Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!uunet!ig!daemon From: CIMBALA@BIONET-20.ARPA Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: NIH Guide for Grants & Contracts: 29 April 1988 Message-ID: <> Date: 3 May 88 04:22:45 GMT Sender: Lines: 25 From: Michele A. Cimbala Jim Cassett has posted the April 29th issue of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts on the Science-Resources Bboard. It is message number 78. Summary of Contents: * - Resource for the Collection of Tissues and Cells from Donars with Epidemiological Profiles * - Iron Overload / Cooley's Anemia and Other Disorders * - NCI Comprehensive Minority Biomedical Program Centers Minority Enhancement Awards - Dentist Scientist Award - Delevopment and Change in Planning Skills Throughout the Life Span - Improvement in Holding Facilities for HIV-Infectd Chimps A * indicates that the entire text of the announcement is included. The text for the other announcements is available - please message Jim Cassatt or myself if you would like to have it forwarded to you. -------