Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!!pitt!nss!freed From: freed@nss.FIDONET.ORG (Bev Freed) Newsgroups: Subject: Toward 2001 - 17 Jun Message-ID: <459.285B339E@nss.FIDONET.ORG> Date: 16 Jun 91 05:43:47 GMT Organization: The NSS BBS, Pittsburgh PA (412) 366-5208 Lines: 127 *********** TOWARD 2001 *********** Week of 17 June 1991 A Weekly Feature of SPACE CALENDAR + = Domestic (USA) Earth event * = Domestic (USA) space event o = International Earth event # = International space event -------------------------------------------------------------------- REPRINT INFORMATION This information is reproduced by permission of the Space Age Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Copyright June 17, 1991. Reproduction in any form without written permission violates federal statute with penalty of up to $50,000. SPACE CALENDAR is edited and published on the Big `Space' Island of Hawaii. ==================================================================== * * * * * * * + STS 43 Atlantis NASA Kennedy Space Center FL Ground crew and 5 astronauts are preparing for a July launch to deploy the TDRS-E satellite and its Inertial Upper Stage. For the first time, abort software will be loaded and ready to run during launch on Atlantis' new general purpose computers. * * * * * * * # Soviet Spacewalks Planned Low Earth Orbit Cosmonauts Anatoly Artsebarsky and Sergei Krikalyev will make up to 8 EVA trips to shift solar panels in preparation for a Buran mission to Mir 1 in late 1991 or early 1992. They will also deploy two small satellites for upper atmosphere and crystal growth experiments. * * * * * * * o Arianespace V 44 / ERS-1 Kourou, French Guiana The European consortium plans an early July launch. Based on previous flight observations and testing, officials decided to add a pressure relief system to the third stage engine hydrogen feed line. * * * * * * * + Columbia Communications Corp Honolulu HI Is investigating potential satellite links with the Soviet Union. President Clifford Laughton said the company recently completed a series of coordination meetings with Soviet officials and is continuing its consultations with Intelsat required under Article 14(c) of the Intelsat treaty. * * * * * * * o India PSLV Testing Mahendragiri Engineers are examining data from a successful test firing of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle second stage on 3 June. The engine, which uses hydrazine and nitrogen tetraoxide developes 60 tons of thrust at sea level with a specific impulse of 293 seconds. * * * * * * * o Japan Satellite Message Planning Tokyo The new joint venture intends to use a Japan Communications satellite to provide mobile message and positioning services. Partners are C Itoh and Co (54 percent), Nippon Steel (41 percent), and Qualcomm Inc, San Diego CA, (5 percent). Initial funding is 100 million yen (US$662,000). * * * * * * * + Texas Roundtables Unite Houston TX The Houston Space Business Roundtable is working with similar organizations in Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio to form, jointly, the Texas Space Business Roundtable. The new group intends to work with the Texas Space Commission to enhance the state's space constituency. * * * * * * * o Aussat Contenders Canberra, Australia America's Bell South and Cable & Wireless PLC Ltd are bidding against a second consortium of Bell Atlantic, Ameritech, and Hutchison Whampoa to purchase the Australian telecommunications firm. Tenders are expected to be called in July. * * * * * * * + New Solar System Theory Boulder CO Astrophysicist Alan Stern of the University of Colorado believes Pluto and other outer solar system objects could be "relics" from a time when 1,000 or more Pluto-sized planets existed. Astronomers say the theory is worth considering. * * * * * * * + Lunar Footnote (Statistic) 6,759 days since Moon last visited by humans. * * * * * * * o International Space Year 1992 (Quotation) "The most important policy objective of the ISY . . . is to instill a new Space Age frame of reference in the thoughts and actions of governments and individuals." -- The late U S Senator Spark M Matsunaga, Hawaii -------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT SPACE CALENDAR Space Calendar provides a weekly preview of upcoming events in the space industry. It is published weekly by the SPACE AGE PUBLISHING COMPANY from offices in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. For a free sample of the printed publication, use the address, telephone, or fax numbers for the Hawaii office listed below. SPACE AGE PUBLISHING COMPANY also publishes SPACE FAX DAILY from its offices in Cupertino, California. For information about SPACE FAX DAILY use the address, telephone, or fax numbers for the California office listed below. HAWAII OFFICE: 75-5751 Kuakini Highway, Suite 209, Kailua-Kona HI 96740; 808-326-2014, fax 808-326-1825. CALIFORNIA OFFICE: 20431 Steven Creek Blvd, Cupertino CA 95054; 408-996-9210, fax 408-996-2125. ==================================================================== --- Opus-CBCS 1.20.17 * Origin: NSS BBS - Ad Astra! (412)366-5208 *HST* (1:129/104.0) -- Bev Freed - via FidoNet node 1:129/104 UUCP: ...!pitt!nss!freed INTERNET: freed@nss.FIDONET.ORG