Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rpi!!milton!hlab From: (Robert Jacobson) Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds Subject: Japanese Symposium on Artificial Reality, 9-10 July 1991, Tokyo Message-ID: <> Date: 20 Jun 91 15:21:05 GMT Sender: (Human Int. Technology Lab) Organization: Human Interface Technology Lab, Univ. of Wash., Seattle Lines: 97 Approved: >From The WELL: Topic 44: VR Event Announcements # 78: Adam Peake (peake) Thu, Jun 20, '91 (00:29) 76 lines International Symposium on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence Date: July 9-10 Venue: Tokyo Ryutsu Center Sponsors: Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc. & Japan Technology Transfer Association. Registration fee: 60,000 yen (inc. tax, documents, lunch) Programme Day One Keynote lecture Yoshio Tsukio, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo; "Industrial Effect of VR Technology" Lectures Thomas B. Sheridan, Professor of Engineering and Applied Psychology, MIT; "Telepresence and Artificial Reality - Some Hard Questions" Steve Bryson, NASA-AMES Research Center; "A Virtual Environment for the Exploration of Three Dimensional Steady Flows" Charles Grantham, Professor of University of San Francisco; "Using Virtual Reality to Examine Organizational Functioning" Presentation Speech Reflection Technology Corporation (U.S.A.) "VR Display Parameters for Low-cost Games" Reception Day Two Lectures Myron W. Krueger, President, Artificial Reality Corporation; "What Should You Wear to an Artificial Reality?" Robert Jacobson, Associate Director, Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of Washington; "Virtual Worlds: Towards a Global Collaboration" Jaron Lanier, CEO, VPL Corporation Presentations by various companies (to be decided) Panel Discussion - "The Realization of VR, can it become true" as; (i) Basic Technology of Society, (ii) Business, (iii) Art Expressions and Media, (iv) Study. Coordinator, Susumu Tachi, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo. Panelists; Thomas B. Sheridan, Myron W. Krueger, Robert Jacobson, Nichitaka Hirose (Associate Professor, University of Tokyo), Makoto Sato (Associate Professor, Research Lab. of precision Machinery and Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Hiro Iwata (Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, University of Tsukuba). For more information please contact: Kenichi Kaeriyama or Kenji Hasegawa, General Projects Department, Projects Developments Bureau, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (NIKKEI), 1-9-5 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-66, Japan. Tel: (81) (3) 3252-8157 Fax: (81) (3) 3256-5749 For details of a travel package (from the U.S.A. only) please contact: Visitors Inc. Attn. Mr. Long, 645 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 10022. Tel: (212) 935-4420 (800) 387-4368 Fax: (212) 980-6089 Applications (name, title, company name and address) should be sent to: Japan Technology Transfer Association (JTTAS), Attn. Mr. Ishikawa, Tel: (81) (3) 3584-0207 Fax: (81) (3) 3585-9369. [MODERATOR'S NOTE: An interesting affair, first of its type in Japan. [As to travel, check with your own agent first. I found Visitours prone to give me the fares easiest for them to compute, i.e., without discounts. The Pacific Meridien Hotel, where the conference is being held, is extremely expensive; no way around it. But you may beat the airfares offered by Visitours. -- Bob Jacobson] --