Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 (Tek) 9/28/84 based on 9/17/84; site tekigm.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!ihnp4!qantel!hplabs!tektronix!tekig3!tekigm!timothym From: timothym@tekigm.UUCP (Timothy D Margeson) Newsgroups: net.sources Subject: Mandelbrot source for Turbo Pascal on PC's Message-ID: <583@tekigm.UUCP> Date: Fri, 4-Oct-85 19:04:57 EDT Article-I.D.: tekigm.583 Posted: Fri Oct 4 19:04:57 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 6-Oct-85 14:41:31 EDT Distribution: net Organization: Tektronix, Beaverton OR Lines: 820 For those of you who take the time to read this, here is a short blurb about this program, and how to use it. Every thing required to compile this file is included. It is in normal ASCII format and does not require passing the article through any shells. You will have to remove everything above the cut line for the compiler to be happy. After compiling the program into a .com file: Type MANDEL (I suggest this name for obvious reasons). The program will load into memory and run. There will be a screen clear and a short delay as the data arrays are being set up. You will be given a menu of options available. Press the number desired - WITHOUT - pressing the ENTER key. MAIN MENU OPTION 1 - Create a new data file. With this option, you will be prompted to key the following information; The horizontal picture reslution (0 to 319 pixels max.) The vertical picture resolution (0 to 199 pixels max.) The starting point of the horizontal axis (-2.0 to start) The starting point of the vertical axis (-1.25 to start) The length of the horizontal axis (2.5 to start) The length of the vertical axis (2.5 to start) The number of iterations (100 to start) The name of the file to store data in (1.dat, 2.dat, etc) Follow each entry - WITH - pressing the ENTER key. NOTE- for a 199 by 199 picture, you will need 80kbytes available on the default drive. 128kbytes for a 319 by 199 picture. I recommend using the values given above for your first few attempts as these will not take a long time to compute (yes, the program can take a while, I have waited > 24 hours for some pictures). While the program is calculating, a screen display shows the progress of the program by showing the current X and Y coordinates being worked on. After the calculation is complete, you are asked whether to plot the data now. Respond Y or N depending..... If you selected N you will be put back into the main menu described above. A Y response is essentially the same as selecting option 2 from the main menu, except that you do not have to enter the filename. MAIN MENU OPTION 2 - This option permits you to display Mandelbrot data files that have been calculated. Respond to the filename prompt by typing in desired filename, then press the ENTER key. After finding the file, the program prompts for the colors to use for the display, and how calculate the color range. The IBM color display leaves alot to be desired. You can only have four colors showing at any one time. I prefer palette 3, and a background of 0 for most displays. The last prompt is for where the program is to begin an averageing technique to show as much detail as possible in the areas close to the Mandelbrot set. Try values from 1 to 2 to start. The program will now read the data file from the disk. This too can take a while, especially from a floppy disk. After the file is loaded, the display will change from the default to the 320x200 color mode, and the data will be plotted to the screen. PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT DISPLAY MODE *********************************** You will be prompted whether you want the information about the display sent to the printer, press Y if yes, N if not. Do not press ENTER. You