Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site ucsfcca.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!ihnp4!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!ucsfcca!goldman From: goldman@ucsfcca.UUCP (Eric Goldman) Newsgroups: net.database,net.unix,net.micro.pc Subject: Re: Unify Database Problems Message-ID: <415@ucsfcca.UUCP> Date: Sun, 13-Oct-85 03:18:37 EDT Article-I.D.: ucsfcca.415 Posted: Sun Oct 13 03:18:37 1985 Date-Received: Mon, 14-Oct-85 04:53:46 EDT References: <293@tellab3.UUCP> <134@hscfvax.UUCP> Reply-To: goldman@ucsfcca.UUCP (Eric Goldman) Organization: UCSF Computer Center Lines: 14 Xref: watmath net.database:110 net.unix:5891 net.micro.pc:5585 [] In article <134@hscfvax.UUCP> pavlov@hscfvax.UUCP (840033@G.Pavlov) writes: > > We ran into a number of problems with Unify during a trial period as well. > Unfortunately (for Unify) most were different from yours. I did have a > decent support person, though. > > One thing that I can't understand: how can someone purchase a DBMS without > testing it first ??? What problems with UNIFY did you have? --Eric S. Goldman, MD University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine