Xref: utzoo comp.ai:9492 comp.ai.edu:250 comp.ai.neural-nets:3594 comp.ai.philosophy:1006 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!bonnie.concordia.ca!uunet!munnari.oz.au!manuel!neptune!ijcai From: ijcai@arp.anu.edu.au (IJCAI Mail Box) Newsgroups: comp.ai,comp.ai.edu,comp.ai.neural-nets,comp.ai.philosophy Subject: IJCAI-91 Early Registration Message-ID: <1991Jun20.050031.27812@arp.anu.edu.au> Date: 20 Jun 91 05:00:31 GMT Organization: Automated Reasoning Project, ANU, Australia Lines: 99 ********************************************************************* * 12th INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE * * * * 24 - 30 August, 1991 * * * * * Darling Harbour * Sydney * Australia * * * * * * * IJCAI-91 * * ======== * * * * --------- E A R L Y R E G I S T R A T I O N --------- * * * * 3 0 J U N E * * * ********************************************************************* IJCAI-91 will be held at Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August, 1991. Professor Barbara Grosz of Harvard University is the Conference Chair; Professor John Mylopoulos and Professor Ray Reiter, both of the University of Toronto, are Program CoChairs; and Professor Michael McRobbie of the Australian National University is the Australian National Committee Chair. Dr. Donald Walker of Bellcore is Secretary-Treasurer for the Conference. The early registration date for IJCAI-91 is 30 June, 1991 and discounts on fees for the conference and tutorials apply to registrations received before this date. Early registration is also advised to ensure confirmation of the accommodation of your choice. OBTAINING REGISTRATION BROCHURES FOR IJCAI-91 ============================================= The Australian National Committee for IJCAI-91 has arranged for Registration Brochures and Forms for IJCAI-91 to be obtained electronically by sending an email message requesting a hard copy or directly by ftp. 1. Hard Copies -------------- To obtain a hardcopy of the Registration Brochure and Form send an email message containing your name and address to: ijcai.rego.hardcopy@vulcan.anu.edu.au ********************************************************************* PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN E-MAIL ADDRESS TO WHICH *ONLY* E-MAIL REQUESTS FOR *HARD COPIES* OF THE REGISTRATION BROCHURES AND FORMS SHOULD BE SENT. IT IS *NOT* A GENERAL IJCAI CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS. ********************************************************************* Requests for hard copies of the Registration Brochure and Form and any other enquiries concerning IJCAI-91, can also be made directly to: IJCAI-91 Secretariat PO Box 787 Potts Point, NSW 2011 AUSTRALIA Tel: (+61-2) 3572600 Fax: (+61-2) 3572950 2. Anonymous ftp ---------------- For those connected to the Internet, the IJCAI Registration Brochure and Form are available as compressed POSTSCRIPT files via anonymous ftp from vulcan.anu.edu.au (IP number (in /IJCAI) and from uunet.uu.net (alias ftp.uu.net, IP number (in /doc/IJCAI) To transfer the Registration Brochure and Form connect to either machine by ftp with user name "anonymous". Type in your full email address as password (it will be logged). After a successful login change to directory IJCAI and read README for full details of how to ftp the files that you need. In case of problems or difficulties contact your local system manager or: ijcai.network.support@vulcan.anu.edu.au. ********************************************************************* PLEASE NOTE THAT SO AS TO REDUCE UNNECESSARY NETWORK TRAFFIC AND THE NUMBER OF TRANSFERS FROM vulcan.anu.edu.au, PLEASE MAKE THE RELEVANT POSTSCRIPT FILES PUBLICLY AVAILABLE AT YOUR SITE. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SYSTEMS MANAGER FOR DETAILS OF HOW BEST TO DO THIS. *********************************************************************