will be asked if you wish to redisplay the picture, pressing N sends you back to the main menu, Y will go through the display option list again, but will not reread the disk file. This is handy for trying various options on each of the data files. MAIN MENU OPTION 3 - This option displays any of the .DAT and >PAR files on the default drive. MAIN MENU OPTION 4 - To exit the program press 4. ---------------- REMOVE EVRERYTHING INCLUDING THIS LINE ------------------ Program Mandelbrot(input,output); { I suggest the name MANDEL.PAS } (* This program calculates the complex number set called the Mandelbrot set *) (* Sorry for the lack of comments, but I did this in a rush. *) const Xmax : integer = 100; Ymax : integer = 100; Limit : integer = 1000; DisplayColors = 3; { IBM PC 0 background,1,2,3 } { Do not include background } type PicFile = file of integer; ParmFile = text; AnswerString = char; FileNameString = string[30]; DirSpec = array[1..12] of char; PictureY = array[0..199] of integer; PictureX = array[0..320] of ^PictureY; var BackGround, PaletteNumber, PixelValue, Xpos, Ypos, Xincrement, Yincrement : integer; Xcorner, Xgap, Xsize, Ycorner, Ygap, Ysize : real; Error : boolean; Answer : AnswerString; SaveFile : PicFile; PicData : PictureX; ParmSaveFile : ParmFile; ParmSaveFileName, SaveFileName : FileNameString; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure GetResponse(A,B,C,D:char;var Response:char); begin repeat repeat until KeyPressed; read(Kbd,Response); until Response in [A,B,C,D]; end; {**********************************************************************} procedure CalcPixel(Xpos,Ypos:real;var Count:integer); (* Compute the Mandelbrot value for a given pixel location Xpos,Ypos *) (* *) (* Z = Z*Z + C *) (* Increment Count *) (* Check Size of Z *) (* Exit loop if Size of Z > 2 or Count > Limit *) var Cx,Cy, Zx,Zy, ZxZx,ZyZy, ZxZy,ZyZx, CxZx,CyZy, SizeZ : real; begin Count:=0; Cx:=Xpos; Cy:=Ypos; Zx:=0; Zy:=0; repeat ZxZx:=Zx*Zx; (* Calculate Z , Zx is the real part *) ZyZy:=Zy*Zy; (* Zy is the imaginary part *) ZxZy:=Zx*Zy; ZyZx:=Zy*Zx; Zx:=ZxZx-ZyZy; (* Sum parts of Z , Zy is imaginary and has been *) Zy:=ZxZy+ZyZx; (* negated to show existance of i*i=-1 *) Zx:=Zx+Cx; (* Add C to Z , Cx is real , Cy is imaginary *) Zy:=Zy+Cy; Count:=Count+1; SizeZ:=ZxZx+ZyZy; until (Count>Limit) or (SizeZ>4); end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure GetOption(var Answer:AnswerString); begin writeln('Mandelbrot display generator'); writeln; writeln('Enter 1 to generate a new data file,'); writeln(' 2 to display an existing data file'); writeln(' 3 to display data file directory'); writeln(' 4 to end program'); writeln; write('Choice ? '); GetResponse('1','2','3','4',Answer); end; {**********************************************************************} procedure ParseFileName(var FileName:FileNameString); const Default = 'MANCOMP.'; type CharSet = set of char; var i,j : integer; EndOfName : boolean; ValidChar : CharSet; begin ValidChar:=['$'..'''','.','0'..'9','A'..'Z','_'..'z']; i:=0; j:=0; EndOfName:=false; if length(FileName)<1 then FileName:=Default; repeat j:=j+1; if not (FileName[j] in ValidChar) then FileName[j]:='$'; until (j>length(FileName)) or (j>12); repeat i:=i+1; if (FileName[i]=chr(046)) {or (FileName[i]=chr(032))} then begin FileName[0]:=chr(i-1); EndOfName:=true; end else FileName[i]:=UpCase(FileName[i]); until (i=8) or EndOfName; end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure PrintParmFile(ParmFileName:FileNameString); var Xcorn, Ycorn, Xside, Yside, Xlength, Ylength, RealLimit : string[20]; ParmInputFile : ParmFile; begin TextMode(BW80); ParseFileName(ParmFileName); ParmFileName:=concat(ParmFileName,'.PAR'); assign(ParmInputFile,ParmFileName); {$I-}reset(ParmInputFile){$I+}; Error:=(IOResult<>0); if not Error then begin readln(ParmInputFile,Xlength); readln(ParmInputFile,Ylength); readln(ParmInputFile,Xcorn); readln(ParmInputFile,Ycorn); readln(ParmInputFile,Xside); readln(ParmInputFile,Yside); readln(ParmInputFile,RealLimit); ParseFileName(ParmFileName); ParmFileName:=concat(ParmFileName,'.DAT/PAR'); writeln('The previous screen parameters are as follows :'); writeln; writeln('Filename = ',ParmFileName:16); writeln('X pixels = ',Xlength); writeln('Y pixels = ',Ylength); writeln('X origin = ',Xcorn); writeln('Y origin = ',Ycorn); writeln('X side = ',Xside); writeln('Y side = ',Yside); writeln('Iteration = ',RealLimit); write(^J,'Print parameters to the printer (Y/N) ? '); GetResponse('Y','y','N','n',Answer); if (Answer='Y') or (Answer='y') then begin writeln(Lst,^J^J^J); writeln(Lst,'This printout''s parameters are as follows : '); writeln(Lst); writeln(Lst,'Filename = ',ParmFileName:16); writeln(Lst,'X pixels = ',Xlength); writeln(Lst,'Y pixels = ',Ylength); writeln(Lst,'X origin = ',Xcorn); writeln(Lst,'Y origin = ',Ycorn); writeln(Lst,'X side = ',Xside); writeln(Lst,'Y side = ',Yside); writeln(Lst,'Iteration = ',RealLimit); write(Lst,^L); end; end else write('Error reading data parameter file ',ParmFileName,^G); end; {**********************************************************************} procedure SwapPalettes; var i,j,k : integer; begin for i:=0 to 3 do begin palette(i); for j:=1 to 32000 do for k:=1 to 2 do; end; end; {**********************************************************************} procedure MakeDataArray; begin for Xpos:=0 to 199 do begin new(PicData[Xpos]); for Ypos:= 0 to 199 do PicData[Xpos]^[Ypos]:=0; end; end; {procedure MakeDataArray} {**********************************************************************} procedure ClearDataArray; begin for Xpos:=0 to 199 do begin for Ypos:= 0 to 199 do PicData[Xpos]^[Ypos]:=0; end; end; {procedure ClearDataArray} {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure PlotData; var LoValue, PixelData, Xsize, Ysize, Value : integer; Done, FirstTime, Error, Printer : boolean; InputFile : PicFile; ParmInputFile : ParmFile; FileName : FileNameString; Table : array[0..4096] of integer; {**********************************************************************} procedure SetPixel(Xpos,Ypos,PixelData:integer); begin PixelData:=Table[PixelData]; Plot(Xpos,Ypos,PixelData); end; {procedure SetPixel} {**********************************************************************} procedure SetTable; const Nchanges = 4;{8;} Nmax = 4096; var i,j, Color, HiValue, Xpos, Ypos : integer; Middle, PointSum, PerColor, HistSum : real; History : array[1..Nmax] of integer; begin {Initialize the arrays} for i:=1 to Nmax do begin History[i]:=0; Table[i]:=0; end; {Make a histogram of the data} for Xpos:=0 to Xsize do for Ypos:=0 to Ysize do begin i:=PicData[Xpos]^[Ypos]; History[i]:=History[i]+1; end; {Find the highest valid data point value} i:=Nmax; HiValue:=0; repeat if History[i]>0 then HiValue:=i; i:=i-1; until (i=1) or (HiValue>0); {Count the number of points between Lo and Hi} Middle:=0; for i:=LoValue+1 to HiValue-1 do Middle:=Middle+History[i]; {Calculate the average number of points per change} {and assign Table values accordingly} PerColor:=trunc(Middle/Nchanges); j:=LoValue; HistSum:=0; PointSum:=0; for i:=1 to Nchanges do begin Color:=1+(i mod DisplayColors); {set Color within range of display} PointSum:=PointSum+PerColor; {set next loop exit point} repeat HistSum:=HistSum+History[j]; {sum histogram data points} Table[j]:=Color; {assign color to look up table} j:=j+1; {increment table pointer value} until (HistSum>=PointSum); end; {Assign colors to table values not covered above} for i:=1 to LoValue do Table[i]:=1+(i mod DisplayColors); i:=HiValue; repeat Table[i]:=0; i:=i+1; until i>Nmax; end; {procedure SetTable} {.PA} {********************* BEGIN PLOTDATA *************************} begin ClrScr; if length(SaveFileName)<1 then begin write('Enter picture data source file name . . . : '); readln(FileName); FirstTime:=true; end else FileName:=SaveFileName; ParseFileName(FileName); FileName:=concat(FileName,'.DAT'); assign(InputFile,FileName); {$I-}reset(InputFile){$I+}; Error:=(IOResult<>0); if Error then writeln('File does not exist!',^G) else repeat write('Enter palette number . . . . . .