Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!!!usc!!!!yale!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!5.18!Walter.Siren
From: (Walter Siren)
Newsgroups: misc.handicap
Subject: Re: blind politics
Message-ID: <>
Date: 17 Jun 91 20:30:36 GMT
Organization: FidoNet node 1:396/5.18 - Pontchippi, New Orleans LA
Lines: 42

Index Number: 16116

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 DD>  being robbed or otherwise bothered don't they?  I have had strangers
 DD>  write checks for me and handle money such as giving me change for years
 DD>  and never had a problem until one day when the "waitress" in a coffee
 DD>  shop-store type place took a twenty dollar bill to get me change.
 DD>  Unfortunately, one of the regular employees saw the woman leaving in a
 DD>  hurry and they were very upset that such a terrible thing had been done
 DD>  to a blind person because you see, the "waitress" was just a person off
 DD>  the street.  I recall being annoyed but remarking that well, crime
 DD>  knows no barriers and it is just as disgusting to do it to me as to
 DD>  anyone else.

While this is true, you might say that this was discrimination in
reverse.  The reason this person did that to you, was because you
are blind, and you could not see that she was not a waitress.

Frankly, I think that is rare today for a criminal to let you slide
because you are blind.  This was true in the olden days, but today
it is because you are blind, that you make an easier prey that they
will choose you.

Btw you are luckey that you never had any problems with people
giving you change,etc. before now.  I ran a vending stand, and
therefore worked with the public with money for most of my life,
and I can assure, that they know that we are easy prey.  I have had
several problems with people telling me the wrong bill
denomination, and a lot of merchandize was stolen from my counter
because I could not see them.  It is a good thing that the majority
of the public is honest, but believe me, it is getting worse each
day.  Twenty years ago, I did not have near the problems that I was
having by the time I retired three years ago.  It is getting worse
by the day.  Of course is crime in general.  But, today it knows
less discrimination than it use to.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!5.18!Walter.Siren