Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84; site inuxc.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!ihnp4!inuxc!lar From: lar@inuxc.UUCP (L Reid) Newsgroups: net.database Subject: Re: info on Oracle Message-ID: <1166@inuxc.UUCP> Date: Fri, 11-Oct-85 12:26:23 EDT Article-I.D.: inuxc.1166 Posted: Fri Oct 11 12:26:23 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 12-Oct-85 18:47:38 EDT References: <138@mck-csc.UUCP> Distribution: net Organization: AT&T Consumer Products, Indianapolis Lines: 33 > Has anyone on the net had any experience with Oracle. We are looking into > possibly purchasing a few copies (for a mini and pc/ats). Any info would > be appreciated. I will summerize for the net. > > Bernie Gunther > mit-eddie!mck-csc!bmg *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** We have had Oracle running under UNIX on a VAX for about 1 1/2 years. Its clear that the UNIX version of this dbms was a "kluge". The latest release was mainly a performance release which helped alot but I have still don't much care for how many of its features operate. It doesn't take advantage of what UNIX allows you to do. If you are running UNIX I would consider INGRES. Also, we've had trouble getting good support from ORACLE people (i.e. technical support). The documentation for the UNIX version isn't that great. So when things don't work like we think, we call our support people. They don't know UNIX and usually have to call out to their support people for answers or can't give us help at all. I also don't care for the way their screen formatting facility works. The source file for the interactive screens is somewhat burdensome and can be destroyed when compiling it. Our people have lost considerable amounts of work this way and its frustrating. There is no way to execute these screen programs from a C-program yet (Ingres has this). Call if you have specific questions. Sometimes that's better than having someone ramble about their complaints. Laura Reid AT&T 317-845-6135