(0,1,2,3) : '); readln(PaletteNumber); write('Enter background number . . . . . (0..15) : '); readln(BackGround); write('Enter plot averaging lower limit (1..100) : '); readln(LoValue); GoToXY(1,6); if FirstTime then begin writeln('Reading disk file data....'); ClearDataArray; FirstTime:=false; read(InputFile,Xsize,Ysize); for Xpos:=0 to Xsize do for Ypos:=Ysize downto 0 do read(InputFile,PicData[Xpos]^[Ypos]); end; GoToXY(1,6); writeln('Calculating plot data.....'); SetTable; GraphColorMode; Palette(PaletteNumber); GraphBackground(BackGround); for Xpos:=0 to Xsize do for Ypos:=Ysize downto 0 do begin PixelData:=PicData[Xpos]^[Ypos]; SetPixel(Xpos,Ypos,PixelData); end; {SwapPalettes;} Palette(PaletteNumber); write(^G); repeat until KeyPressed; PrintParmFile(FileName); GoToXY(1,24); writeln('Do you want to display this file again (Y/N) ? '); GetResponse('Y','y','N','n',Answer); if (Answer='Y') or (Answer='y') then begin Done:=false; ClrScr; end else Done:=true; until Done; end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure SaveParameters; var Xcorn, Ycorn, Xside, Yside, Xlength, Ylength, RealLimit : string[20]; begin ParmSaveFileName:=SaveFileName; ParseFileName(ParmSaveFileName); ParmSaveFileName:=concat(ParmSaveFileName,'.PAR'); str(Xmax:5,Xlength); Xlength:=concat(Xlength,' 8087'); { For 8087 version only } str(Ymax:5,Ylength); str(Xcorner:16:10,Xcorn); str(Ycorner:16:10,Ycorn); str(Xsize:16:10,Xside); str(Ysize:16:10,Yside); str(Limit:5,RealLimit); assign(ParmSaveFile,ParmSaveFileName); {$I-}reset(ParmSaveFile){$I+}; Error:=(IOResult=0); if Error then begin write(^M^J,'Parameter file ',ParmSaveFileName, ' already exists, overwrite it ? (Y/N) : '); GetResponse('Y','y','N','n',Answer); if (Answer='Y') or (answer='y') then begin erase(ParmSaveFile); Error:=false; end; end; if not Error then begin rewrite(ParmSaveFile); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Xlength); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Ylength); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Xcorn); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Ycorn); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Xside); writeln(ParmSaveFile,Yside); writeln(ParmSaveFile,RealLimit); flush(ParmSaveFile); close(ParmSaveFile); end; end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure GetParameters; var i : integer; EndOfName, Error2 : boolean; begin writeln('Picture definition entries'); writeln; write('Enter number of X pixels (0..319). . : '); readln(Xmax); if Xmax>319 then Xmax:=319; write('Enter number of Y pixels (0..199). . : '); readln(Ymax); if Ymax>199 then Ymax:=199; write('Enter X or Real starting point . . . : '); readln(Xcorner); write('Enter Y or Imaginary starting point : '); readln(Ycorner); write('Enter X side length . . . . . . . . : '); readln(Xsize); write('Enter Y side length . . . . . . . . : '); readln(Ysize); write('Enter iteration limit . . . . . . . : '); readln(Limit); write('Save data in what file . . . . . . . : '); readln(SaveFileName); ParseFileName(SaveFileName); SaveFileName:=concat(SaveFileName,'.DAT'); assign(SaveFile,SaveFileName); {$I-}reset(SaveFile){$I+}; Error:=(IOResult=0); if Error then begin write(^M^J,'Data file ',SaveFileName, ' already