From: utzoo!henry Newsgroups: hacknews Title: CSRG line stays slow Article-I.D.: utzoo.2931 Posted: Tue Apr 26 19:26:34 1983 Received: Tue Apr 26 19:26:34 1983 Since Dave Galloway and I slowed the utzoo<->utcsrgv line down from 4800 to 1200 baud, the incidence of CP HUNG crashes here has dropped spectacularly. (Before, one or two a day was typical; since, we've had one, TOTAL.) They haven't gone away completely, but they are a lot less of a nuisance. I think we will leave the line at 1200 for the present. We intend to do a serious cleanup on the 44's Unibus in the not-too-distant future, and we may experiment with higher speeds again once that is done.