Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 beta 3/9/83; site nsc.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxl!ihnp4!zehntel!dual!amd70!decwrl!decvax!harpo!seismo!hao!hplabs!menlo70!nsc!chuqui From: chuqui@nsc.UUCP (Chuq Von Rospach) Newsgroups: net.suicide Subject: Re: what kind of suicide? Message-ID: <691@nsc.UUCP> Date: Mon, 20-Feb-84 15:44:24 EST Article-I.D.: nsc.691 Posted: Mon Feb 20 15:44:24 1984 Date-Received: Sun, 25-Mar-84 10:35:34 EST References: <179@ubc-vision.UUCP> Organization: National Semiconductor, Sunnyvale Lines: 29 mokhtar@ubc-vision.UUCP (Farzin Mokhtarian) says: ... but you should give them some credit for having the courage to do it. Many people out there die a slow death without ever commiting what you would call a suicide... Suicide does not stem from courage, but from fear. When the fear of life overrides the fear of death, suicide results. Suicide is therefore not the home of the hero, but the dwelling of the ultimate coward: that person who is afraid of themself. We are all dying a slow death, for each moment we live we come one moment closer to death. I don't see anything wrong with that. No matter how bad a life may seem, it is better than the alternative, since the alternative is no life. If you disagree with that, ask the survivors of the Holocaust or Hiroshima whether they would prefer to be dead. I know that there have been many times when I wished for death, but each time I found something (anything) to live for. Anything, no matter how bad, is better than nothing at all. chuq -- From the house at Pooh Corner: Chuq 'Nuke Wobegon' Von Rospach {fortune,menlo70}!nsc!chuqui Have you hugged your Pooh today? What's it feel like to have not done it for 200 years? 204, if you count my marriage... --- woody allen, sleeper