exists, overwrite it (Y/N) ? '); GetResponse('Y','y','N','n',Answer); if (Answer='Y') or (Answer='y') then begin erase(SaveFile); Error:=false; end; end; end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure CalculatePixelData; begin ClrScr; GetParameters; SaveParameters; if not Error then begin ClrScr; writeln('Now calculating the Mandelbrot set'); writeln; writeln('Current picture pixel size ',Xmax:3,'X by ',Ymax:3,'Y'); GoToXY(1,4); write( 'Currently working on pixel X Y'); Xgap:=(Xsize/Xmax); Ygap:=(Ysize/Ymax); rewrite(SaveFile); write(SaveFile,Xmax,Ymax); for Xincrement:=0 to Xmax do begin GoToXY(28,4); write(Xincrement:3); for Yincrement:=0 to Ymax do begin CalcPixel( ((Xincrement*Xgap)+Xcorner), ((Yincrement*Ygap)+Ycorner), PixelValue); write(SaveFile,PixelValue); GoToXY(36,4); write(Yincrement:3); end; end; flush(SaveFile); close(SaveFile); end; writeln; write('Do you want to plot the data now (Y/N) ? '); GetResponse('Y','y','N','n',Answer); if (Answer='Y') or (Answer='y') then PlotData; end; {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure DiskDirectory(PassedMask:DirSpec); type String20 = string[ 20 ]; RegRec = record AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI, DS, ES, Flags : Integer; end; var Regs : RegRec; DTA : array [ 1..43 ] of Byte; Mask : DirSpec; (*Char12arr;*) NamR : String20; Error, I : Integer; begin { main body of program DirList } FillChar(DTA,SizeOf(DTA),0); { Initialize the DTA buffer } FillChar(Mask,SizeOf(Mask),0); { Initialize the mask } FillChar(NamR,SizeOf(NamR),0); { Initialize the file name } WriteLn; {'Put stand alone statements here.'} WriteLn; Regs.AX := $1A00; { Function used to set the DTA } Regs.DS := Seg(DTA); { store the parameter segment in DS } Regs.DX := Ofs(DTA); { " " " offset in DX } MSDos(Regs); { Set DTA location } Error := 0; Mask :=PassedMask; {'????????.???';} Regs.AX := $4E00; { Get first directory entry } Regs.DS := Seg(Mask); { Point to the file Mask } Regs.DX := Ofs(Mask); Regs.CX := 22; { Store the option } MSDos(Regs); { Execute MSDos call } Error := Regs.AX and $FF; { Get Error return } I := 1; { initialize 'I' to the first element } if (Error = 0) then repeat NamR[I] := Chr(Mem[Seg(DTA):Ofs(DTA)+29+I]); I := I + 1; until not (NamR[I-1] in [' '..'~']) or (I>20); NamR[0] := Chr(I-1); { set string length because assigning } if (Error=0) then write(NamR:20); { by element does not set length } while (Error = 0) do begin Error := 0; Regs.AX := $4F00; { Function used to get the next directory entry } Regs.CX := 22; { Set the file option } MSDos( Regs ); { Call MSDos } Error := Regs.AX and $FF; { get the Error return } I := 1; repeat NamR[I] := Chr(Mem[Seg(DTA):Ofs(DTA)+29+I]); I := I + 1; until not (NamR[I-1] in [' '..'~'] ) or (I > 20); NamR[0] := Chr(I-1); if (Error = 0) then Write(NamR:20) end; if (Error = 0) then write(^G,'Error reading directory!'); end; { of procedure DirList } {.PA} {**********************************************************************} procedure GetDirectory; begin ClrScr; write('Directory of .DAT and .PAR disk files : '); GoToXY(1,3); DiskDirectory('????????.DAT'); GoToXY(1,12); DiskDirectory('????????.PAR'); GoToXY(1,24); write('Press SPACEBAR to continue...'); GetResponse(' ',' ',' ',' ',Answer); end; {*********************** MAIN STARTS HERE *****************************} begin MakeDataArray; repeat ClrScr; FillChar(SaveFileName,30,0); FillChar(ParmSaveFileName,30,0); GetOption(Answer); case Answer of '1' : CalculatePixelData; '2' : PlotData; '3' : GetDirectory; '4' : begin TextMode(BW80); ClrScr; write('Returning to operating system...'); end; end; until Answer='4'; end. -- Tim Margeson (206)253-5240 tektronix!tekigm!timothym @@ 'Who said that?' 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