Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!samsung!!!yarra!!als From: (Anthony Shipman) Newsgroups: comp.arch Subject: Re: small instructions Message-ID: <> Date: 18 Jun 91 10:47:43 GMT References: <> <195@armltd.uucp> <> Distribution: comp Organization: Software Division, Computer Power Group Lines: 13 In article <>, (Jim Giles) writes: ............ > The kangaroo was designed by committee (like the platypus and several > other species from down under. An expert committee I'll have you know. Just check the efficiency of that leg machinery. -- Anthony Shipman "You've got to be taught before it's too late, Computer Power Group Before you are six or seven or eight, 19 Cato St., East Hawthorn, To hate all the people your relatives hate, Melbourne, Australia You've got to be carefully taught." R&H