Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site isrnix.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!akgua!mcnc!decvax!harpo!ulysses!mhuxl!ihnp4!inuxc!iuvax!isrnix!mr From: mr@isrnix.UUCP (Michael Regoli) Newsgroups: net.relegion,net.jokes Subject: Jesus Christ! - (nf) Message-ID: <146@isrnix.UUCP> Date: Fri, 20-Apr-84 19:56:54 EST Article-I.D.: isrnix.146 Posted: Fri Apr 20 19:56:54 1984 Date-Received: Sun, 22-Apr-84 08:48:04 EST Organization: Indiana University Lines: 47 DATELINE: Manila, Philippines - UPI - Thursday, April 19, 1984 Four women and a carpenter who hopes his public display of penitence will attract the attention of his American father were among at least 12 Filipinos nailed to crosses Friday in reenact- ments of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Some 7,500 people, including U.S. soldiers and tourists, gathered in three provinces to witness the annual Good Friday ritual, played out in a fiesta atmosphere complete with Mickey Mouse and Jesus Christ balloons. The Roman Catholic Church takes a dim view of the crucifixions, a custom brought to Asia's only Christian country by Spanish friars in the 1600s. Donald Rexford Jr., who has tried for years to attract the attention of his American father, grimaced in pain as friends hoisted him into the air, two four-inch steel spikes driven into his palms. "God forgive them for what they have done," Rexford, 38, screamed as his 15-foot wooden cross was spun around once atop a water tank on a hilltop overlooking the capital. It was his fifth crucifixion. ... A basketball referee in Pampanga province limbered up before being nailed to a cross with shiny spikes he carried in a jar filled with alcohol in his gym bag. He passed out pictures of himself to reporters. "I feel good," said Bob Velez, 42. Wearing a ladies brunette wig, he lasted seven minutes. ----- Respectfully submitted, Michael Regoli ...isrnix!mr