Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!wivax!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!houti!hogpc!houxm!ihnp4!ixn5c!inuxc!pur-ee!ecn-pa:swc From: ecn-pa:swc@pur-ee.UUCP Newsgroups: net.suicide Subject: herpes Message-ID: <928@ecn-pa.UUCP> Date: Thu, 9-Jun-83 20:00:57 EDT Article-I.D.: ecn-pa.928 Posted: Thu Jun 9 20:00:57 1983 Date-Received: Tue, 14-Jun-83 06:55:48 EDT References: inuxa.204 Lines: 17 I have a friend (sounds like a line, eh?) that has been rather suicidal due to general depression and a poor self-image. Within the last year or so my friend acquired Herpes (incurable don't you know) and has been even more bummed out. "Who would want to have sex with me", "I'll never get married now", etc. Luckily, this person has come close but has chickened out before actually jumping out in front of a Mack or swallowing those pills. I tell my friend that there are millions that now have the same affliction and it is spreading fast. They call it an epidemic now... No, says my friend. The probability of finding others with Herpes that are of any interest to me is practically NIL. What do you say to that? There are few organizations that are around much less in town that cater to this group of people. I feel confident that if I could convince my friend that she (there, I let it slip) is not alone, I'm sure she would lead a somewhat more happier life (or at least less depressing). Scott p.s. Yeah, she's tried Palo Alto and the local Crisis Center (oh, and good ol' Planned Parenthood). Creams and sympathy don't do a lot...