Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site luke.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!oliveb!bene!luke!bob From: bob@luke.UUCP (Bob Speray) Newsgroups: net.database,net.unix,net.micro.pc Subject: Re: Unify Database Problems Message-ID: <340@luke.UUCP> Date: Wed, 9-Oct-85 20:59:43 EDT Article-I.D.: luke.340 Posted: Wed Oct 9 20:59:43 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 12-Oct-85 15:26:11 EDT References: <293@tellab3.UUCP> Reply-To: bob@luke.UUCP (Robert Speray) Organization: Benetics Corp, Mt.View, CA Lines: 88 Xref: watmath net.database:97 net.unix:5850 net.micro.pc:5551 Summary: In article <293@tellab3.UUCP> steve@tellab3.UUCP (& Harpster) writes: > >The following is a memo written by a co-worker describing the problems >we have found with the Unify database system. I thought it would be >of general interest. The quoted memo was a real indictment of the Unify dbms product. "Problems with Unify", "major flaws", "irritating bugs". Its tone was -massive troubles with that Unify system-. This response is to balance the thrust of the original memo. Unify does not have the "major flaws" that were claimed. record locking? WHO has this problem solved on Unix? Every variant solution around has its limitations. Unify uses John Bass locking in our environment( Plexus P60, sys3) - an absolutely exclusive lock that locks out reads as well as writes. It works fine, AS DEFINED, but has severe limitations on concurrent reads. It's ok for concurrent writes. Unify not checking itself? I think this describes the documented misuse of access/gfield. You request a record by key without checking the return code, then attempt to get data out of the record. The gfield call aborts because there is no record to get data from. You want Unify to check that the record exists at the gfield call and return an error code to you then. You didn't look at the return code after the access. You've got an application bug. poor error recovery? Unify returns error codes for recoverable errors and exit(99)'s on non recoverable errors. We had a similar criticism but learned that non recoverable errors were of two sorts - corrupt database or application program error. Both type errors should disable continuation of a process in a production environment. Unify does define a way to load local error handling routines but they should never return, only exit. Our error handling routines produce a core dump on the way out. underscores in field and record names? A real bug. Supposedly fixed in the latest release. no b-trees on combination fields? Yup, just as defined. A limitation of course. limit of 9 digits in numeric fields? Only on display, using Unify screen utilities. The data is stored as a long and contains valid values. This display limitation is a bother. different calls for reading first record and for reading rest of records? This observation is similar to the observation that Unix defines different calls for opening a file and for reading it. Is this a valid criticism? records stored in random order? I don't understand this point at all. The phrases, "long delays when searching back in time", must refer to a particular function that takes a long time to run. I don't see the connection to record storage strategies. sorting and searching routines don't work? We use some of the sorting and searching routines and have no trouble with them. A simple test program that doesn't work properly demonstrates a bug in Unify or a bug in the application. Seems straightforward to discover the fact of the matter. you claim you've discovered a bug in the Unify record locking implementation? and Unify support wants to see your test program in order to duplicate the problem? so what's the issue? "ha ha, i found a bug but i wont help you fix it cause you don't think there is one." poor support? Sounds more like a personality conflict. I'd prefer support persons who are highly qualified programmers, intimate with the coding details of the system, and anxious to find bugs in the system and correct them, but I'll accept someone who listens to my problem, conveys the problem to the development staff, and follows through with a recommendation to me on how to continue. Our interactions with the Unify support office have been adequate. Are there real problems with Unify? We have been using Unify for several years now in a complicated multi-user application. We have discovered some unusual aspects of Unify but have been relatively happy with the product and the support. In fact Unify provides the best dbms product in the Unix market for our application, by far. We have 150+ record types in our schema, 200Mb of data, and a stringent response time requirement. Other vendor products might be ok for other applications but none I know of can provide this capacity or performance. Robert Speray Benetics Corp