Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!lll-winken!sun-barr!olivea!oliveb!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26.0!Jack.O'keeffe From: Jack.O' (Jack O'keeffe) Newsgroups: misc.handicap Subject: Re: What about .... Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Jun 91 15:33:51 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Jack.O' Organization: FidoNet node 1:129/26.0 - SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA Lines: 67 Approved: Index Number: 16067 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] TS> Sometimes, we just need a place to plan things out on our own, TS> in private without having to argue with the people aganist ASL TS> about the various benfits of ASL v. SEE... TS> Arguing doesn't help get things done... Amen to less arguing, Tim! But I don't understand why you view ASL and SEE as rivals. Are not both valid means of communication? Discussing things here gives us insights into others thinking and a better understanding of each other. That's what this echo is about, Tim. It is not for arguing, or promoting any one means of communication by denigrating others. And it especially not for mounting personal attacks on others whose views may differ from our own. I am encouraged that most all SilentTalkers seem to be developing a better understanding of acceptable echo behavior. If any two people ALWAYS agree - one of them is unnecessary :-) TS> Besides, simply having a separate echo doesn't mean we want TS> to detact from society.. Call it our "meeting room" if you like! I, for one, would sincerely hope that you and James and other ASL advocates would not abandon SilentTalk if you do establish an echo that is exclusively for ASL. I think all of us have a great deal to learn from one another, and I still believe that we can do it if we try. In a collegial - non adversarial - manner. TS> discouraged with the extreme ratio of SEE and ASL supporters in TS> here.. Seems like just three or four of us ASL supporters and a TS> MILLION others! Actually it's more like 21,585,000 others, Tim. Aren't we lucky that all of them don't post here on SilentTalk :-). We'd never get all the mail read. The Federal Bilingual Courts Study estimated that less that one half of one percent of the U.S. population, 972,000 individuals, depends on sign language as their primary means of communication. And this includes not only ASL, but SEE, PSE, etc., etc. The hearing impaired population is somewhere around 22 to 24 million. It is roughly 82% hard of hearing and 18% deaf. Less than one in four DEAF persons depends on signing (ASL, SEE, or whatever) as primary mode of communication. Most are oral. TS> Seems to me that many ASL people don't take part in this TS> conferennce... In no way does this conference reflect the true TS> percentage of the deaf's attitude of ASL vs. SEE.... I don't have any statistics on ASL vs. SEE, Tim. If you have some, why not share with us? But if we can believe the Federal statistics cited above, signing is represented quite well here in comparison to oralism. I'm a TC person myself. If it helps me communicate, I'll use it. ... Jack. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26.0!Jack.O'keeffe Internet: Jack.O'