Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!swrinde!!!dsinc!!!!krvw From: (Rob Slade) Newsgroups: comp.virus Subject: Antivirus contact list (mostly PC) Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Jun 91 06:35:59 GMT Sender: Virus Discussion List Lines: 610 Approved: As before .... Sandy Jenish, Dave Reid (VP Marketing) Advanced Gravis Computer Technology 7033 Antrim Avenue Burnaby, B. C. V5J 4M5 604-434-7274 Telecopier: (604) 434-7809 Advanced Security for PC and Mac Brightwork Development Inc. 766 Shrewsbury Ave. Jerral Center West Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 USA 201-530-0440 800-552-9876 (US only) fax: 201-530-0622 Sitelock, Novell add-on operation restricting software $495 product not available British Computer Virus Research Centre 12 Guildford Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3LS, England Tel: 0273-26105 Joe Hirst Virus Simulation Suite, Eliminator/Virus Monitor/Virus Clean see also ICVI Carmel Software Engineering EPG International Hans-Stiessberger-Strasse 3 D-8013 Haar by Muenchen head office Israel? Turbo Anti-Virus Set, scanner vaccine and change checker (including boot) product not available Central Point Software 15220 N. W. Greenbrier Parkway #200 Beaverton, OR 97006 USA 503-690-8090 Central Point Anti-Virus Certus International 13110 Shaker Square Cleveland, Ohio 44120 USA 216-752-8181 216-752-8183 Technical Support BBS 216-752-8134 fax 216-752-8188 800-722-8737 Mike Mytnick, Cleveland Michael Blumenthald (?), Anaheim Peter Trippett, 4295370 on MCI mail operation restricting software, particularly for LANs ComNETco, Inc. 29 Olcott Square Bernardsville, NJ 07924 USA VirusSafe-Anti-Viral Software (cf EliaShim, also Enigma SafeWord (R) Virus-Safe) mail undeliverable CSM Management and Consulting 3031 Main St. Vancouver, B. C. V5T 3G8 604-879-4162 Telecopier: 604-874-1668 Overlord product not available Cylink 110 S. Wolfe Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA 408-735-5800 telecopier: 408-738-8269 SecurePC - half card DES encryptor product not available PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON: DPMA Virus Conference, 1991 Richard G. Lefkon NYU, DPMA Fin. Ind. Ch. 609 West 114th Street New York, NY 10025 (212) 663-2315 Data Fellows Ltd Finland Ari Hypponen, data security consulting Delta Base Enterprises 9800A - 140th St. Surrey, B. C. V3T 4M5 604-582-1592 Fax: (604) 582-0101 CIS# 72137,603 Victor Charlie 4.0 - change detection Digital Dispatch, Inc. 1580 Rice Creek Road Minneapolis, MN 55432 mail undeliverable 55 Lakeland Shores St. Paul Minn 55043 612-436-1000 800-221-8091 Antigen, Data Physician, Novirus-Anti-viral software product not available Director Technologies Inc. 906 University Place Evanston, IL 60201 USA Disk Defender-Half-Slot Virus Write-Interrupt Device product not available Dynamics Security Inc. Cambridge, MA USA mail undeliverable EliaShim Microcomputers 520 W. Hwy. 436, #1180-30 Altamonte Springs, Florida USA 407-682-1587 VirusSafe - TSR scanner (cf ComNETco?) Bob Bosen Enigma Logic Inc. 2151 Salvio Street, #301 Concord, CA 94565 USA Tel: (415) 827-5707 (800) 333-4416 (not from Canada) FAX: (415) 827-2593 Internet: 71435.1777@COMPUSERVE.COM Safeword - change detection software Fink Enterprises 11 Glen Cameron Road, Unit 11 Thornhill, Ontario L3T 4N3 416-764-5648 Telecopier: 416-764-5649 IRIS Antivirus (from Israel, cf Techmar) FoundationWare 2135 Renrock Rd. Cleveland, OH 44118 USA Vaccine 1.2-Anti-viral software mail undeliverable, now Certus Gee Wiz Software Company c/o Mrs. Janey Huie 10 Manton Avenue East Brunswick, NJ 08816 USA Dprotect-Anti-Trojan Software product not available Patricia M. Hoffman 1556 Halford Avenue, #127 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Voice: 1-408-246-3915 FAX : 1-408-246-3915 BBS : 1-408-244-0813 Virus Summary Document also distributed by: Roger Aucoin Vacci Virus 84 Hammond Street Waltham, MA 02154 Voice: 1-617-893-8282 FAX : 1-617-969-0385 Denny Kirk Hyper Technologies 211 - 3030 Lincoln Coquitlam, B. C. 604-464-8680 Integrity still in production, not yet available IBM High Integrity Computing Lab Thomas J. Watson Research Center P. O. Box 218 Yorktown Heights, New York USA 10598 Bill