Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!!uunet!mcsun!!funic!harper From: (Robert Harper) Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: NEW LIST: HOSPEX - hospitality exchange database Message-ID: <> Date: 20 Jun 91 07:30:37 GMT Article-I.D.: nic.1991Jun20.073037.24374 References: Organization: Finnish Academic and Research Network Project - FUNET Lines: 97 Dave Kristofferson once asked me to keep a lookout for intersting new lists on Listserv. This on is not about biology, but I think it might be of sufficient interest to include here. The reason I say that is that I get quite a few e-mail letters from people asking about travel or accomodation in COMCO countries. Now if you want "to go East young man" then you might like to investiagate HOSPEX (Hospitality Exchange) It is a new list which is run from POLAND. It looks like they somehow borrowed and modified an idea from a well-known BIONET list:-) ******************** CLIP ******************** WOJSYL@PLEARN.BITNET (Wojtek Sylwestrzak) writes: >HOSPEX@PLEARN.BITNET > I am formally announcing the existence of a new list/database > named HOSPEX@PLEARN which was created to provide those interested > in being a host to foreign visitors a way to satisfy their interests. > For those interested in finding a host when they are traveling > in difference countries, this new database will satisfy this interest. > I encourage everyone to subscribe to HOSPEX now. > To subscribe just send a mailpiece stating that you want to join > to HOSPEX@PLEARN. This will be automatically forwarded to one > of the owners. Of course issuing standard > 'SUB HOSPEX your full name' > to LISTSERV@PLEARN will do as well. You'll be sent a "fill in" > form to be filled and returned. This subsribtion procedure > is manual, so it may take few days sometimes. > We are looking for lots of users outside the U.S. to subscribe > (and U.S. users too, but now there is many more U.S. users than > an other nation). > Eventually, those who subscribe will be asked to send us a form > which describes something about yourself, the type of accommodations > you have, languages you speak, restrictions you want, etc. When > a file exists with this information on you, those traveling can > look through all the files for the countries in which they will > be traveling to find a host that seems interesting them. So, this > information you must eventually send to one of HOSPEX owners is > important. > Members of this listserver will be faculty, staff, administrators, > students, and others throughout the world. The listeserver will > serve as a means for exhanges between academics and students to > further professional relationships between both. It will be a > source of new friendships and experiences both for hosts and > guests alike (the roles will change when a host travels and > becomes and guest, or a guest hosts you in their home country). > Typically, travelers will stay with hosts only for a few days > then move on to their next destination. Most hosts will expect > their guests to share in the food bill, phone bill, etc. But, > these arrangements will be discussed in advance whenever possible. > Also, guests should contact potential hosts in advance (via e-mail) > and not just appear at someone's door unannounced. > There will be rules and regulations which the members of the > HOSPEX listserver will evolve as a group. We will be having a > lot of discussion about how the listserver should be operated, > so subscribe and help form this new listserver into popular > list. We need input from all new members. > So, subscribe to HOSPEX@PLEARN.BITNET and get ready to find free > and/or cheap lodgings when you travel; get ready to make new > friends with people from cultures different from your own; get > ready for pleasant adventures. > It doesn't matter that you only have floor space available, or > 6 bedrooms, or just a place for a tent in your backyard, all > types of possible accommodations are acceptable. > For those who would see what does a form look like, > or just would like to join HOSPEX faster, here it is: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Please "fill the blanks", then resend the form to HOSPEX@PLEARN. > Also, you are free to use some additional fields if you feel > you need them. Thank you. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > COUNTRY/STATE: > TOWN/AREA: > E-MAIL: > NAME: > ADDRESS: > PHONE: > SEX: > ACCOMMODATION TYPE: > LOCATION IN TOWN: > MAX NUMBER OF GUESTS ALLOWED: > MAX LENGTH OF STAY: > SHARED COSTS: > LANGUAGES SPOKEN: (state level of proficiency) > RESTRICTIONS/EXPECTATIONS: > ABOUT THE HOST: > OTHER: