputEditValue[charCnt] = '\0'; X break; X default: X state = internal; X break; X } X break; X X case internal: X if (fldPtr->inputEditValue[charCnt] == '\0') X fldPtr->inputEditValue[charCnt] = ' '; X break; X } X } SHAR_EOF echo "End of part 1" echo "File dmm.c is continued in part 2" echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp exit 0 -- Rob Bernardo Mt. Diablo Software Solutions email: rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US phone: (415) 827-4301