From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!ihnp4!ixlpc!mhauck Newsgroups: net.sf-lovers Title: SW Article-I.D.: ixlpc.166 Posted: Wed Dec 15 10:30:01 1982 Received: Fri Dec 17 03:21:36 1982 I have been watching the disscussion about the Clone Wars from Star Wars. If someone had checked the Stars Wars book they would have found on page 75,76 that it was Clone Wars and only Clone Wars. Also on page 80 Luke askes Obi-wan Kenobi about his father's death. Here is the reply. Kenobi hesitated, and Luke sensed that the old man had no wish to talk about this particular matter. Unlike Owen Lars, however Kenobi was unable to take refuge in a comfortable lie. "He was betrayed and murdered," Kenobi declared solmely, "by a very young Jedi Named Darth Vader." He was not looking at Luke, "A boy I was training. One of my brightest of my greatest failures." If any one wants to come look at the books for further information let me know I have Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back now in my office. M.J.Hauck Brought to you by Super Global Mega Corp .com