Xref: utzoo comp.dsp:1791 comp.compression:765 Path: utzoo!utgpu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!bonnie.concordia.ca!thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!media-lab.media.mit.edu!eero From: eero@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Eero Simoncelli) Newsgroups: comp.dsp,comp.compression Subject: Re: Wavelet Transforms? Message-ID: <1991Jun17.190324.5903@news.media.mit.edu> Date: 17 Jun 91 19:03:24 GMT References: <6654@qip.UUCP> Sender: news@news.media.mit.edu (USENET News System) Organization: MIT Media Laboratory Lines: 154 John Moore (john@qip.UUCP) writes: > Can anyone post a summary of the concept of wavelet transforms? I have > read that these are the "hot new thing." > > .... With wavelets, presumably someone found a nifty > set of orthogonal, spanning functions that resemble solitons or > sinx/x functions or something else that is new and marvelous. This is a reasonable description, but most people would add a few additional properties: 1) The basis functions form an octave subband (constant Q) transform (when viewed in the frequency domain). 2) The transform is defined (and typically implemented) recursively. In addition, people are often interested in the convergence properties of the recursive construction. If the process converges to a smooth function, the wavelet set is called "regular". One useful mathematical review that hasn't been mentioned is the following: @ARTICLE{Strang89, AUTHOR = "G. T. Strang", TITLE = "Wavelets and dilation equations: A brief introduction", JOURNAL = "{SIAM} Review", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 4, MONTH = "December", YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "614--627" } Also, researchers in the speech coding community have been using a version of discrete wavelet transforms (under the name of Quadrature Mirror Filter banks) since 1976. They've also been used in image coding. Here are some references: @INPROCEEDINGS{Croisier76, AUTHOR = "A. Croisier and D. Esteban and C. Galand", TITLE = "Perfect channel splitting by use of interpolation/decimation/tree decomposition techniques", BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems", YEAR = 1976, MONTH = "August", ADDRESS = "Patras", PAGES = "443--446" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Esteban77, AUTHOR = "D. Esteban and C. Galand", TITLE = "Application of quadrature mirror filters to split band voice coding schemes", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings ICASSP", YEAR = "1977", PAGES = "191--195" } @ARTICLE{Vetterli84, AUTHOR = "M. Vetterli", TITLE = "Multi-dimensional sub-band coding: Some theory and algorithms", JOURNAL = "Signal Processing", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier Science Publishers~B.V. (North-Holland)", MONTH = "February", YEAR = "1984", VOLUME = "6", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "97--112" } @ARTICLE{Woods86, AUTHOR = "J. W. Woods and S. D. O'Neil", TITLE = "Subband coding of images", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. ASSP", MONTH = "October", YEAR = "1986", VOLUME = "ASSP-34", NUMBER = "5", PAGES = "1278--1288" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gharavi86, AUTHOR = "Gharavi, H. and Tabatabai, A.", TITLE = "Sub-band coding of digital images using two-dimensional quadrature mirror filtering", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of SPIE", YEAR = "1986", VOLUME = "707", PAGES = "51--61" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Adelson87, AUTHOR = "E. H. Adelson and E. Simoncelli and R. Hingorani", TITLE = "Orthogonal pyramid transforms for image coding", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of SPIE", ADDRESS = "Cambridge, MA", VOLUME = 845, MONTH = "October", PAGES = "50--58", YEAR = 1987 } @ARTICLE{Simoncelli89, AUTHOR = "E. Simoncelli and E. H. Adelson", TITLE = "Non-separable Extensions of Quadrature Mirror Filters to Multiple Dimensions", JOURNAL = "Proceedings of the IEEE: Special Issue on Multi-dimensional Signal Processing", MONTH = "April", YEAR = 1990 } @BOOK{Woods90, EDITOR = "J. W. Woods", BOOKTITLE = "Subband Image Coding", PUBLISHER = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", ADDRESS = "Norwell, MA", YEAR = 1990 } Finally, two interesting related transforms are the Laplacian pyramid and the Lapped Orthogonal Transform: @ARTICLE{Burt83, AUTHOR = "P. J. Burt and E. H. Adelson", TITLE = "The {L}aplacian pyramid as a compact image code", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Communications", MONTH = "April", YEAR = "1983", VOLUME = "COM-31", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "532--540" } @ARTICLE{Malvar89, AUTHOR = "H. S. Malvar and D. H. Staelin", TITLE = "The {LOT}: Transform Coding Without Blocking Effects", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. ASSP", VOLUME = "ASSP-37", NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "553--559", MONTH = "April", YEAR = 1989 } Hope you find these useful, Eero. -- Eero Simoncelli eero@media-lab.media.mit.edu MIT Media Laboratory, E15-385, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA 02139