Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site birtch.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!oliveb!felix!birtch!john From: john@birtch.UUCP (John Pipkins x257) Newsgroups: net.database,net.wanted,net.unix Subject: Unify on the Pyramid 90x Message-ID: <50@birtch.UUCP> Date: Tue, 22-Oct-85 15:02:58 EDT Article-I.D.: birtch.50 Posted: Tue Oct 22 15:02:58 1985 Date-Received: Thu, 24-Oct-85 07:39:22 EDT Distribution: net Organization: Birtcher, Santa Ana, Ca. Lines: 29 Xref: watmath net.database:123 net.wanted:7443 net.unix:5997 I'm looking for references to any company that has ported (and supports) the Unify DBMS on the Pyramid 90x. The reason for this search? We currently are running a version ported by Uniq Digital. There wasn't a choice at the time. Since then we have been less than happy with the level of support. I conducted an evaluation of Unify on about 8 or 10 supermicros and the Pyramid. The slowest was the Uniq version on the Pyramid 90x. Sick. So far, we have be attempting for 3 months to get a support contract in place. No luck. The kicker was today when I attempted to talk to their local sales/support office (in Los Angeles), I got a message to call a Chicago number. They closed the office without a word to the customers ( or at least me). Uh, we can't change dbms (to much code developed) nor do we want to. We like Unify and the fact that it runs on a number of systems we like. Thanx in advance John Pipkins Systems Design Engineer ...!trwrb!scgvaxd!felix!birtch!john real: Birtcher Investments Santa Ana, Ca. Remember: Never eat anything bigger than your head.