Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site oracle.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!oliveb!hplabs!oracle!abbajay From: abbajay@oracle.UUCP (Dave Abbajay) Newsgroups: net.database Subject: Re: info on Oracle Message-ID: <115@oracle.UUCP> Date: Thu, 17-Oct-85 23:31:07 EDT Article-I.D.: oracle.115 Posted: Thu Oct 17 23:31:07 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 19-Oct-85 04:01:32 EDT References: <138@mck-csc.UUCP> <1166@inuxc.UUCP> Distribution: net Organization: ORACLE Corporation, 2710 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025 Lines: 45 Summary: In response to Laura's article, I sent her a reply that I hope she will post. In article <1166@inuxc.UUCP>, lar@inuxc.UUCP (L Reid) writes: > > Has anyone on the net had any experience with Oracle. We are looking into > > possibly purchasing a few copies (for a mini and pc/ats). Any info would > > be appreciated. I will summerize for the net. > > > > Bernie Gunther > > mit-eddie!mck-csc!bmg > > We have had Oracle running under UNIX on a VAX for about 1 1/2 years. > Its clear that the UNIX version of this dbms was a "kluge". The > latest release was mainly a performance release which helped alot > but I have still don't much care for how many of its features operate. > It doesn't take advantage of what UNIX allows you to do. If you > are running UNIX I would consider INGRES. Also, we've had trouble > getting good support from ORACLE people (i.e. technical support). > The documentation for the UNIX version isn't that great. So when > things don't work like we think, we call our support people. They > don't know UNIX and usually have to call out to their support people > for answers or can't give us help at all. > > I also don't care for the way their screen formatting facility > works. The source file for the interactive screens is somewhat > burdensome and can be destroyed when compiling it. Our people > have lost considerable amounts of work this way and its frustrating. > There is no way to execute these screen programs from a C-program > yet (Ingres has this). > > Call if you have specific questions. Sometimes that's better > than having someone ramble about their complaints. > > Laura Reid > AT&T > 317-845-6135 Since I'm still new at {and my base.line game ain't much better :-) } I sent a detailed reply to Laura directly instead of a follow-up, by accident. I also sent a note explaining my net.naivete asking her to please post it. Soooo, if it doesn't show up, send those thousands of nasty-grams to her. Dave Abbajay Sr. Technical Staff ORACLE Corporation (415)854-7350