Xref: utzoo news.announce.newgroups:1219 news.groups:33008 comp.specification:379 comp.software-eng:6025 Path: utzoo!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!att!linac!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!think.com!mintaka!spdcc!dirtydog.ima.isc.com!ispd-newsserver!rpi!bounce-back From: Jonathan.Bowen@prg.oxford.ac.uk (Jonathan Bowen) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.specification,comp.software-eng Subject: RESULT: comp.specification.z passes 194: 40 Message-ID: Date: 19 Jun 91 15:46:09 GMT Sender: tale@cs.rpi.edu Reply-To: zforum-request@prg.oxford.ac.uk Followup-To: news.groups Organization: Programming Research Group, Oxford University, UK Lines: 343 Approved: tale@rpi.edu Nntp-Posting-Host: cs.rpi.edu ************************ * RESULT OF VOTING * ************************ This is the result of voting for the creation of the newsgroup comp.specification.z. It has passed 194:40. For: 196 Against: 40 Total: 236 Duplicates: 5 (all yes votes, 2nd vote eliminated) Late vote: 1 (yes vote, not included) Difference: 156 (>100) Majority: 83% (>67%) COMMENTS: The voting period ended at 23:59 GMT on Saturday, 15th June. Nobody changed their vote. The guidelines for successful creation of a new newsgroup require 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and that the YES votes be at least 2/3 of all valid votes cast. Most people against the creation of the newsgroup who added comments thought that comp.specification was already adequate. Please check that you are on the list below if you think you have voted. There will be the usual 5 day period for amendment of votes if necessary. Please send amendments to . Unless something very unexpected happens, the newsgroup will be created as follows: NAME: comp.specification.z STATUS: unmoderated PURPOSE: Discussion concerning with the formal specification notation Z. For the complete charter, motivation, etc., please see below. CHARTER, MOTIVATION, ETC.: Charter: Comp.specification.z is intended to handle messages concerned with the formal specification notation Z. Z, based on set theory and first order predicate logic, has been developed at the Programming Research Group (PRG) at Oxford University for well over a decade. It is now used by industry as part of the software (and hardware) development process in both the UK and the US. It is currently undergoing standardization. Comp.specification.z would provide a convenient forum for messages concerned with recent developments and the use of Z. Motivation: Comp.specification is currently the main location for messages concerned with Z on USENET. However there is also a healthy mailing list for discussion on topics concerning Z, known as Z FORUM, which is run entirely separately at present. This was started in 1986 as an electronic newsletter by Ruaridh Macdonald at RSRE, Malvern, UK. Since last year it has been run as a moderated mailing list by Jonathan Bowen at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory. Currently there are 200 subscribers from all over the world, including Europe, the US, Australia and Japan; the number of subscribers grows weekly. Many of the addresses are local redistribution lists, so the estimated readership is several hundred. So far this year there have been c80 messages (i.e., around 200 messages per year); I would