Arnold, author David Chess CHESS@YKTVMV.IBM.COM, CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET VIRSCAN IMSI Software San Rafael, CA 415-454-7101 BBS 415-454-2893 VirusCure Plus product not available International Computer Virus Institute 1257 Siskiyou Boulevard, Suite 179 Ashland, OR 97520 USA 503-488-3237 503-482-3284 BBS 503-488-2251 Eliminator anti-viral, virus simulators plus books and consulting see also British Computer Virus Research Centre, Joe Hirst Interpath Corporation Cylene-4-Anti-Viral software, no longer produced defunct, cf McAfee IP Technologies Virus Guard address no longer valid Lasertrieve, Inc. 395 Main Street Metuchen, NJ 08840 USA Viralarm-Anti-Viral Software product not available LeeMah DataCom Security Corp. 3948 Trust Way Hayward, CA 94545 USA 415-786-0790 product not available Leprechaun Software Pty Ltd PO Box 134 Lutwyche Queensland 4003 Australia Lindsay Hough +61 7 2524037 Leprechaun International 2284 Pine Warbler Way Marietta Georgia 30062 USA 404 971 8900 fax 404 971 8988 Virus Buster product not available Look Software Cliff Livingstone Ottawa, Ontario 613-820-9450 Start - VIRUSCAN front end Paul Mace Software 400 Williamson Way Ashland, OR 97520 USA tech support 503-488-0224 fax: 503-488-1549 sold and supported through: Fifth Generation Systems, Inc. 10049 N. Reiger Rd. Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA 70809 1-800-873-4384 sales and info 504-291-7283 tech support 504-291-7221 admin telecopier: 504-292-4465 Mace Vaccine-Anti-viral software. McAfee Associates 4423 Cheeney Street Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA 408-988-3832 Viruscan-Scans disk and RAM for viri. Morgan Schweers - Aryeh Goretsky,Tech Sup.|voice(408)988-3832|INTERNET McAfee Associates | fax(408)970-9727|aryehg@ozonebbs.uucp 4423 Cheeney Street | BBS(408)988-4004| Santa Clara, CA 95054 | UUCP apple!netcom!nusjecs!ozonebbs!aryehg cynic!van-bc!!uuwest!aryehg cynic!van-bc!uunet!mimsy!ames!!mcafee Mike McCune MMCCUNE@SCTNVE.... FTP from in pub/ibm-antivirus/ INNOC Boot Virus Immunizer, boot sector overlay renders non-booting Microcom Software Division 3700-B Lyckan Parkway Durham, NC 27717 USA also Norwood, MA 919-490-1277 800-822-8224 Virex-PC, also Virex for Mac - scanner Mary Hughes Glenn Jordan - beta list Fidonet: 1:155/223 see also Software Concepts Design Micronyx Inc 1901 N. Central Expressway Richardson, TX USA 75080 800-634-8786 fax: 214-690-0595 Triumph security package (PC and LAN) product not available Computer Security Division National Computer Systems Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 225/A216 United States Department of Commerce Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 USA 310-975-3411 BBS 2400 bps 301-948-5717 BBS 9600 bps 301-948-5140 John P. Wack Marianne Swanson (sysop) wack@csmes cynic!van-bc!!wack (Dennis D. Steinauer) (CSME1.NCSL.NIST.GOV) cynic!van-bc!!dds Orion Microsystems Quebec Panda Systems 801 Wilson Road Wimington, DE 19803 USA Dr. Panda Utilities-Anti-Viral Software product not available Parsons Technology 375 Collins Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 USA 319-395-9626 Virucide A. Padgett Peterson, Computer Network Security Orlando (407)356-4054, 6384 work (407)356-2010 FAX (407)352-6007 cynic!van-bc!!tccslr.dnet!padgett [host unknown] note: To: "" cynic!van-bc!!tccslr.dnet!! Received: from TCCSLR.DECnet MAIL11D_V3 by DISKSECURE PKWare, Inc. 7545 North Port Washington Road Glendale, WI 53217-3442 USA PKZIP, PKSFX-File compression utilities with encryption option Prime Factors 1470 East 20th Avenue Eugene, OR 97403 USA VI-Raid-Anti-Viral Software product not available Publisher One Baltimore, Maryland Chris - virus protection book (Jan '92?) PYRAMID Development Corp 20 Hurlbut Street, West Hartford, CT 06110 203-953-9832 Fax: 203-953-3435 PC/DACS retail $249.00. product not available Quaid Software Ltd. 45 Charles Street East Toronto, ON M4Y 1S2 416-961-8243 Antidote-Anti-Viral Software product not available RG Software Systems Inc 6900 East Camelback Road Suite 630 Scotsdale AZ 85251 +1 602 423 8000 Diskwatcher 2.0, ViSpy product not available Fridrik Skulason Box 7180 IS-127 Reykjavik Iceland F-PROT-Virus detection/protection/disinfection