Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!bionet!CU.NIH.GOV!IAE From: IAE@CU.NIH.GOV ("Irene Anne Eckstrand") Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: Symposium on Gigabit Networks (from comp.protocols.tcp-ip) Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Jun 91 11:12:50 GMT Sender: Distribution: bionet Lines: 199 == For Your Information == MAIL VIA BITNET FROM KIDSNET@PITTVMS SATURDAY 06/15/91 2:51:09 P.M. Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 14:44 EDT From: KIDSNET MAILING LIST Subject: Symposium on Gigabit Networks (from comp.protocols.tcp-ip) To: kids-l@pittvms Message-id: <> X-Envelope-to: IAE@NIHCU.BITNET X-VMS-To: IN%"kids-l" Date: 12 Jun 91 12:04:18 GMT From: RICHER@VAX.DARPA.MIL (Ira Richer) Subject: symposium Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip ___________________________________________________________________ Invitation to: Symposium on Gigabit Networks Sponsored by DARPA, DOE, NASA, NSF - -------------------------- MAJOR ADDRESSES BY: John Armstrong, VP for Sci and Tech, IBM; Solomon Buchsbaum, Senior VP, Tech Systems, AT&T Bell Labs; John Rollwagen, Chairman and CEO, Cray Research; Raymond Smith, Chairman and CEO, Bell Atlantic; and Eugene Wong, Associate Director, Office of Sci and Tech Policy, Exec Office of the Pres July 15, 16 and 17, 1991 Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC - -------------------------- OBJECTIVE: Research and development efforts are underway across the network community to design and build networks that run at speeds on the order of one gigabit (one billion bits) per second or more. These new ultraspeed networks are enabling new and exciting applications in science, business and education. But many challenges face their designers in areas of technology, architecture and desired functionality. Moreover, open issues exist in both the business and policy arenas. Resolution of these challenges and issues will determine the shape of these future ultraspeed networks. The symposium has been created to provide an overview of the current state-of-the-are in gigabit networks, and to provide in- depth discussions of the critical issues facing designers, users, policymakers and planners. - ---------------------- ORGANIZERS: General Chairman: Ira Richter, DARPA Program Chairman: Albert Vezza, MIT Steering Committee: Francis Balint, NOAA John Cavallini, DOE Darleen Fisher, NSF Daniel Masys, NLM Kevin Mills, NIST Joan Novak, EPA Elaine Stout, USGS Anthony Villasenor, NASA Technical Program Committee: Geoffrey Baehr, Sun Microsystems Alan Baratz, IBM Bill Buzbee, NCAR David Farber, Univ. of Pennsylvania Richard Gitlin, AT&T Bell Labs Robert Kahn (Chairman), CNRI Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA F. Thomas Leighton, MIT John Ousterhout, UC Berkeley Stewart Personick, Bellcore Daniel Swinehart (V. Chairman), Xerox David Walden, BBN Richard Watson, Lawrence Livermore, National Labs William Wulf, Univ of Virginia - - -------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM; Switching Technology Chairman: Eric Nussbaum, Bellcore (retired) State-of-the-art of switching technology - Key issues in switch design such as scaling, architec- ture, engineering tradeoffs and commercial viability- Perspectives of telecommunications and computer vendors WANs, MANs, LANs and PANs Chairman: Vinton Cerf, CNRI Architecture, technology and standards for wide area, metropolitan area, local area and personal area gigabit networks - Network interconnection issues Theoretical Considerations Chairman: Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA Algorithmic concepts and theoretical results impacting design and performance of ultraspeed networks - Critical issues of network stability, control routing, resource allocation and performance analysis Business and Policy Challenges Chairmen: Ira Richer, DARPA and William Wulf, U. of Virginia Double session covering perspectives of users, cariers, technology suppliers, and government policy makers - Business, economic, regulatory,plan- ning and standards issues concerning the emergence of gigabit networks System Software Services Chairman: Duane Adams, CMU Focus on models for system software to support gigabit networks - operating systems, protocol implementations, programming techniques for distributed systems, and distributed system Future Applications Chairman: Michael Dertouzous, MIT Untapped applications of ultraspeed networks for education and training, business and commerce finance and banking, science and technology, and entertainment and other consumer services Host and Network Interfacing Chairman: Gregory Chesson, Silicon Graphics Interconnecting host computers and networks - Design options for computer interfaces,, outboard processors, network adapters and controllers - speed and efficiency considerations Digital Video and Imaging Chairman: David Walden, BBN Role of digital video and imaging systems in the context of ultraspeed networks - Key issues of production, storage, processing, distribution and display of digital video and images - Digital video standards - Overview of the state-of the-art digital video Implications for Scientific Research Chairman: Sidney Karin, San Diego Supercomputer Center Impact of gigabit networks in advanced scientific research - Role on the university campus and in the research community - Examples from the physical and medical sciences Optical Networks Chairman: Paul Henry, AT&T State-of-the-art of optical network technology - Optical devices, optical systems, and architectural implications of optical networks - Advantages and disadvantages of these optical networks vs. electronic ones - Viability of optical networks. Attendance will be limited and registration accepted on a first come, first served basis. Please return the Registration Form with your payment today to take advantage of the reduced rate of $495. - - ----------------------------------------------------- Symposium of Gigabit Networks c/o Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology 545 Technology Sq., Room 103 Cambridge, MA 02139 617-253-5852 July 15-17, 1991 $495 - Registration postmarked by June 15, 1991 $595 - Registration postmarked after June 15, 1991 Name: Title: Company: Department: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email: Method of Payment - ____Credit Card Account No. - Expiration Date - Cardholder's Signature Amex:_________________________________________________ Mastercard:___________________________________________ VISA:_________________________________________________ ____Check enclosed, payable to SYMPOSIUM ON GIGABIT NETWORKS -------