expect this rate rise with the larger readership that a newsgroup would provide. Moderation: I would suggest that the newsgroup should be unmoderated. In the past year, I have found that the vast majority of messages for Z FORUM have been relevant and have been sent out unedited. This would also make discussion on the newsgroup easier. Mailing list: I would be willing to maintain the Z FORUM mailing list and cross-post articles between comp.specification.z and the mailing list for those whose do not have access to USENET news. This applied particularly to our industrial subscribers who we wish to encourage. Archive: There is a mail-based electronic archive server at the PRG which contains all the back-issues and messages on Z FORUM, as well as a selection of other Z-related files. I would plan to continue to archive messages on "comp.specification.z" on this server. (Send a message containing the command "help" to for further information.) LIST OF VOTES Votes for: Abdullah Mohd Zin abowd@minster.york.ac.uk aea@csres.cs.reading.ac.uk (Ali Ezzat Abdallah) agoodloe@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Alwyn Goodloe) ajos@tardis.cs.ed.ac.uk Alan Ruttenberg ALLEN@BIO-MEDICAL-PHYSICS.ABERDEEN.AC.UK Ananda Amatya (STAFF) Andrew Martin Andrew P. Black andrewa@cs.uq.oz.au Andy Gravell Andy.Gordon@cl.cam.ac.uk andyc@minster.york.ac.uk Ann Petrie Anthony Hall anthony@cs.uq.oz.au Arnulf Mester bard@cs.cornell.edu (Bard Bloom) barry@loki.une.oz.au (Barry Wilks) BERTRAND IBRAHIM bieman@CS.ColoState.edu (james bieman) Bill Ferreira BILL MILAM bl@oasis.icl.co.uk (Bob Lyon) BOYD@VAX1.ELECTRICAL-ENGINEERING.MANCHESTER.AC.UK Brad Broom brendan@cs.uq.oz.au Brian E. Danilko Bryan M. Andersen bwhite@inmet.inmet.com (Bill White) caasi@ucselx.sdsu.edu (richard) Cal Taylor Christian S. Collberg Christopher Dodge Clive Tong Conor O'Neill csr D P Mallon Danielle Fowler Dan_Jacobson@ATT.com davec@cs.uq.oz.au David Barton David Brazier David Brownbridge David Ellis David Lester David Seal David.Garlan@H.GP.CS.CMU.edu deby@cs.utwente.nl (Rolf de By) DillerAR@cs.bham.ac.uk DODGE@BIO-MEDICAL-PHYSICS.ABERDEEN.AC.UK Donatella Castelli Doohwan Bae drd%siia.mv.com%decvax@decwrl.dec.com (David Dick) dsimon@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Derron Simon) elkassas@eb.ele.tue.nl (sherif el kassas) Elspeth Cusack endres@ASC.SLB.com ernie@minster.york.ac.uk esj%harvee@uunet.UU.net (Eric S Johansson) ewoods@hemel.bull.co.uk (Eoin Woods) Fiona Hayes Gavin Finnie Gavin Oddy George Row Glyn Normington Graham Graham Dumpleton Greg Michaelson guttman@linus.mitre.org Haim Kilov Hamish Reid hammons@cse.uta.edu (Bud Hammons) hammons@csl.dl.nec.com (Bud Hammons) Heinrich Nirschl Heinz Saria Helen Beaumont hinton%gca@uunet.UU.net (Edward Hinton) Howard Houghton howard s goodman Iain Craig Iain Fogg Ian Bridge ianh@cs.uq.oz.au iglewski@qucis.queensu.ca (Michal Iglewski) Ignacio.Trejos-Zelaya@prg.oxford.ac.uk ISSLCC@NUSVM.EARN J Eric Townsend Jack Slingerland Jacob Gore James McKim jbwords@winvmj.vnet.ibm.com Jeffrey Thomas Jeremy Wilson Jim Tubman Jim.Grundy@cl.cam.ac.uk John A. Colton John Bromell John.Nicholls@prg.oxford.ac.uk johng@otc.research.otca.oz.au Johnstone_MN@cc.curtin.edu.au JON@GAFFER.RAD.WASHINGTON.edu (Jon Jacky) Jonathan Hammond Jonathan Moffett Jonathan.Bowen@prg.oxford.ac.uk jpb%xdos.uucp@apple.com (John Banning) Jeff Scott kae@itd.dsto.oz.au (Katherine Eastaughffe) Karel De Vlaminck Karen Rosenberg kebera@alzabo.ocunix.on.ca (Krishna E. Bera) Kent Paul Dolan Kevin.Lano@prg.oxford.ac.uk king@cs.uq.oz.au Kwok K Kong Laurence Renshaw Lesley Semmens linje@Texaco.com (Jeff Lin) lippe@serc.nl (Ernst Lippe) lucyc@softway.sw.oz.au (Lucy Chubb) Luke Wildman M West madey@qucis.queensu.ca (Jan Madey) maris@itd.dsto.oz.au (Maris Ozols) Mark Ardis martelli@cadlab.sublink.org (Alex Martelli) Martin Carstensen Martin Fraenzle martins@spectrum.cs.unsw.oz.au (Martin Schwenke) Mayer Schwartz mbm@dsbc.icl.co.uk (Malcolm Mladenovic) Meng Tan Michael Benjamin michaelr@softway.sw.oz.au (Michael Rourke) Michel Lemoine Mike Godfrey mjl@cs.rit.edu (Michael J Lutz) Nelson Cheng nic Nigel Ward pammann@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Paul Ammann) Paul Martin Paul Mukherjee Paul Swatman PAV_HALL@VAX.ACS.OPEN.AC.UK Pete Natali pete@minster.york.ac.uk Peter Hancock Peter Mortensen Phil Stocks Phil Weiss Phil.Richards@prg.oxford.ac.uk Philippe Massonet Pierre-Yves Schobbens pjm@pandanus.ntu.edu.au (Phil Maker) pjw@minster.york.ac.uk R.B.Jones@win0103.icl.icl.gold-400.gb R.J. Stroud ramki@shakti.ernet.in (Rama Krishna) rar@ads.com (Bob Riemenschneider) rduke@cs.uq.oz.au rhys@cs.uq.oz.au Richard Taylor Richard Wallace Rob Turner Robin Nicholl rose@cs.uq.oz.au Ruaridh Macdonald Sascha Wildner saxena%bronze%motcid@uunet.UU.net (Garurank P. Saxena) sdr@Atex.Kodak.com (Steve Rogers) Simon Shaw simon@cambridge.oracorp.com (Simon Foley) sitaram@cs.washington.edu (Sitaram Raju) smith@cs.uq.oz.au Soren Larsen srlm@di0001.ufpe.anpe.br steph@blanche.ICS.UCI.edu Stephen J Bevan Stephen Karamatos Stephen.Brien@prg.oxford.ac.uk Steve Fagg Steve Russ Sukhvinder terry%apiary@uunet.UU.net (Terry Bush) Tim Phillips timc@cs.man.ac.uk Timothy J. Gleeson Trevor King Trevor Nash vdvoort@cs.utwente.nl (Mark van de Voort) wang@minster.york.ac.uk wendy@cs.uq.oz.au wkh@dce.austin.ibm.com (Ward K. Harold) zedan@minster.york.ac.uk Votes against: Arne Skou Bob Fields Bob Weissman bourd@cps.msu.edu cdr@AMD.com (Carl Rigney) Cliff B Jones Craig Burley david@elroy.Jpl.Nasa.gov (David Robinson) Don Sannella frincke@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu (Debbie Frincke) gill@noether.MITRE.org (Dorothy Helen Gill) goehring@mentor.cc.purdue.edu ian@cambridge.oracorp.com (Ian Sutherland) ilham@athena.mit.edu James Weiss John McHugh jones@greg.cs.usu.edu Joseph Gil KI Kim DeVaughn Kjetil Wiekhorst J|rgensen kjones@src.dec.com (Kevin Jones) mackac@infonode.ingr.com (Audrey C Mack) Marc Benveniste Mark S Madsen Mike.Spivey@prg.oxford.ac.uk peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu (Leonard J. Peirce) Pete Young punisher@daimi.aau.dk Rod Bark rthomson@dsd.es.com (Rich Thomson) rudolf@curano.imp.com (Rudolf Kuenzli) schaller@hsi86.hsi.com (Dave V. Schaller) Scott Barman sean@aipna.ed.ac.uk sigurd@eik.ii.uib.no (Sigurd Meldal) straub@cs.UMD.edu (Pablo A. Straub) tar@math.ksu.edu (Tim Ramsey) Timothy VanFosson Tony Rush Duplicate yes votes (2nd vote not counted): Ian Bridge Ignacio.Trejos-Zelaya@prg.oxford.ac.uk John.Nicholls@prg.oxford.ac.uk kae@itd.dsto.oz.au (Katherine Eastaughffe) Peter Hancock Late yes vote (not counted): Ken Robinson -- Jonathan Bowen, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory.