Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!ucbvax!WATSON.IBM.COM!jbs From: jbs@WATSON.IBM.COM Newsgroups: comp.arch Subject: Condition number of uniform random matrices; residuals Message-ID: <9106190421.AA02128@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Date: 19 Jun 91 04:21:13 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Lines: 121 David Hough said: asserts about solving linear equation with matrices composed of elements from a uniform random distribution: > Problems > of size 1000 appear to typically have condition number between 10**5 > and 10**6. I haven't observed any evidence to support this. If uniform random 1000x1000 matrices had such condition numbers then it would be impossible to solve them accurately with Gaussian elimination. I did report that gaussian elimination without pivoting was somewhat unstable on matrices of that size, but that only reflects on the stability of that method, rather than the underlying condition of the problem, independent of the method. For instance, the normalized residual computed in the linpack program, RESIDn = RESID/( N*NORMA*NORMX*EPS ) grows very slowly; typically 1.5-2 for 100x100 systems, and around 10 for 1000x1000 systems, using IEEE arithmetic and conventional partial pivoting. So the growth of RESID itself is only slightly faster than linear with N. Of course the size of the residual b-Ax doesn't tell you too much about the size of the error in x, in general. Luck is with us in this case, however: for single precision matrices, the measured difference in the computed x's vs. the nominally correct x's whose elements are all exactly one is in the same ratio, e.g. about 1e-4 for 1000x1000 vs. 1e-5 for 100x100. Of course the actual correct answer for this problem isn't a vector of 1's since the right hand side b was computed by rounding the result of computing A*(1 1 1 1 1 ...) and so the computed b differs from the one corresponding to the vector of 1's, and correspondingly the correct x corresponding to the right hand side b actually used is somewhat different - but fortunately that doesn't matter much for this well-conditioned problem. But this is a good illustration of a point I made previously: in general you don't know the error, because that would be tantamount to knowing the answer, and most people don't spend most of their time solving problems with known answers. So the normalized residual is a good indication of whether an algorithm has solved a linear equations problem about as well as can be expected in a particular floating-point precision. If an answer with a small error bound is desired, regardless of the condition of the problem, something else will have to be done. I tried 10 random matrices of size 1000 and observed condition numbers from 97627. to 1124910. I believe the actual 1000 by 1000 ma- trix generated in the linpack benchmark has condition number 368554. What do you observe it to be? A bad condition number does not guarantee you will be unable to solve the problem accurately. The matrix e 0 has condition number 1/e but there are no 0 1 numeric problems. For the linpack matrix the entries are such (a/16384, a integer between -32768 to 32768) that the row sums are generally computed exact- ly (especially with the 64-bit formats) so (1,...,1) is the exact answer. Otherwise comparisons between different floating formats would be unfair. On the general question of what the growth rate of the condition number with n is I found a somewhat relevant reference ("The Probability that a Numerical Analysis Problem is Difficult", James W. Demmel, Math- ematics of Computation, Vol 50, 1988. p449-480). This paper is a bit obscure but it seemed to be saying if we consider complex matrices in- stead of real, normal distributions about 0 instead of uniform and a somewhat unusual definition of condition number then the asymptotic growth rate of the median condition number will be n**1.5. It also suggested the real case will have worse condition. If anyone knows of better results I would be interested. David Hough said (in a later post) says: > I believe IEEE chopped will be easier to implement and perform > better than IEEE rounded. This is true, but only marginally. The most important cost in IEEE (or VAX) floating-point arithmetic is getting the correct unrounded result, or at least enough of it to permit correct rounding. This requires provision of guard and (for chopping or unbiased rounding) sticky bits, postnormalization, development of full doubled-precision products, careful division and sqrt, etc. Once you've gotten the unrounded answer, rounding (as opposed to chopping) costs an extra add time and dealing with the possibility of a carry out of the most significant bit. Although these are real design costs, I doubt they've affected performance of modern pipelined IEEE designs compared to the cost of getting the unrounded result. Well as I pointed out in an earlier post the performance of the IBM Risc design was seriously affected by the need to round. The per- formance impact was reduced by the multiply-add instruction (which only rounds once) and by the ability of the multiply-add unit to accept an operand with a pending round. Just adding a stage to the floating pipe- line is not satisfactory for a scalar design since the latency is very important. David Hough said: In general, any process that involves repeated inexact conversions, particularly binary->decimal->binary->decimal, or addition of many small inexact quantities, will benefit from the better statistics of rounding over chopping - drifting tendencies will be reduced, and error bounds will be smaller. If your conversion routines are written properly and you output sufficient decimal digits binary->decimal->binary should not drift. I don't believe rounding generally gives smaller error bounds. If you add a bunch of positive numbers both methods lead to a interval containing the true answer. Chopping gives the lower end of the interval, round- ing the middle. The true answer is statistically much more likely to lie near the center of the interval but there is no guarantee of this. Also I believe the statistics of chopping improve if .5 ulp is added to each operand before every operation. I believe this is still cheaper to implement than rounding. David Hough said: For instance, during the 1970's one of the minor regional stock exchanges noticed that its market stock average was declining in a bull market in which most of the component stocks were rising in value. There were a number of factors at work in this phenomenon; using chopping arithmetic was one of them. Do you have an exact reference for this story? David Hough said: Using enough precision can sometimes overcome deficiencies of chopping or dirty arithmetic, otherwise Seymour Cray would have done things differently. But it isn't always enough, as most Cray customers find out occasionally. Well "sometimes" is really almost always. Also Cray arithmetic is an extreme example, problems with Cray arithmetic would not necessar- ily occur with chopping alone. James B. Shearer