Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!genrad!mit-eddi!rh From: rh@mit-eddi.UUCP (Randy Haskins) Newsgroups: net.suicide Subject: Re: More info Message-ID: <308@mit-eddi.UUCP> Date: Fri, 24-Jun-83 03:21:30 EDT Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.308 Posted: Fri Jun 24 03:21:30 1983 Date-Received: Fri, 24-Jun-83 23:07:59 EDT References: ittvax.787 Lines: 13 Mandatory suicide as a way of starting over. Sounds funky. I suppose that while I consider myself to have a great deal of Zen nature, I am not a Buddhist. (Bodhidharma went to China, ee-ie ee-ie oh). But seriously, one possible model is that life is a burden you must endure, and death is a rest you must earn. You haven't the right to end your life until your dharma is fulfilled, whatever it may be. I suppose my belief system has evolved as a blending of NT Christianity, a little of the Old-Testament-Butt-Kicking God of Wrath, and Zen. That accounts for any anomalies. don't-blame-me-if-you-don't-grok-my-religion Randy