and utilities Ross Greenburg Software Concepts Design 594 Third Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Flushot-Anti-Viral Software. see also Microcom S&S International Ltd. Berkley Court, Mill Street Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2HB England Phone: +44 442 877 877 Fax: +44 442 877 882 BBS: +44 494 724 946 (used to be -- still valid??) E-Mail: Dr. Alan Solomon Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit (SHERLOCK and HOLMES?) Vendor: perComp Verlag GmbH Holzmuhlenstrasse 84 2000 Hamburg 70 Germany Phone: +49 40 693 2033 Fax: +49 40 695 9991 E-Mail: Gunter Musstopf product not available Luis Bernardo Chicaiza Sandoval Phone: (91)2 02 23 78 Universidad de los Andes Bogota, Colombia mail address: Compucilina US$70, adds self check module review copies not available SECTRA Teknikringen 2 S-583 30 Linkoping SWEDEN Telephone: +46 13 235214 FAX: +46 13 212185 TCell unix change checker Sophco P.O. Box 7430 Boulder, CO 80306 USA Vaccinate-Anti-Viral Software product not available Sophos Limited 20 Hawthorne Way Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1EZ UK Vaccine-Anti-Viral Software product not available Swarthmore Software Systems 526 Walnut Lane Swarthmore, PA 19081 USA Bombsquad, Check-4-Bomb-Anti-Trojan software Stratford Software #2047-4710 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4M2 (604) 439-1311 SUZY Information System, INtegrity antivirus information network Symantec/Peter Norton 10201 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 USA 408-253-9600 800-343-4714 800-441-7234 408-252-3570 416-923-1033 Norton AntiVirus Tacoma Software Systems 7526 John Dower Road W. Tacoma, WA 98467 VIRSTOP 1.05 T.C.P. Techmar Computer Products 97 - 77 Queens Blvd. Rego Park, NY 11374 USA 800-922-0015 718-997-6800 718-997-6666 fax: 718-520-0170 IRIS Antivirus (cf Fink), Antivirus Plus (purported "AI vaccine"), VirAway scanner Tomauri Inc. 30 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 13 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3K1 416-886-8122 Telecopier: 416-886-6452 PC Guard - password protection board, also for Mac product not available Trend Micro Devices Inc. 2421 W. 205th St., #D-100 Torrance, CA 90501 USA 213-782-8190 fax: 213-328-5892 PC-cillin - program change detection hardware/software University of Cincinnati Dep't. of Computer Engineering Mail Loc. 30 - 898 Rhodes Hall Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030 USA Cryptographic Checksum-Anti-Viral software Vacci Virus 84 Hammond Street Waltham, MA 02154 Voice: 1-617-893-8282 FAX : 1-617-969-0385 distributes Hoffman Virus Summary Document, other products unknown Vancouver Institute for Research into User Security 3118 Baird Road North Vancouver, B. C. V7K 2G6 604-984-9983 virus research archives, seminars, vendor contact list, product reviews, consulting Frans Veldman ESaSS B.V. P.o. box 1380 6501 BJ Nijmegen The Netherlands Tel: 31 - 80 - 787 771 Fax: 31 - 80 - 777 327 Data: 31 - 85 - 212 395 (2:280/200 @fidonet) c/o Jeroen W. Pluimers/Smulders P.O. Box 266 2170 AG Sassenheim The Netherlands work: +31-71-274245 9.00-17.00 CET home: +31-2522-11809 19:00-23:00 CET email: 2:281/521 or 2:281/515.3 email: PLUIMERS@HLERUL5.BITNET!!FTHSMULD TBSCAN, TBRESCUE, TBSCANX, Thunderbyte card Mikael Larsson Virus Help Centre Box 7018 S-81107 SANDVIKEN SWEDEN Phone : +46-26 100518 Fax : +46-26 275720 BBS : +46-26 275710 (HST) FidoNet : 2:205/204 VirNet : 9:461/101 SigNet : 27:5346/108 (soon) Email : Virus Test Center, Faculty for Informatics University of Hamburg Schlueterstr. 70, D2000 Hamburg 13, FR Germany Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein, Simone Fischer-Huebner Contact: Margit Leuschner (VTC, secretary) Tel: (040) 4123-4158 (KB), -4175 (SFH), -4162 (ML) Email (EAN/BITNET): Computer Virus Catalog (MS-DOS, Mac, Amiga and Atari) Worldwide Software Inc. 20 Exchange Place, 27th Floor New York, NY 10005 USA 212-422-4100 Telecopier 212-422-1953 Vaccine Version 3.20 - Anti-Viral Software. ============= Vancouver | "If you do buy a Institute for | computer, don't Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | turn it on." User Canada V7K 2G6 | Richards' 2nd Law Security | of Data Security