Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site hou5g.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!harpo!eagle!hou5h!hou5g!jrt From: jrt@hou5g.UUCP Newsgroups: net.suicide Subject: The right(?) to commit suicide & LOWER FORMS? Message-ID: <303@hou5g.UUCP> Date: Fri, 11-Nov-83 13:02:41 EST Article-I.D.: hou5g.303 Posted: Fri Nov 11 13:02:41 1983 Date-Received: Sun, 13-Nov-83 05:37:07 EST References: <136@houxl.UUCP> Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ Lines: 15 Someone (sorry I missed the name) just suggested that if the siamese twins had been a "lower form of life", then 'society' would not have been revolted by the suggestion that they receive a lethal injection. >From her/his comments that follow I implied that a lethal injection for those siamese twins should have been acceptable to an understanding 'society'. My question....did anyone ask the twins what THEY wanted?? Maybe they wanted to live, to take a chance on life, whether they had been cursed, blessed or whatever. Before we take anyones life..(I personally am against any form of 'euthanasia')..maybe we should try to find out if the request for death is being prompted by a problem, or lack of fullfilment/acceptance/ love/self worth/...., or by a temporary situation that oft times looks insurmountable. (** FRODO **) alias hou5g!jrt